
Because It's You!

Liam Adley just like every other teenager in high school wasn't sure of a whole lot of things, including what he wanted to major in at the University. But one thing he knew for sure, which every other person was aware of, was the fact that he was a Giant Homophobe. He wore it with pride. Until the worse happened and he found himself being drawn to the new introverted very good looking boy who lived across the apartment he was currently residing in. Worse part, the boy didn't like him. The biggest question on his mind now was... WHAT WAS HE GOING TO DO?

ThatAmazingGirl · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
168 Chs

That... I love a boy

Liam did his best to focus on the drama. He was glad that he hadn't made any mistakes yet. Well, he had made a few mistakes and missed a few lines, but his partner was a born actor because he helped Liam cover it flawlessly, so the others didn't notice.

However, he could not stop his eyes from moving past the stage to where Oliver was seated. The two of them had locked eyes a couple of times, and Oliver was the first to look away.

There was some kind of tension he noticed between Simon and Oliver, and was curious to know what happened between them, because one minute they were whispering to each other and the next, they both looked tense. He had also noticed Amanda and how she regularly whispered to him and held his hand.