
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Kevin Really Likes This Little Female


For more information please tap the system guide button.


Hao Shen thought that finally the system guide would be functional, but lo and behold, he got the exact same response as before.


Sorry. System guide unavailable, please complete the system download.


Frustrated, Hao Shen was truly frustrated, he could not bear to listen to the system prompts any further.

He was so frustrated that he decided that when ever the system prompts appears he was going to deliberately ignore it.

Since Kevin wasn't back yet and Hao Shen was still hungry and thirsty he had no choice but to open the bottled water and took huge gulps, the water was so refreshing, so much so that he didn't know when he finished the entire bottle.

This was the most refreshing water he had ever had, but then again he had been feeling thirsty for a very long time, so it might just be his bodies reaction after being dehydrated for so long.

Just as Hao Shen finished the bottled water, he heard a ding in his head, expecting the mechanical voice to say something but instead, a string of words popped up in front of him.

He was currently ignoring the system so he tried his very best not to read it. but the screen was still in front of him even after trying so hard, he thought it would disappear after a while, but to his surprise it just kept hovering around, he tried closing his eyes, but he could still see it, it was as if the words were written in his mind so their was absolutely no way he could evade it.

Finally giving up and reading the words, Hao Shen found out that there was actually some progress in the system download, it was formally at 50% but now it is at 50.42%.

'what the hell! How did this happen'. Hao Shen had no idea how the system download change from 50% to 50.42%, and their was no extra information telling him how it happened leaving him clueless. It was like the system was afraid of giving him helpful information, or maybe the system enjoys seeing him swabling cluelessly.

Having no idea on how the system gathers it's energy, Hao Shen decided not to stress his brain in matters he could not solve. right now he was starving and the chips in front of him was looking very appetizing.

He didn't think twice and just grabbed the potato chips, and after putting a piece in his mouth, to his surprise it was still warm and it tasted just like the one his mom use to make.

After just one bite Hao Shen got emotional, he had been trying his very best not to think about the mother he left behind and the possibility of not being able to ever see her again, but now with this single chip, his emotions came pouring out.

Remembering that the system that once he completes the mission he would be able to return home, Hao Shen swore that he would figure out away to finish the systems download, finish the mission, then go back home.

With a strong determination and tears flowing out of his eyes Hao Shen ate the chips with vigour, Hao Shen didn't know how long it would take before he would be able to accomplish his mission but never the less he was determined to finish it and go back home.

With his thoughts else where, he didn't notice that the system was also slowly accumulating energy, and had gotten to 60% and still counting.

It was only when Kevin returned that Hao Shen snapped out of his trance, he had some how finished an entire bag of chips and was now on the second bag. Realizing that Kevin hadn't completely opened the cave, he quickly shoved the bag of chips in his backpack, wiped the tears on his face and crawled back to the to the animal skin blanket.

Kevin had already walked in and saw Hao Shen crawling towards the blanket, being stared at by Kevin made Hao Shen fill really awkward.

He paused then raised his head to look at Kevin hoping the guy didn't see the bag of chips. Kevin on the other hand just felt that Hao Shen was really cute.

Due to Hao Shen was in a hurry to hide the chips, he hadn't tidyed himself properly, so there were some crumps of chips on the side of his lips, there was also a piece of chip that some how fell out of the bag.

Kevin had seen all of that but what caught his attention was the red and swollen eyes of Hao Shen 'did this female cry when I left.' Kevin didn't know why the female would cry, he wanted to ask her why she was crying,but seeing how secretive she was, to the extent that she was even hiding her food from him, he felt that she would not tell him anything.

So he decided not to say anything, and just pretended not to have noticed the sadness in her eyes.

Kevin felt that this female was rather pitiful, he didn't know why she was crying, he didn't know why she was hiding her food, he honestly didn't know anything about her but he really liked this little female and wanted to see her smile, so he was willing to play along with her until she was willing to open up to him.

He bent down and lifted Hao Shen with one hand and placed him on the animal skin blanket, then handed him the lap of the caracal that he had hunted and roasted.

This was the first time he was roasting any prey so it took him quite a while to finish. And all he came up with was a chunk of coal, which he happily presented to Hao Shen.

Kevin preferred eating his prey raw, but knowing that females hated eating raw prey, he personally roasted this prey for Hao Shen and hoped that Hao Shen would like it.

Hao Shen that was sitting on the animal skin blanket and stiffly staring at Kevin was suddenly handed the big peice of coal, he looked at it, question mark written all over his face, what was he supposed to use this huge coal for?

While Hao Shen was too busy looking at the piece of coal and wondering what it was for, Kevin had gotten anxious 'why was the female staring at the food like that? Did she not like roasted caracals?' Kevin knew that most females preferred eating soft and delicate prey like rabbits, so it was no surprise to him that she might dislike it, but he couldn't find any rabbits in the forest and he was afraid if he wasted more time looking for them, the female might stave to death by the time he returns.

Apparently his worries were for not, as the female was already eating something before he returned. But he had hoped that she would like it, seeing he had put so much effort in roasting it. Feeling a bit dejected he asked "why aren't you eating? Do you not like it?".

"Eating?" Hao Shen was a little confused, he looked at the big and slightly heavy black coal in his hands then raised it and asked again "is this food!"

"Yes it is food!, do you not like it?" Kevin was starting to think that this female wasn't too bright, but it didn't matter he liked her like that.

Hao Shen on the other hand, had mixed feelings, 'was this the kind of food that the people of this world usually eat!, No wonder why they are currently facing the threat of being extinct'.

Actually Hao Shen was rather touched, this guy had heard his stomach growling and went to find him food to quench his hunger.

Facing Kevin's kindness Hao Shen didn't know how to reject it, but this kindness he simply couldn't digest. He looked at the coal for a while, before passing it back to Kevin "thank you, but I'm not hungry".

Normally Kevin would have been happy to here Hao Shen appreciate him, but this appreciation sounded so perfunctory, it made him sad.

It was obvious that the female didn't want to eat what he had prepared for her. He looked at the piece of chip on the floor, it was so tiny, he was sure that it won't be enough to fill the female's belly, as most females has larger appetites than males so it was impossible that she wasn't hungry.

Kevin was feeling down but then he thought that maybe the female was a herbivore and simply couldn't eat meat. He felt that this was likely the reason why she didn't eat.

Kevin kept the meat at the side and turned the leave the cave but when he remembered the chips on the floor, he thought if he could find that exact type of food wouldn't the female be really happy with him.

He didn't leave immediately, because he didn't want the female to realize that he knew she was hiding something and just pretend to be casually strolling around the cave and waited for the female to stop paying attention to him, and it didn't take long for that to happen as Hao Shen was busy with the system making it easy for Kevin to snick the piece of chip away with him.