
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasi
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45 Chs

System, What System

Kevin thought that, he could finally ask the female the questions that had been bugging him.

After he moved the large bolder and walked in, he saw the female laying down motionlessly on the animal skin blanket.

he would have thought it wasn't her who was moving around earlier, but, with how awkward and stiff she was, he knew otherwise.

Kevin walk to her without saying anything, and just looked at her face.

She had a round and fair face, a small pale lips, long lashes and a thin sharp brow. She was so cute and adorable, what caught his attention the most was her soft cheeks, he wanted to just squeeze it, but held himself back.

On her delicate white forehead was a gash, to Kevin that kind of injury was nothing. But looking at it on the female's face made him frown.

He didn't know why but he hated the sight of this little female being injured.

Kevin bent down and licked the wound on her forehead. The saliva of beast men could help heal injuries fast, so he licked it, hoping that the injury would heal and he would not have to look at the female with such an injury on her forehead.

After he was done licking it he stood up, turned around, and transformed into his beast form, and was about to leave the cave.

Kevin was going to hunt for the female, he knew that she hadn't eaten anything all day, and looking at how small she was, just made him feel uncomfortable.

But as soon as he transformed, he heard a low gasp and turned around just to find the female looking at him with wide eyes and an open mouth, as if she was shocked by his appearance, he thought for a while before speaking to her "I will be going to hunt so don't leave the cave till I return" just as he finished with his sentence, he saw the female's eye roll back and she collapsed.

He quickly rushed over to see if she got injured, he was glad that she fell on the animal skin blanket, and didn't get an additional injury.

he was sure that the fall would have been really painful. Not knowing if this would cause any other problems, Kevin carefully layed her properly on the blanket and rushed to the witch doctor's cave.

When he got there he quickly grabbed the witch doctor and took him back to his cave.

Vince was a bit annoyed, this was the second time Kevin was interrupting his rest.

For the past 2 days, Vince was monitoring the condition of a pregnant female and was unable to rest the entire time, so he was pissed off by Kevin when he had interrupted his rest twice.

It was only when Kevin told him what had happened to the female that his anger subsided.

Still a little angry, Vince quickly started checking on the female. He didn't want to say anything about how Kevin dragged him over, and just did his job in order to get his long awaited rest.

After he had checked the female's breath and heartbeat regulation, he concluded "she's fine, you must have startled her that's why she fainted, she still needs a little more time to recover and when she does, I would need you to prepare some herbs to feed her. Also you need to give her more food. she is way too slim for a female, this might cause her damage in the future, especially if she plans on finding mates".

He wanted to say more but for the sake of his sleep he ended his lectures there.

Vince also told Kevin the kinds of medical herbs that the female had to take, and he told him how to prepare those herbs before leaving.

Kevin went out of the cave to look for the herbs, he had completely forgotten to close the entrance to the cave and just left.

Before he came back the sun had long risen.

Kevin was on his way to his cave, but before he could reach it he saw a small figure on the floor crawling towards the end of the hill.

Kevin built his cave on a small hill, that was a little far from the tribe and that small figure was about to fall down the hill.

Startled he dropped what he was holding and rushed forward.

Glad that he was able to reach the female in time, Kevin caught her and turned her to face him.

Could she not see where she was going, she would have gotten herself seriously injured, or even worst, she would have died.

What was wrong with this female?

Kevin did not know when he started caring too much about this little female, but he wanted to protect her, even if that meant yelling at her.

But after turning her around and looking at her innocent small face he could not find it in himself to scold her harshly, but he also needed to warn her, or she might try to do this again.

But before he could speak the female in his arms went limp, she had collapsed.

Kevin was truly speechless and didn't know what to do, he just realized that every time this female saw his face, she would faint, was it that his face was so unbearable to look at?

When Vince told him that he had scared the female, he hadn't thought that he had scared her with his face.

Kevin carried her back to the cave, dip down, he was sulking.

He found it rather unsettling that the first female he payed attention to found his face scary.

Kevin entered the cave and slowly laid her on the beast skin blanket, he looked at her for a while before he turned around to leave.

This time he didn't forget to close the cave, only leaving enough space for light to go through. Kevin was a little scared of leaving this female alone with the door open, afraid that when he gets back he would find her dead body down the hill.

Kevin was going to find the witch doctor to check on the female, he was afraid that the fall from yesterday had seriously damaged her small head.

Kevin had not gone too far when Hao Shen opened his eyes. Hao Shen had not really fainted.

His body had just lost all energy, it felt like someone removed his battery or switched him off.

He could not control any part of his body, even his eyelids felt very heavy and his mind was blurry, but even with all this, he could still fill and hear everything happening around him.

It was not until a while had passed that he could finally open his eyes, the rest of his body was still immobile. It felt like something was draining his energy.

His head started buzzing, he was feeling so much pain, that he was wondering how he was still conscious.

The pain was coming from his head and was quickly spreading to the rest of his body .

After about 3 minutes of intense pain, and Hao Shen was about to go unconscious, that the unbearable pain suddenly stopped, he didn't fill that intense pain any more and the feeling of something sucking out his energy wasn't their anymore.

He tried to raise his hand, it was very heavy, After a while of struggling, he was finally able to raise his hand. He instinctively wanted to touch the injury on his head, but when he touched it, he could no longer fill his injury, even a scar could not be found

Hao Shen was still inspecting his forehead when he heard a loud ding. The sound was directly coming from his own head, what followed it was a cold mechanical voice.


System download at 50%.

Unable to finish absolving energy.

Scanning for near by energy source.

Scanning complete.

No energy source found.

System warning: continues use of system may cause damage to the host, we advice that you finish the system download.


Welcome to the beast world

Mission: save the beast world from extinction. 

Mission progress: 0 / 1000

Mission rewards: you can choose to stay in this world, move to the next world or go back to previous world.

Side quests: none

Any further questions: ask the system guide.

Please tap the system guide button.


System, what what system, what's going on here Hao Shen was confused at the sudden information he received from the mechanical voice.

An illusory screen popped up in front of him, where the word 'GUIDE' was boldly written.

Hao Shen was confused, and needed answers, so he had no choice but to tap on the GUIDE button.

But the only reply he got was.

Sorry. System guide unavailable, please complete the system download.

Hao Shen was dumbstruck, he tapped it a few more times, and the same mechanical reply popped up every single time.

Sorry. System guide unavailable, please complete the system download.