

Mr. Kim:- Mr. Bunny, may I continue?? (fake smiling at jungkook who nodded at him and)

Jungkook:- Sure Mr. Kim you can proceed.

Mr. Kim:- Okay. Hello, Romanos'. My name is Kim Soo Hyun. I am the director of Kim and the father of my handsome sons and beautiful daughter. (smiles at them)

Mrs. Kim:- Hello Romanos'. My name is Kim Ye-ji. I am a director as well and the mother of this good manner and adorable children of mine. (warm smiles at her children)

Jin:- Hey guys. My name is Kim Seokjin. World Wide Handsome you know (winked at Romanos') I am one of the CEOs of Kim and I am 28 years old which makes me the oldest among these crackheads and my World Wide Beautiful sister. (winks at me). By the way, you can call me Jin. (gentle smile)

Suga:- Hey guys. My name is Min Yoongi and I am 27 years old. I am also one of the CEOs of Kim. I am the second eldest among these lil devils and my baby sister. (smiles at Bhuvi and said with a cold tone) You can me Suga or Yoongi.

Hoba:- Hey guys. My name is Dr. Jung Hoseok. You can call me J Hope or Hobi. I am chairman of my most of the hospitals here and two in New York. I am 25 years old and the third eldest among them. Nice to meet you all (Sunshine smile)

Bhuvi:- Hello guys. My name is Min Bhuvi (she noticed her bios were hurt). I am also one of the CEOs and CFO with Jimin and Hoba. I am 25 years and the fourth eldest among us. (Dimple smile) You can call me Bhuvi.

Namjoon:- Hello Guys. My name is Kim Namjoon. I am the CFO of Jin Hyung. I am 25 years old and the fifth eldest. I am the last one in the hyung line. (with his dimple smile.)

Jimin:- Hii guys. My name is Park Jimin. I am one of the CEOs of Kim. I am 22 years old and the soulmate of my brother. I am the oldest of these two. (pointing at taehyung and Jungkook) You can call me Jimin (eye smile)

Taehyung:- Hi guys. My name is Kim Taehyung I am-I am a Good boy. I am 22 years old and the soulmate of my brother. I am a year older than this guy (pointed at jungkook while pouting) I am CFO with Suga Hyung. You can call me Taehyung itself. (Boxy smile)

Jungkook:- Hii guys. My name is Jeon Jungkook. I am 21 years old and the youngest among my giant brothers and my beautiful Nonna. you can call me Jungkook itself. (with his Bunny smile) I am a University student and also getting trained by Nonna.

With this everyone started having their lunch and started to chat as Alessio said

Alessio:- To be honest, You guys are literally very talented. You guys have amazing voices and your dancing skills are impressive. I already love you guys. (Romanos' looked at him with shock and he looked at his family) What? I just complimented them.

Stephen:- You rarely speak with new people and now... (still in shock)

Alessio:- Yes I rarely talk with new people and I am an introvert. But I also talk with new people who are real, not fake like some people. And Kim's siblings deserve what I said, I really appreciate them even in their tight schedules they practiced and performed so well. And I loved their vocals and rap and music I have no words. (Smiles at them)

Stephen:- True tho. You guys are literally very talented. I loved that Mic Drop and Blue and Grey songs. Even though I don't know Korean but I was able to understand the emotions. And this mic drop was like damnnnnn. slayyyyyy boys. (widely smiling at BTS)

Joonie:- Mic Drop was written by Our savage cat who is suga hyung, Our Sunshine who is Hobi Hyung, and Me. Choreography is done by Our strict dance teachers Hobi hyung and Bhuvi. Mostly Hobi hyung is very scary when he is choreographing than Bhuvi. wah, I still get goosebumps. Blue and Grey were mostly written by Our Winterbear who is Taehyung.

Jimin:- Most of our songs' music producer is our Savage and Grumpy cat who is Suga hyung. He is an amazing writer and music producer. Among the Rap line, Suga hyung is the fastest rapper. He acts like he doesn't care about us but he is a softie cat when he is with Nonna, Jin hyung, or Hobi hyung. He- (was about to continue but our savage cat became a shy cat 😂😂)

Suga:- HAJIMAAA!! (100% annoyed and shy) Before I let jin hyung use his tongue technology on you Jimin. (with his fakest grin)

Jimin:- I can tolerate your Tongue technology but not Jin hyung. I will lose all my flirting skills while processing what he said. (annoyed face)

Jimin noticed Romanos' brothers became protective as their sister was sitting near jimin. They thought He will flirt with her.

Jimin:- Guys, Don't worry I won't flirt with your sister. She looks like an innocent soul. I won't mess with innocent souls. I only flirt when I am bored or when a girl flirts with me first. When I am bored I flirt with Nonna. (winks at bhuvi. meanwhile, Romanos' was beyond speechless and the boys became even more protective)

Bhuvi:- Yes. After all, I am your flirting partner (starts laughing until she realizes) wait, so you are telling me that I am not an innocent soul?? (glaring at jimin)

At this point, both kims and Romanos were looking at Jimin and Bhuvi. Jimin gave a mischievous smirk and nodded. Bhuvi yelled at him.


Bhuvi was chasing jimin everywhere inside the dining table and dining hall. Kims and Romanos were enjoying this Tom and Jerry fight and were laughing. Jimin was yelling at Bhuvi to stop chasing but bhuvi was fast enough and caught him. They both fell as the floor was slippery and both of them "AHHHHH" screamed together which got everyone's attention. Everyone was like are you guys freaking serious Because they both were laughing while cuddling. Taehyung and Namjoon aka soulmates of Jimin and Bhuvi separated and were super jealous. Jimin and Bhuvi looked at their soulmates and then looked at each other and started even harder and kneed down and banged their hand on the floor while laughing. Everyone was looking at them and chuckled at their silliness.

After a while:-

They were done with chatting and lunch. Romanos and Kim's couples went shopping and roaming. Kim's siblings couldn't come as they had some other plans and were planning for a month. At the end of the day they all went to their respective rooms and slept.