
Become The Villainess in My Classmate Favourite Otome Game

Yvonne is a nerdy girl who's often ostracized by her classmates for being an introvert... suddenly, one night she dies when she was hit by a train on her way home from school. Her tragic and unjust death was noticed by The Goddess of Justice. She was then reincarnated into an otome game that was once mentioned and famous among her classmates. Will her fate change after the action taken by The Goddess justice for her death? •fantasy (female lead) •still ongoing

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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Character Development 1

...."I notice that you're behaving a bit weird dear but... I just want you to know that I don't care what others think as long as the long you have for your late mother can be filled with this hobby. But! if anyone dares to mock my baby, I will kill that person for sure. *tsk..." Said Duke Estalla to me with a warm smile on his wrinkle face.

After chatting a bit more with my dad's, Duke Estella, he gave me a simple condition which was to go check-up my body condition at the infirmary. After I did what he said then he would get me a personal trainer and also personaly request for that person to come and teach me swordmanship exactly today.

'I'm not sure if Duke Estella was just joking or nah... but since I don't want to die miserably again, I'll just do what he asks me to...' I thought deeply in my mind.

Also, knowing that this is one of a golden opportunities for me to get to know my new body... I immediately agreed and excused myself to go to the infirmary before he changes his mind.

I walked down the hallway without any knowledge and direction then I remember I have Zoey and decided to go to the kitchen and ask her to show me way to the infirmary room.

"Hello! Is there anyone in...?" I shouted as I walked into the big kitchen.

"Um... ah!" Zoey's voice was heard.

I quickly went inside and in my point of view I can see she crouches but I can only see her back from here.... I approached her slowly from behind since the noise she makes just now sound a lilttle bit weird.

"What the hell is she doing inside this public area... ergh... I really don't want to bother her but if I don't go and her check up, this will haunt my curiousity for sure... *Sigh...' I thought in my mind as I try but can't stop approaching her.

She then suddenly turned her back, without realising... I quickly covered my eyes with both my palms.

"Arghh... Eh! M-my lady! What are you doing here?" Zoey asked me as I could feel her hands gently trying to move my palms away from my face.

When she removed my palm, I slowly tried to take a peek and open my eyes. I was surprised when I noticed that Zoey's finger was bleeding. My hand naturally reflex and quickly took her index finger and sucked it to stop the bleeding.

"Engg... M-my lady... s-stop..." I heard Zoey begging while holding my shoulder.

"Why did you have to do that... I almost fell in lo- *Cough!" Zoey said as I noticed that the tip of her ear was red.

"I thought you did something in the kitchen huuh... thank god it's not that... *Ehem... anyway, actually I came to ask you to lead me the way to the infirmary room." I said as I look at her.

"What do you mean by what I did... Eh by the way, why don't you just ask the maid around...?" Zoey asked me while giving me her suspicious look.

'It's not like I didn't want to ask them... but they just gave me an uncomfortable look whenever they see me around... maybe because I'm the villain in this world...' I thought in my mind.

"Well... well... am I couldn't help myself but ask you since you are a beauty heh..." I said with a sarcastic smile.

"Excuse me what-... *Sigh enough talking, let me just show you the way there... nothing good coming talking to you anyway..." Zoey said as she walked down the hallway with a red face, I just followed her from behind.

Once we arrived, Zoey quickly excused herself because she said that she had some business to attend to. After she leaves me standing there alone, I then knocked on the door before entering the infirmary.


"It is an honour to have you here, Lady Yvonne Estella... I've been waiting for your arrival since Duke Estella butler inform me that you'll come and have a check up today..." Said a woman with silvery white hair as she put on her doctor's coat.

"Uh... yes... I did come here to have a check up... mind telling me your name?" I asked the woman.

"Pardon my rudeness Lady Yvonne... my name is Dr. Sierra... my lady can just call me Sierra." She answered while giving me a sweet smile.

"Alright S-Sierra. Where should we start first...?" I asked her arkwardly.

"My lady can have a sit first and listen to me when I will read the your old personal information here... if there are any mistakes please do tell me so that I can change the old or wrong data." Sierra explained it to me clearly.

"Alright." I answered.

"Name: Lady Yvonne Estella

Age: 18 years old

Height: 165cm

Magic attribution: Unmature

Allergy: Peanut

Another Health Issues: Unknown

Self-fertility: Immature but fertile..." Sierra read one by one based on the report book about my health.

'So they do know that I have that thing on my body... and my age in this world is 18 years old... base on my age, I still can change my height and figure that's only 165cm. More importantly... I don't have any magic attribution inside this dangerous otome game world... no matter what, I must find my true magic abilities! *Sigh... Looks like there's a lot more to improve I guess...' I thought to myself.

"There's nothing wrong... you can continue with the next session" I said to Sierra confidently.

"For next... I have to ask Lady Yvonne to open my lady's shirt buttons... I need to check your heart rate." Said Sierra to me.

"Alright..." I said then I unbuttoned my shirt.


"Erm... there's something unusual... could you explain to me as to why is your heartbeat a bit faster than usual?" Said Sierra as she look into my perfectly shaped navy blue eyes.

'How could I explain to you that my heart is beating faster since I am looking at your face huh...!' I thought in my mind.

"Uh...U-um... I think it was a side effect of food poisoning that day..." I said try to convince Sierra.

"Alright... I think that's it, my lady may go now." Sirrra said to me while looking at my health report book.

"Don't tell my dad about my heartbeat... thank you doctor..." I approached Sierra then whispered in her ear.

I then gave her a warm smile before leaving the infirmary room. I don't know why Sierra's face looks a bit shocked and red, maybe it's her job to inform Duke Estella anything about me... well... I don't really expect anything from her anyway...

To be continue...