
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
143 Chs

On A Beautiful Spring Morning...(06/03/2019)

It was a fresh spring morning.

The whole ground was covered in the green grass, whose blades were tipped with dews.

The sun was shining through the branches of cherry blossom trees forming the mesh of the sun-rays on the grass, making the dews shine like diamonds.

With every breeze the pink blossom petals would take a whirl in the air and then swaying to the sides; would gently touch the ground.

The whole place was covered with a sweet and soothing fragrance of the lilies.

And then music started playing,

"Are you ready, my dear?" Mia's father asked as he offered his hand to her.

She looked at him, her face showing the rare yet a beautiful mixture of fear, anxiety, happiness and excitement.

Taking a deep breath, she gave him a firm nod and placed her shaking hand in his.

He gave it an assuring squeeze and wrapped it around his arm.

The door got opened and Mia's five year old niece, stepped out first with a little basket filled with petals in it; Charlie wearing a red bow tie accompanying her to her side.

The little girl stepped out and as soon as she did, everyone got up from their seat and turned their heads back.

As she was told, she started spreading the petals on the path with her little hands.

"Aww…." People were saying as she and Charlie were walking with their cute little walks.

"Sis." Jina came in the front in a hurry and handed her the bouquet. "Here! You almost forgot this."

"Thanks!" Mia said quickly as she held it properly in her hands.

As soon as the little girl reached the end, the song which was having the melody so far got its words. The singer sitting along with the band started singing the slow and soothing song.

Mia's grip on her father's arm tightened.

He tapped on it, trying to give strength.

And she stepped out.

Everyone was already looking in her direction, expecting only to see her.

As soon as she stepped out in the morning sun, everyone just couldn't help but gasp. That's how beautiful she was looking.

She was wearing a gorgeous white dress with the long veil dragging on the ground behind.




A mixture of different sounds of reactions was spread in the air.

But the only reaction she wanted to see was his.

She looked up towards him.

He was standing there in the front.

Her future husband.

Her love of life.

Her everything!

He was surely stunned to see her being so beautiful.

His thumb was nervously rubbing his hands; he was biting his lips slightly as his nose started to turn red and the tears started welling up in his eyes.

He was really overwhelmed to see her walking down that path, crossing their friends and family who were standing on the both sides.

Looking at his face, she also got overwhelmed.

She was smiling since she had kept her feet out from the door but when their eyes met she was smiling even wider and brighter; yet her eyes had got misty seeing his tearful ones.

He also smiled at her, trying his best to keep those tears in.

The guy standing behind him, patted on his back.

He looked back and gave his friend a nod.

Mia's father escorted her till the end and when they reached in the front, she turned to him to give him a hug.

He hugged her daughter as he whispered in her ears, "Be happy my dear. Now go get him!"

She laughed a little on those words as he gave her a kiss on her cheek.

Then he took her and stepped towards the guy who was standing in the front.

The guy came forward and gave a brief hug to Mia's father.

Father placed her hand in his with a smile and walked away from them.

He took her other hand too and then made her stand before him.

Now both of them were standing together with the priest in front of their loved ones.

The priest told everyone to be seated.

Then he started talking, "Dearly beloved, we all are gathered here, on this beautiful spring morning to witness these two getting tied together with the strongest force on the earth, Love!"

Since Mia and he had got hold of each other's hands, they had completely forgotten about the people, their surroundings or everything else.

The only thing they could see was each other.

Looking into her eyes he mouthed, "I Love you…."

She smiled and said it back.

Now it was the time for vows which both of them had prepared for each other.

The priest told Mia to go first.

She looked back towards the seats where both of her parents were sitting; holding each other's hands, looking at their daughter proudly with the misty eyes.

She took a deep breath and looked at him,


He squeezed her hands a little.

"We've been together for a very very long time. Almost two decades now!

And since the day one, you have been the most special person to me.

I know, I literally pushed myself onto you saying the same thing all the time since the beginning that, you are my best friend, but you know what? You were always a lot more than that.

You used to act cold towards me but I always knew that I was the one about whom you cared the most.

You used to look after me all the time and I used to feel very lucky to have a best friend like you.

But today, I feel I am the luckiest! Because now I will have you as my life-partner, rather my everything!

I know I get stubborn sometimes, get stresses over the work or even get mad for minor issues but seeing you there, always standing with me, calm me down. Always.

Just you being there is enough for me.

Till today, the best day of my life was when I realized I was in love with you but now just the thought of being with you for the whole life makes this day the most special one.

I promise to keep you happy just as much as you've kept me!"

He smiled at her meaningfully.

"Awww!" The people exclaimed.

"And yeah," Mia continued, "…one more thing, I have been taking the cooking lessons from my mom for months now so I hope I have gotten better. Isn't that right, mom?" she looked behind at her mother.

"Still a long way to go my dear!" Her mother said out loud on which everyone laughed along with Mia.

"I will do my best!" She told everyone, being confident in herself.

Then she looked back at him, who was admiring her the whole time.

"I can't wait to spend my whole life with you, Juna. I love you and I will always keep loving you….." And with those words her vows came to an end.

The priest nodded and looked at Jun for his vows.

Jun cleared his throat a little and took a breath before starting,

"Wow!" He said.

"Mia…First of all, you look really very beautiful today…." His eyes were wandering over her face.

"I mean, I knew you'd look beautiful….But this just…Gorgeous!" His excited voice made her laugh along with the other people around.

"Mia…you said that we've been together for a very long time but when I'm with you, I just lose the track of the time. These past 20 years were so beautiful just because you were in there with me.

You said, you pushed yourself onto me saying that I was your best friend. But to tell you the truth, though I was acting that I was annoyed with it, those words were the most meaningful ones. 'Cause they were filled with love!"

Mia could feel as her heart was filling with Jun's words, her eyes had started filling with the joyful tears.

"I've been cold towards you but you never stopped loving me and that's when I saw myself falling in love with you deeper and deeper.

Not just my childhood, but even with my career, when I was struggling, you were there, standing behind me firmly, supporting and giving me strength every single day.

I love you so much, Mia.

I love everything about you!

Your morning hair, your habit of blinking weirdly when you are lying, the amount of coffee you drink when you have too much work load, the way you always keep losing one of your socks, the way you try to cook a meal for me all the time though you know you are not so good at it…..Everything! Just every single thing about you makes me fall in love with you all over again."

She smiled but a tear slipped from her eyes.

"I know I've never said this before, but I am the luckiest guy to have a girl like you in his life.

I promise to be there for you, to stay with you in your ups and downs and even in your mood swings." He said jokingly on which everyone laughed again.

"I'm sure my future is going to be beautiful with you being by my side.

And I promise to be yours, till the end.

I love you."

And he concluded his vows.

The priest nodded with a smile and looked at the ring bearer.

"Exchange the rings now." He said.

The guy standing behind Jun came in the front with both of the rings in his hands.

He smiled widely at the couple before saying, "Don't forget me. I'm like the cupid in this story!"

Both Mia and Jun laughed.

"Thanks Ray!" Mia said, "Without you, this wouldn't be happening."

"Oh come on! Don't give me all the credit! If you wanna give, give me the biggest slice of the cake!" He joked again and everyone laughed.

Mia and Jun took the rings in their hands.

"You two look perfect!" Ray whispered before going back to his place.

Mia and Jun looked each other and exchanged the rings.

Everyone started clapping.

"Now, you may kiss the bride." The priest said.

Jun leaned forward and kissed Mia softly.

Everyone was now clapping and cheering for them.

Both of them looked at each other.

Their eyes telling the same thing to each other all over again, 'I love you….'


My dears ones....Here we all are, together as this story has come to an end.

I can't describe what I'm feeling right now. Sad because all this is ending but also happy to have got such huge and awesome response to this novel since the beginning.

And to present you all with a happy ending, makes this moment even more happier!

I know I took a long time to complete this, but you guys stayed will me all along. For the last two years, you were there for me, waiting patiently and that's the force which pushed me to write further.

I hope this story gave you some happy times and reminded you of your sweet and sour first love.

This was my first ever novel and you guys are my first ever readers! That's why it's very special to me and the closest to my heart!

I will always be thankful to you all. Love you all. You are my sweeties! XOXO

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