
Chapter 943 Impending Storm_2


If we were to measure by the true height, that is, the height of the roof, then the buildings in some major cities like Shanghai, Tianjin, and Peng City in a certain major power would actually be taller than Burj Khalifa!

Of course, this includes the building that Yukos Group is planning to build, which will have a rooftop height taller than Burj Khalifa, it's just that the standard height isn't as tall.


Yukos Group plans to construct a skyscraper around six hundred meters (roof height) tall, and when it's completed, it would only be second to Burj Khalifa worldwide, and it would undoubtedly be the tallest building in Europe.

Even within the next ten years or longer, Europe probably won't have a second building that could surpass this height.

Of course, it doesn't rule out the possibility that other companies might build a taller building in Moscow CBD center, especially since the other groups' proposals have not been submitted yet.