
-Beauty is the Beast-

... I can only say one thing about this story. It's that the female lead is very op... too op.

Demo_NESS · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

-Chapter 3-


●Nevermind what I said earlier. Anyways, can you tell me what the heck is going on here? I'm so confused. I'm dead now right?●

[Yes, the girl is dead.]

●Ah... I knew it.●

[After the soul left the body, the girl is brought here by me by the orders of the superiors.]

[You may not believe this but what you humans create for either entertainment or knowledge has birthed to a new life and it is called a core. And it is also the birth of the most famous Gods and Goddesses in the world.]

[The Goddess of creation created thousands of worlds in thanks and appreciation of being created (one world every anniversary). Created based on the popular novels in the internet. These worlds are created in a different dimension, every door is a different portal that leads to that world.]

[May it be a fantasy novel, a romance novel, a cultivation novel etc. It has its own world.]

●Oh wow. Thats amaizing! I cant imagine listening to this happening if I was back and still alive. But know that I hear it from a system... ha. I'm too shocked to say anything.●

[Amazing as it is, something bad happened.]

●Oh no! what happened?!●

[This year we had another anniversary celebration. Something unexpected happened. Each worlds created has a core, which is where they originated from (it is like their life force). One of the worlds the Goddess created was very peculiar and different.]

[This world has attained a mind of its own, human emotions and became aware that it is different than the rest. It was something no one expected but overlooked at the same time because it was harmless.]

●And so what happened after that is this world that they thought is this cute and harmless core is actually a harbinger of doom! It roams around the worlds and destroy everything in its way!!!●

[Girl... that is completely the opposite of what I'm going to tell. But that is a wonderful imagination you got.]

●Why thank you!●


[The core is always very curious and always floats around humans, it is like a child that has first seen the world. But this time however the core suddenly disappeared without a trace. The Goddess felt this disturbance on the time of the celebration, and directly went there to check.]

[Her suspicion was correct as she felt that the core of that world was missing.]

●Will something bad happen if the core is gone/lost?●


[The core is where a world originates from. The core is free to move anywhere. It can go to other worlds as well but can never leave outside the dimension where the doors (of each world) were created.]

[And if they did then that world will collapse. That world will disappear and cease to exist and so are the living creatures in it. That world needs to be close to its core in order to exist.]

The scenes changed so suddenly from black to white that I had to close my eyes for a while. When I opened my eyes again I was in a big room. There was a huge mirror in front of me, and I am standing on a circular platform. I turned around and saw different kinds of clothes, shoes accessories and more in a huge hallway.