
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasi
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45 Chs

New World

Hao Shen woke up, he was having a serious headache. He reached out his hands to touch the place that was hurting the most, their was a gash on his forehead.

It had stopped bleeding sometime ago but it was still very painful. Hao Shen wanted to open his eyes, but felt that the sun was particularly bright.

He reached out one of his hands to block the sun from hitting his face and used his other hand to lift himself off the wet floor.

It was then he noticed that the cold cemented floor he was use to was covered with grasses, he force his eyes to open and when it did he saw that he was surrounded by tall grasses.

Hao Shen forced himself to stand up.

He looked around. It seems as though he was in a field of wild flowers and a little bit farther away from the flowers field, there were tall trees and mountains.

He didn't know where he was at the moment and he didn't know how he got there. He now wished he had a phone so that he could check the map or at least call someone for help.

Hao Shen looked around for a bit more, then decided on a part and started walking. Even if he didn't know where he was, Hao Shen was sure that if he kept walking he might either find someone that he could ask for help, or he might run back into town.

Hao Shen had walked a long distance, he had passed the flower fields, passed the tall trees field and was currently at a grassy field, the grass was really soft, so Hao Shen decide to rest there.

It might have looked like he walk for a short time, but he had actually come a long way.

Hao Shen had been walking without resting, he was strapped of energy, he hadn't eaten anything all-day and the sun was too harsh on his skin.

He hadn't found or seen any other person.

Hao Shen sat on the grass then removed the backpack he had been wearing the entire time, and used it as a pillow, he laid on his side and wanted to sleep for a while.

Before Hao Shen was able to get some sleep, he heard foot steps. At first he wanted to sit up and check if someone had finally appeared, but before he could get up he heard a low growl and he froze at the spot.

Hao Shen didn't dare breath loudly, how could he have forgotten the one thing that is a rampant in a forest?, that was wild animals, he didn't see any wild animals on his journey so Hao Shen completely forgot about it.

Why hadn't he remembered such an important thing, was he going to be eaten by this wild beast.

This was insane, if he died here how would he return to his mother, how was he supposed to tell her that her stupid son died due to stupidity.

This was too much.

He wanted to play dead, maybe the creature would not be interested in a dead body, but who was he kidding?.

His heart refuse to stop beating loudly, it was either he dies of a heart attack or get eaten by a wild animal.

Even if Hao Shen knew that pretending to be dead would not help, he couldn't do anything else but to act dead.

For sometime he didn't hear the sound of the beast, so he wanted to open his eyes to see if it was gone but before he could, he felt deep breaths hitting his face.

It turned out that the creature had came closer to him and was sniffing his face.

Abruptly he opened his big blue eyes, he knew he made a mistake.

All Hao Shen saw was the silver eyes of the creature, the fear and shock was too much for Hao Shen to take so he fainted.

At least he would not be awake when the creature eats him.

Later when the sun had gone down, Hao Shen woke up. He didn't feel any pain on his body, at first he thought he was dead.

It was only when he touched his forehead and felt the pain of his previous injury that realization dawned on him that he was still alive.

He checked other parts of his body and saw that he had no extra injuries.

Had the beast left him after he fainted?, He thought

He tried looking around again but it was still impossible to see through the darkness. He stood up from where he was laying down and tried feeling his way in the darkness.

The walls were cold and uneven. The first thought that hit him was that he must be in a cave.

He tried going back to where he was laying down just now.

When he felt it, it wasn't a bed or a mat but it wasn't the floor either,so he decided to just lay back down.

After he did, he heard a loud noise like something was being pushed. It turned out that the entrance of the cave was blocked by a huge rock.

The instant it was pushed to the side, moon light slipped in but Hao Shen didn't open his eyes to see who had opened the cave, he just lay there pretending to be asleep.

Hao Shen thought a few people had pushed the rock to the side because, it was impossible for just one person to push such a heavy rock, but he was only able to see a shadow of one person before he shot his eyes close.

The person walked close to him, just when he was about to open his eyes he felt the person lick his face.

Surprised by the actions of the stranger he opened his eyes again. Hao Shen felt a sting on his forehead so he touched it and realized that the injury had lessened a bit.

It was where that strange person licked.

Hao Shen stood up to see the person that had licked him. he had questions that he wanted to ask, but what he saw only made him faint one more time.

Hao Shen woke up the next day, the rock that was blocking the entrance of the cave was slightly open enough for a grownup man to pass through, this allowed light to penetrate the cave.

Hao Shen could now clearly see the interior of the cave.

It was a very large cave, Hao Shen stood up and he felt like his head was spinning, he tried to hold on to something but he wasn't close to anything.

So he fell down on the floor and blacked out again.

Hao Shen was originally a weak person but not eating for this long was taking a toll on him.

He did not stay unconscious for a long time as he was woken up by the loud growling of his stomach.

Hao Shen opened his eyes and looked around.

He still didn't see the owner of this cave. He wanted to get up and leave the cave but he was afraid if he stood up immediately, he would fill dizzy and collapse again.

Hao Shen's vision wasn't clear, he felt that he needed to close his eyes and sleep, but he knew that it was caused by the fact that he had not eaten for days and was extremely weak.

What he needed was to find food, he looked around and aside from himself, his backpack and the animal skin blanket he was laying on there was nothing else in sight. Hao Shen decide to crawl to the entrance to check if he would see anyone outside.

When he reached the entrance, he could not see clearly and fell. The cave was built on a small hill, if Hao Shen could see clearly he would have known that the path he chose to crawl on was a very narrow path and if one was not careful they might fall down the hill.

Although if someone was to fall from the hill they would not die, but they would be seriously injured.

Hao Shen had just started to fall when he felt like he was being held by a strong arm. The owner of those arm turned Hao Shen around.

Blue eyes met silver ones, it was as Their eyes met that Hao Shen remember the incident that caused him to faint last night.

Hao Shen had stood up to see the person who licked his wound, he was shocked by what he saw, the man had slowly transformed into a white tiger, and when the white tiger opened it's mouth and spoke the human language, Hao Shen felt his world spin, unable to take this realization he collapsed, and now seeing those eyes as that of the beast he saw in the forest Hao Shen collapsed once again.