

It happened again...once again Nicole has come home from school to cry her eyes out into her pillow, she feels as though her heart is being ripped right out of her chest, she can barely breath and she feels stupid for still letting it affect her this much after all this time but it does and there's nothing she can do about that.

Nicole lifts her head from her damp pillow, a little confused after realising she fell asleep while crying, she stands up and finds her way to a mirror where she is met by her own reflection staring back at her, with swollen eyes and a little bit of drool on the side of her mouth, Nicole decides to wash her face in hopes of making her feel alive again and she proceeds to do her homework.

This is her everyday after school routine, she comes home, brawls her eyes out, and does homework...this is her life. When her mother returns home from work she doesn't notice that her daughter has just spent most of her afternoon crying she however does notice that Nicole forgot to do her dishes that day which infuriates her mother causing her to yell and go off on Nicole, on other days she would defend herself but today she lacks that energy and chooses to simply mentally block her mother's words and get started with the dishes.

On days like this when she feels like she has nothing to live for, Nicole's mind drifts into morbid and gruesome fantasies about murdering her entire family and class mates, she scares herself with these types of thoughts but finds it nearly impossible to control them. Nicole likes to believe that she is not capable of committing such heinous acts, but not even Nicole herself is aware of how dangerous she can be.

The sound if her father's car arriving home immediately puts Nicole into an even worse mood. He is the only person in this world that Nicole has these fantasies about without feeling a sense of guilt or remorse after. She just hopes for his sake that he doesn't push her over the edge because Lord knows what this young girl is capable of. He walks in through the front door and she greets him with a low and unwanting tone, her father doesn't reply but she couldn't care less. She watches as her mother asks him if he wants anything to eat and treat this man like a king knowing full well in her heart that he doesn't deserve it however she still continues.

Nicole likes to not think about her life due to the fact that it depresses her so much to do so. Nobody would love to reflect on their lives just to realise that you don't have any friends, you're constantly being bullied, your family sucks and you hate the way you look. Nicole just simply chooses to ignore all of this simply because it's easier to ignore the problem than to face it.