
Chapter 314: Dodged a Bullet_1

Even though Xie Liaosha never stepped out of the car, it was already pretty clear through the windows that the Lada had almost been blown to bits!

The bullet holes spread all over the front and rear windshield and the hood of the vehicle!

The security personnel who descended from the vanguard and escort cars ended up removing the doors of the Lada to drag out three limp bodies from inside…

The chaos on the scene had completely died down. The three Mercedes Benz vehicles formed a protective circle around the Lada, their hazard lights flashing.

After ascertaining there was no immediate danger, Xie Liaosha directed a first aid trained security staff member to apply emergency tourniquets to the critically injured team member. The injured member was then lifted onto an undamaged vehicle, and two security personnel were task with rushing him to a prearranged private hospital.

As for Xie Liaosha, he stayed behind to manage the aftermath.