
Becoming a billionaire after breakup

After his girlfriend breakup with him, man got a system

SimmiGirl · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

### Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

The sun was setting over the bustling city, casting a warm orange glow over the rooftops and busy streets. Sadiq sat on the small balcony of his modest apartment, looking out at the cityscape that seemed so full of life and opportunity. He sighed, a mixture of exhaustion and disappointment washing over him. Today had been another difficult day at work, and his thoughts kept drifting to his girlfriend, Aliya.

Sadiq was a young man in his mid-twenties, with short black hair, a lean build, and kind brown eyes that often sparkled with optimism. He worked as a junior accountant at a small firm, a job that paid the bills but offered little in terms of excitement or growth. Despite his modest means, Sadiq was a hard worker, always striving to make a better life for himself and for Aliya. They had been together for three years, and he had dreams of building a future with her.

Aliya, on the other hand, was a vision of beauty and ambition. Her long, dark hair fell in gentle waves around her face, and her eyes were a deep, enchanting shade of green. She worked in marketing at a prestigious firm and had always been the more outgoing and sociable of the two. Sadiq loved her deeply, and he often found himself thinking about the life they could build together.

Tonight, Aliya was out with friends, as she often was these days. Sadiq couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss between them. Their conversations had become shorter, their time together less frequent. He tried to push these thoughts aside, attributing it to the stress of work and everyday life.

As he stood up from the balcony, his phone buzzed with a message. It was from Hamza, his best friend since childhood. Hamza had always been the life of the party, with a charismatic personality and a seemingly endless supply of money. He was the heir to a successful business empire, and his wealth and status often overshadowed Sadiq's humble life. Despite this, they had remained close friends, or so Sadiq believed.

"Hey, man! Let's catch up tonight. Need to talk. - Hamza"

Sadiq smiled slightly at the message. Hamza's invitations usually meant a night of fun and distraction, something Sadiq desperately needed. He quickly replied, agreeing to meet at their favorite café.


The café was a cozy little place nestled in a quiet corner of the city. It was a spot Sadiq and Hamza frequented, a sanctuary from the chaos of their lives. As Sadiq walked in, he spotted Hamza at their usual table, his designer suit and confident demeanor making him stand out among the patrons.

"Sadiq, my man!" Hamza greeted him with a broad smile, standing up to give him a friendly hug. "Long time no see. How's life treating you?"

Sadiq shrugged, taking a seat opposite Hamza. "You know how it is, just work and more work. How about you? Busy as always, I assume."

Hamza chuckled, waving over the waiter. "Always. But that's the life we chose, right? Speaking of which, how are things with Aliya?"

Sadiq hesitated for a moment before replying. "They're... okay, I guess. We've both been busy, so it's been a bit tough lately."

Hamza's expression shifted, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "I see. Well, relationships have their ups and downs. I'm sure things will get better."

The waiter arrived with their drinks, and they spent the next hour catching up, talking about work, life, and everything in between. Despite the light-hearted conversation, Sadiq couldn't shake the feeling that Hamza was holding something back.

Eventually, Hamza leaned in, his tone more serious. "Sadiq, there's something I need to tell you. It's about Aliya."

Sadiq's heart skipped a beat. "What about her?"

Hamza took a deep breath, but the concern on his face looked almost exaggerated, theatrical. "I didn't want to be the one to tell you this, but I think you deserve to know. Aliya and I... we've been seeing each other."

For a moment, Sadiq couldn't process the words. It felt like the ground had been pulled out from under him. "What? How could you... How could she..."

Hamza leaned back, a smug smile spreading across his face. "Come on, Sadiq. Did you really think she would stick around forever? Look at me, look at you. It was only a matter of time."

Sadiq felt a hot rush of anger mixed with overwhelming sadness. "I trusted you, Hamza. I trusted both of you."

Hamza shrugged, clearly indifferent to Sadiq's pain. "Life's tough, buddy. You should've seen this coming."

Without waiting for a response, Sadiq stood up abruptly, his chair scraping against the floor. "I can't believe you. I can't believe either of you."

Hamza's smile only widened as he watched Sadiq walk away. "Don't be too hard on yourself, Sadiq. Some people are just meant to be left behind."


Sadiq wandered the city streets for hours, the vibrant nightlife a stark contrast to the storm raging inside him. He replayed Hamza's words over and over in his mind, each repetition deepening the sense of betrayal and heartbreak. Eventually, he found himself back at his apartment, drained and defeated. As he collapsed onto his bed, his phone buzzed again. This time, it was a message from Aliya.

"We need to talk. Can we meet tomorrow?"

Sadiq stared at the screen, his fingers trembling. He typed a quick reply, agreeing to meet, and then threw the phone aside. Exhausted, he closed his eyes, trying to block out the pain. Little did he know, his life was about to take a turn he could never have imagined.