
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · perkotaan
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143 Chs

"My Mia...."

"Okay, Mia! I'm off to go." Yuna waved at her from the door of the café.

Mia smiled from the counter as she was cleaning up.

"Huhhh….There we go!" She wiped the sweat from her forehead as she put down the napkin.

It was a Saturday night. Mia was doing overtime at the café she was working. The customers were all out and it was the closing time. It was her duty today to clean and lock all the doors.

Putting all the things back at their places, she went towards her locker to change.

As she came out after changing, she took the keys in her hands, looked around to see if she had forgotten anything.

Checking the options of the 'to do list' in her mind, she went towards the switch board 'Okay….Everything is done….' She thought while turning off all the lights. She had already locked the back door and kitchen door. So now only the front door was remaining.

She walked towards the door. Pulling the door behind her, she stepped outside. "Wooho! It's cold today!" She said to herself as she inserted the key in the keyhole.

Suddenly, "Ring~ Ring~...Ring~ Ring~….." Her phone started ringing.

"Huh? Who's calling at this hour?" She said to herself as she locked the door and put the keys in her bag.

Then hurriedly taking out the phone from her pocket she looked at the screen; looking at Jun's name blinking on the screen, a little frown got formed on her forehead. 'Jun?'

And as she was about to pick up; it stopped ringing.

'Huh?....Maybe he dialed my number by mistake….He would never call me otherwise….' Mia thought to herself.

For the past last month, she was the one who had called him every week just to know if he's doing fine. And as he had promised, he had picked up all those calls.

But he had never called her on his own, nor had come to meet her at the hostel from that day.

Though, they had seen each other at the café when he had been there with his friends, and even talked briefly for a couple of times, about their order, she hadn't forced him to start a conversation.

Both of them were acting like two people, knowing each other, that's it! Not more than that.

But Mia was happy with it, as it was way better than the earlier.

Thinking that Jun must have called her by mistake, Mia's hand went to her pockets to put the phone back.

But then, "Ring~ Ring~"

It started ringing again. She looked at the phone. It was Jun!

"He wouldn't do it twice…" Mia said to herself and picked up the call.

"Hello?" Mia said being uncertain.

"….." Jun wasn't talking but she could hear a lot of chaos in the back.

"Hello? Jun?" Mia spoke again.

"….Huhhhh….." A sound of letting out the breath came from the other side.

Confused by all this, Mia again called his name, "Jun? Is that you?"

Then suddenly, "Miaaaa!!!!" Jun's voice came from the other side, which was calling for her name. "My Miaaaaa!!!!" He called again, his voice being a little squeaky.

"Huh? Jun? Is that really you? What's wrong with your voice?" She asked.

"….." But no answer came and the chaos in the back became louder.

Mia closed her other ear with her finger and tried to hear Jun's voice.

"Hello? Hello?" She said.

"…..Miaa!!!" Again Jun's squeaky voice came. "Where are you Miaaa?" He asked and then suddenly, "Shut up you guys. I can't hear my Mia's voice…" He shouted at someone.

'Huh? What's wrong with him?' Mia thought.

"…I….I'm at the café." She said. "I just closed it."

"….Oh! At the café." Jun repeated. "Listen you guys~ Mia is at the café. My Mia has grown up sooooo much, she works at café; she goes to college….You know, I'm very proud of her…."

Like that he was talking with someone else on the other side of the phone.

"Jun? Jun?" Mia called him so he'd remember that he is still talking with her on the phone.

"Huh?....Yaa….Miaaaa…." He came on the phone again. "You know what? I was just talking about you with my friends….Hehehe….."

'I could hear you idiot….' Mia thought. 'What on earth is happening there?'

"Hello? Jun? What's going on there? Where are you right now?" Mia asked as she was getting a little worried by Jun's weird behavior.

"….." No one talked and then she heard some sounds and then someone else came onto the phone.

"Hello?" The voice was a little clear than Jun's.

"…Umm…Hello?" Mia said.

"Is this Mia?" The guy asked from the other side.

"Y-es….Who is it? And where is Jun?"

"Hello Mia, this is Mu Yeol. Jun's friend."


"Actually, we're at a bar right now. And Jun had drunk a lot. The other two are also drunk. Can you please come here? I would appreciate a little help."

"Huh?....Y-Yeah…Yeah…..I'll be there. I'll be there…." She said as she started walking fast, "But wait! Where are you right now?"

"We're at the Moon restaurant and bar. It's on the east street. One block up to the Global mall." Mu Yeol gave the précised address.

Repeating it in her mind, Mia said hurriedly, "Yeah. Yeah. I'll be there in 10 minutes." And hanging up on the phone, she ran towards the road.

Stretching a hand, she stopped a cab.

"Moon Restaurant please." She said getting in.

The driver nodded and the wheels of the cab turned right towards the East Street.


It was 11:35 p.m. on the clock.

The whole bar area of the Moon restaurant was packed and chaotic.

The unbearable smell of the alcohol and the smoke of the barbeque stall beside it had filled the whole room.

At every table, a whole different story was there.

These four guys were sitting on a corner table.

Chan woo was sitting before Jun, his face resting on his palms and his eyes half closed.

Dae Won was sitting beside Jun, holding a chopstick, which he was banging on the empty glass like playing an instrument.

Jun was sitting right in the corner, holding a bottle which he had just emptied in his stomach. Then suddenly he stood up from his seat and held the bottle up high.

"Now I'm gonna sing for you guys!!!" He yelled on which, Chan woo and Dae Won clapped for him along with some of the other drunken people of the next tables.

'Oh god! Now he's gonna sing! How long I have to bear with these three?....' Mu Yeol thought to himself as he was sitting on the outer edge of the seat beside Chan Woo.

Holding his fore head with his hands, he rubbed it a little, 'These guys are just a bunch of crackheads!' and he took the last sip of alcohol from his glass.

"Oh Baby~~~ Why did you go~~ Why did you leave me alone~~ Don't go~~~ Don't gooo~~~"

Jun had started singing; Dae won had started playing the glasses in front of him like drums and Chan woo was about to stand up in his seat to dance, when Mu Yeol saw Jun's phone vibrating on the table.

Looking at Mia's name on the screen, he quickly took the phone in his hand and walked a little away from all this chaos.

"Hello?" He said as he plugged his other ear with his finger and tried listening to Mia's voice.


"Yeah. Mia, this is Mu Yeol. Where are you right now?"

"I am standing in front of the Moon restaurant. Where are you all?"

"We're on the first floor. But wait, I'll come down to get you. So stay there."

"…Yeah. Okay…."

He hung up on the phone and looked behind at their table.

Now, Chan Woo was standing up, waving his hands in the air, Dae Won was busy playing the glasses, Jun was singing with all his heart and some of the people of the next tables had been added in the crowd, clapping with the beats.

Sighing to the scene before him, Mu Yeol tightened his grip onto Jun's phone and hurriedly walked towards the stairs.


"Mia?" Mu Yeol called as he saw a girl standing on the footpath, rubbing her hands together in the cold.

She turned and walked towards him. Before he could say anything, she asked, "Where is Jun? Is he okay?"

"…Yeah. He is fine…" Mu Yeol said, "He just drank a lot…."

"…." Mia's eyes were filled with worry, which Mu Yeol had noticed right away.

Without spending much time, he said, "Let's go to them."

"Hm." Mia nodded as she started following him towards the hotel door.

He opened the door and let her in first.

"Does he always behave like this when he drinks?" Mia asked as Mu Yeol got in.

"…Umm….Actually it's his first time!"


"Yeah…He never drinks whenever we come out to drink. But today was a special occasion…." Saying that he stopped talking.

"….Special occasion? What is that?" Mia asked as she couldn't understand why he abruptly stopped.

"….Umm….I shouldn't be telling you this because he wanted to tell you this on his own….But….."

"….What is it?" Her frowns became more crowded showing her concern towards Jun.

"Oh! Don't worry…" Mu Yeol tried to clear. "It's nothing to worry about. It's good news actually. But I just think that he should be the one telling you that…."

Saying that, he turned left and showed her the way towards the staircase.

Climbing up, he talked further, "….Dae Won, Chan Woo and I live in the same dorm and Jun's dorm is a little away from ours…..So I really needed someone's help to get them there…"

Mia was hurriedly following him upstairs, listening to his words.

"….And as he called you, I thought you might help us…." He said.

And they reached the first floor.

Mu Yeol stopped for a second before opening the door before him.

A cloud of pungent air rushed out from there and he stepped inside, Mia walking right behind him.

"Didn't you drink?" Mia asked to him.

He looked back with a smirk, "I did. But not as much as them. You just come and have a look at this."

As they were walking through the tables, Mia could see a little crowd gathered around a table in the corner, right in the direction they were heading.

"By the way…" Mu Yeol said as they were getting closer to the corner table. "Since he has drunk, he's been talking about you and only you!"

"Huh!?" Mia' s eyes got wide open in surprise.

"Yes! Mia did this….Mia did that…Mia…Mia….Mia!"


"He might give quite a reaction when he sees you. So don't get startled."


"Okay then." Saying this, he pierced into the crowd which was gathered around the table, making a way for her.

Turning his head towards Mia, he signaled her to come inside.

She quickly stepped inside and the next second, she was standing right in front of the crowd, behind Mu Yeol.

"Ohh~~ Stay with me~~…..Yay Yay Yay…WooooOooo~~ " Jun ended his song and opened his eyes, which were shut closed while he was singing.

The people, who had gathered around, started clapping along with Chan Woo and Dae Won.



"Very good!!"

The praises and cheering started coming out from their mouths as Jun bowed down like he just had ended a performance.

"Thank you~~ Thank you everyone~" He bowed couple of times.

"Okay….Okay…" Mu Yeol came in the middle. "That is enough now….The show has ended…." He said trying to send everyone back to their seats. "The show has ended….Please go back to your tables now….Uncle….Your table is right there….Grandpa, that's my glass!"

With a little disappointed tone, the crowd dispersed.

While, Chan Woo, Dae Won and Jun all were sitting down on their seats.

Dae won had kept his head down on the table, Chan Woo's eyes were closed while he was smiling sheepishly and Jun was trying to pour more alcohol in his glass from the empty bottle in his hand.

He looked inside the bottle with one eye open and then again turned it upside down to see if anything's left.

"It's empty….It's empty…" He said to himself.

"Yes! That's empty Jun. Because you drank everything from it." Mu Yeol said.

"I want more…" Jun said as he stretched his arm handing Mu Yeol the empty bottle.

"That's enough, Jun!" Mu Yeol said.

"Why?" Jun whined like a baby.

"That is enough for today. We have celebrated a lot."

"….." Jun pouted.

"But have you seen who's here?" Mu Yeol asked changing the topic.

Jun, along with the other two looked up, with their half-closed eyes.

Mia slowly came forward from behind Mu Yeol.

Jun stretched open his eyes to see, as he couldn't see anything clear.

"Jun?" Mia gently called his name, which made Jun's eyes shut open wide.

"Mia?" He rubbed his eyes, in disbelief.

"Yes. It's me." She said.

"Mia?....Mia!!! It's Mia!!" He exclaimed as he got a little clear image of her.


Without any time to spend, he hurriedly rushed towards her. While coming out from the corner, he literally walked over Dae Won.

"Aaa!" He yelled a little in pain, but Jun didn't stop and still came out from there.

Standing before Mia, he stopped for a second. Staring at her from head to toe, he stretched his eyes even more.

As his eyes came to her face, they stopped and a wide smile got spread on his face.

The smile for which Mia was ready to give anything.

'Oh Junaa!!! It's been ages…..It has been ages since I've seen you smile at me like that….' The sudden rush of emotions, made her eyes well up. '…He smiled me!!!'

"Miaa…." Jun whispered to himself. "Mia is here!" He exclaimed happily and the next instant, he pulled her by her wrist, right into his arms.

She was caught gently in his embrace.

Holding her to his chest, he buried his face into her shoulders. "Miaa…..My Mia…." He was talking to himself in a whisper, but Mia could clearly hear those words right into her ear.

"My Mia…." He said again.

The tears which had welled up in her eyes couldn't stop themselves anymore.

And they started streaming down her pink tinted cheeks.


How is it my dear ones?

I hope you enjoy this story....though it is slow, I'll give you the best of me....

dokooocreators' thoughts