
Becoming a billionaire after breakup

After his girlfriend breakup with him, man got a system

SimmiGirl · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Aliya's Pov

Aliya stood in front of the mirror, adjusting the hem of her dress. The shimmering fabric clung to her figure, a gift from Hamza during their happier times. She sighed, remembering when everything had seemed perfect. Moving in with Hamza had been a whirlwind of parties, luxurious vacations, and expensive gifts. But now, standing in her reflection, she saw a different person—a woman who had traded love for wealth and found herself emptier than ever.

She had believed Hamza's promises of a grand life filled with endless excitement and opportunities. Yet, the reality was far from the dreams she had been sold. Hamza's charm had waned, replaced by a cold, calculating demeanor. Their relationship had become transactional, with Hamza treating her more like an accessory than a partner.

"Aliya, are you ready?" Hamza's voice echoed from the hallway, impatient as always.

"Just a minute," she replied, forcing a smile onto her face. She knew tonight's gala was important for Hamza's business dealings, and her presence was expected. She was no longer attending as his girlfriend, but more like a prop, a beautiful companion to boost his image.

#### 2

The gala was held in a grand hotel, its ballroom filled with the city's elite. Aliya walked beside Hamza, plastering a smile on her face as she mingled with the guests. As the night progressed, she couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment. The conversations were superficial, the laughter hollow.

Hamza was in his element, charming potential investors and flaunting his wealth. But to Aliya, it was all a façade. She remembered simpler times with Sadiq—times when happiness wasn't measured by the price of a dress or the brand of a watch, but by genuine moments of connection and love.

As she wandered through the ballroom, Aliya overheard snippets of conversation about a new player in the business world. "Have you heard about Sadiq? He's making waves everywhere," someone said.

"Sadiq?" Aliya's heart skipped a beat. Could it be the same Sadiq she had left behind?

"Yeah, he's become insanely wealthy overnight. No one knows how, but he's been buying up properties and throwing these incredible parties. The guy's a mystery."

Aliya felt a pang of curiosity and a twist of something else—regret. How had Sadiq, the man she had dismissed as a "poor bastard," transformed into someone so powerful and successful?

#### 3

Back home, Aliya couldn't stop thinking about Sadiq. She retreated to her room and pulled out her phone, searching for any news about him. Her screen filled with articles and images of Sadiq at various events, looking confident and composed. He had changed so much; the heartbroken man she had left behind was now unrecognizable.

A particular article caught her eye: "From Rags to Riches: The Incredible Rise of Sadiq." She clicked on it, eager to know more.

"Sadiq's journey is nothing short of miraculous," the article began. "Once a struggling young man, he is now a force to be reckoned with in the business world. His wealth is rumored to be limitless, allowing him to buy the finest properties and indulge in the most lavish experiences."

Aliya's mind raced. How had Sadiq acquired such wealth so quickly? She felt a mix of jealousy and intrigue. She remembered the last time she had seen him, broken and defeated. Could he have discovered something—a secret that had turned his life around?

#### 4

The next morning, Aliya woke up with a determination she hadn't felt in a long time. She needed to find out more about Sadiq. There was something behind his sudden rise, and she was determined to uncover it.

She started by reaching out to mutual friends, subtly asking about Sadiq and his new lifestyle. The responses were varied, filled with awe and speculation.

"Sadiq? He's living the high life now," one friend said. "Bought a penthouse, a mansion, and some rare cars. It's like he hit the jackpot."

Another friend mentioned his philanthropic efforts. "He's not just spending on himself. He's funding schools, supporting communities. It's impressive."

Aliya's curiosity grew. She needed to see Sadiq, to confront him and understand how he had managed to turn his life around. There had to be more to the story, something hidden beneath the surface.

#### 5

That evening, Aliya decided to visit one of the upscale bars where the city's elite often gathered. She hoped to bump into someone who could give her more information about Sadiq. She dressed carefully, choosing an elegant black dress that exuded sophistication.

As she entered the bar, she scanned the room, recognizing a few familiar faces. She approached a group of businesspeople engrossed in conversation and introduced herself.

"Aliya, it's been a while!" one of them, a man named Faraz, greeted her warmly. "How have you been?"

"I'm doing well, thank you," Aliya replied. "I've been hearing a lot about Sadiq lately. Do you know much about his story?"

Faraz raised an eyebrow. "Sadiq? Oh, his rise is the talk of the town. No one knows exactly how he did it, but he's got this aura of mystery. Some say he came into a vast inheritance; others think he made some brilliant investments."

Aliya nodded, absorbing the information. "Have you met him recently?"

"Yes, at a few parties. He's quite the host—always surrounded by interesting people. But he's changed, Aliya. He's confident, almost enigmatic. If you're looking to reconnect, you might be in for a surprise."

#### 6

Aliya left the bar with a swirl of emotions. She decided to reach out to Sadiq directly. She hesitated before dialing his number, wondering if he would even answer. After a few rings, she heard his voice.

"Hello, Sadiq," she began, her voice wavering slightly. "It's Aliya."

There was a pause. "Hello, Aliya. How have you been?"

"I've been better," she admitted. "I heard about your success. I just wanted to say congratulations."

"Thank you," Sadiq replied, his tone neutral. "I hope things are well with you."

Aliya took a deep breath. "Sadiq, I made a mistake. Leaving you was the biggest mistake of my life."

Sadiq's response was calm and composed. "Aliya, I've moved on. My life has changed in ways I never imagined. I wish you well, but I can't go back."

"I understand," she said softly. "I just needed to say it."

#### 7

After the call, Aliya felt a mix of emotions—regret, curiosity, and a burning desire to uncover Sadiq's secret. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something extraordinary behind his transformation.

Determined to find out more, Aliya decided to investigate further. She visited the places Sadiq was known to frequent, hoping to gather more information. She spoke to people who had interacted with him, each encounter adding another piece to the puzzle.

One evening, she managed to talk to a young entrepreneur who had attended several of Sadiq's parties. "He's always so composed, so sure of himself," the entrepreneur said. "It's like he knows something we don't. There's definitely more to his story."

#### 8

Aliya's quest for answers became an obsession. She spent hours online, looking for any clues that could explain Sadiq's sudden wealth. She even considered hiring a private investigator but decided against it, fearing it might push Sadiq further away.

Her thoughts often wandered back to the days when they were together—how different life had been then. She remembered Sadiq's kindness, his dreams, and his unwavering belief in a better future. It pained her to realize that she had given up on him just as he was about to achieve everything he had dreamed of.

One night, as she sat alone in her apartment, Aliya made a decision. She would confront Sadiq face-to-face, ask him directly about his transformation. She needed closure, and perhaps, she hoped, a chance to make amends.

She knew where to find him—his penthouse, the symbol of his new life. Gathering her courage, she dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit and headed out. The city lights flickered around her as she made her way to Sadiq's building.

#### 9

When she arrived, the doorman recognized her. "Good evening, Miss Aliya. Are you here to see Mr. Sadiq?"

"Yes, if he's available," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

The doorman made a call, then nodded. "He's expecting you. Please, go right up."

As the elevator ascended, Aliya's heart raced. She didn't know what to expect, but she was determined to find out the truth. When the doors opened, she stepped into Sadiq's penthouse, the epitome of luxury.

Sadiq stood by the window, looking out at the cityscape. He turned as she entered, his expression unreadable. "Aliya," he said, acknowledging her presence.

"Sadiq," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "I needed to see you, to understand how you've changed so much. How did you do it?"