
Become An Extra In My Novel With A System

Hiroshi Sakamoto, a failed novelist, suddenly finds himself trapped in his own novel as Leonhardt Ainsworth, a minor character destined to die early on. With a System Window granting him powers and quests, Leonhardt must defy his fate and survive in a fantasy world populated by various races such as Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs. Faced with unexpected dangers, Leonhardt is determined to change his destiny and become more than just a side character

Yuhi99 · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Preparation for the Tournament

The sun was just beginning to rise over the academy. The morning air was cool, and dew covered the grass in the yard. The atmosphere was calm, with only the sound of a few students' footsteps who woke up early to start training. Leonhardt, who had been awake since early morning, stood by his room window, gazing at the sky that was slowly changing color.

The System Window appeared in front of him as usual every morning. But this time, there was something that made him feel a little more tense.[


Quest: Tournament Preparation

Description: Prepare for the upcoming tournament by practicing your combat magic for 1 hour.

Reward: +2 Intelligence, +2 Agility, 20 Gold Coins Penalty: If not completed, -2 Intelligence, -2 Agility, lose 20 Gold Coins.

Leonhardt stared at the screen with a serious expression. Today's daily quest was not just about physical training like yesterday. This time, he had to prepare his combat magic for the upcoming tournament.

"The penalty is heavier," he mumbled. "If I don't finish this, my stats will decrease."

He felt a different pressure than the previous day. The inter-class tournament was no ordinary event. It was a major event involving real combat, where magical power and combat tactics were tested. Leonhardt had to prepare himself as best as he could if he didn't want to be humiliated.

After getting ready, Leonhardt walked to the academy's training ground. The cool morning air began to warm as the sun rose. The sky was a golden orange, while other students had already started gathering in the field to practice.When he arrived at the training area, Leonhardt saw some students practicing magic. Some of them created fire, wind, and other elements, each trying to improve their skills. Some of them looked very focused, while others seemed to be playing around with their magical powers.

Leonhardt sighed.

"I have to be serious this time too," he whispered to himself.

He took out his magic staff, pointed it forward, and began to concentrate. His goal today was to improve his mastery of Fireball and Mana Shield, two basic spells he had learned. He knew that mastering these techniques perfectly was the key to surviving the tournament.

Leonhardt pointed his staff at a wooden target in front of the field. The air around him began to vibrate as he focused magic at the tip of his staff.

"Fireball!" he shouted.

A small fireball shot from his staff, flying quickly towards the target. When the fireball hit the target, there was a small explosion, and a part of the wood began to burn slowly. Although it was simple, Leonhardt felt that there was still something missing from his power.

He bit his lip. "Not strong enough," he said, sighing. "If it's like this, I won't be able to survive the tournament later."

With renewed determination, he tried again. This time, he gathered more magical energy and concentrated on increasing the power of the Fireball. Every time he cast his spell, the fireball became larger and faster. A louder explosion could be heard as the fireball hit the target, causing the wood to burn more intensely.Some students began to notice Leonhardt from a distance. They talked softly to each other, some admiring his progress, while others felt envious.

"Leonhardt, he's starting to improve rapidly," whispered a student, watching from a distance. "But I still don't think he's a big threat in the tournament later."

Leonhardt didn't pay attention to the conversation. He was too busy with his training. However, deep down, he realized that other students' views of him hadn't changed completely. Some still underestimated him, and that gave him an extra push to train harder.

After an hour of intense training, Leonhardt felt his body starting to tire, but his mind was more focused. The System Window appeared in front of him, displaying the results of today's Daily Quest.


Tournament Preparation Reward: +2 Intelligence, +2 Agility, 20 Gold Coins

"At least I managed to finish this," he mumbled with a small smile.

The increase in stats and Gold Coins gave him a little sense of satisfaction.However, this training was just a small step. He knew that the preparation for the tournament was not over yet. There were still many things he had to hone, especially in terms of combat strategy and magical stamina.

As the afternoon approached, Leonhardt decided to rest by the edge of the field. The cool evening breeze made his mind calmer. Some other students were starting to leave the training area, but a few were still enthusiastically continuing to practice.Sitting down, he watched as another student approached him. It was Rin, one of the students who was quite talented in wind magic.

Rin's face was as cheerful as ever, but there was a seriousness in her eyes.

"Leonhardt, are you participating in the tournament?" Rin asked with enthusiasm.

Leonhardt, who felt quite tired after training, replied in a flat tone.

"Yes," he replied briefly, leaning against the wall.

Rin smiled widely, though Leonhardt replied without enthusiasm.

"Good! I'm sure you can do it. You're stronger than you think."

Leonhardt looked at Rin slightly, with a calm expression.

"Maybe," he replied softly, without showing much emotion. "But I'm not sure I can win."

Rin laughed softly, unaffected by Leonhardt's indifferent attitude.

"Well, at least you're trying. That's what matters."

Leonhardt just shrugged. "Maybe," he said flatly.

He didn't think much about winning, the important thing for him now was to survive and show what he was capable of.

After resting for a while, Leonhardt returned to his dormitory as dusk began to envelop the academy. The atmosphere was calm, with only a few students wandering around the yard. As he walked, he thought about what he had to do next to prepare for the tournament.

"I have to focus more," he mumbled, clenching his fist. "Every day is an opportunity to become stronger."

That night, he opened the System Window again to see if there were any new quests that could help him prepare further. The tournament was getting closer, and he knew that time was running out.