
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasi
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45 Chs

Kevin Cried

'maybe Kevin wasn't the kind saviour he portrayed himself to be, maybe from the beginning Kevin had planned to eat me but I was too skinny so he... He kept me with him to fatten me up, maybe that's why he kept insisting that I was a female even though I looked nothing like them, and all this while I stupidly believe him and was worried I would get caught'.

These thoughts were messy and stupid, but it didn't stop Hao Shen from believing it.

Kevin tried coming closer again and Hao Shen repeated his action again, Kevin was confused as to why the female was acting like this, but he had no choice but to stop.

He was worried that she would fall into the water again and that wouldn't solve anything, it would only make things worst.

Kevin didn't know what to do, and although he didn't think she would reply to him in her current state, he had no choice but to use his words to see if he could calm her down.

But before he could speak, Hao Shen shakily stood up from the ground. Hao Shen didn't know what gave him the courage or strength to get up let alone speak, "You...you knew from the start that I was also male right? so why...why did you keep insisting that I was female, are...are you going to do the same thing you did to that beastman to me as well?"

Kevin was surprised "male?.. what are you talking about! you are clearly just a female with a strange male like body, that's..." "We both know that's not true.. where have you ever seen a female with a dick before, you are clearly planning to do something to me aren't you?".

Fear and anger could be seen all over Hao Shen's face as he interrupted Kevin with a yell. Kevin was utterly confused, he couldn't understand this female at all 'a female with a dick, what does that mean, planning to do something? I've only ever wanted to be your mate what else could I be planning' before he could ask Hao Shen anything or explain himself, the previously still lake rustled as if something was about to come out.

And something did come out. A sea beastman who had been living inside the hot spring came out of the small lake and his aura was strong enough to make the boiling water freeze over.

He looked at both Hao Shen and Kevin coldly before settling his gaze on Hao Shen.

Kevin was surprised at the appearance of this beastman, he had searched every where and he didn't catch another beastman's aura or sense another beastman being around here, but feeling this beastman's aura made him realize why he hadn't sensed anything.

Clearly this beastman was very close to getting to level 4, it would only take one step for this beastman to get to that level but was already showing strength far exceeding that of Kevin.

Kevin understood that he was no match for this beastman at all. And looking at the way this beastman was looking at Hao Shen, he didn't look infatuated with Hao Shen but he looked very interested in her just as interested as Kevin was when he first found Hao Shen.

He knew that if this beastman wanted to take Hao Shen away from him, then there was nothing he could do to stop him, he was even being suppressed by his aura and could move.

"Little beastman you seem to be having a problem with your friend, would you like to come with me instead" these words were directed to Hao Shen and upon seeing that the sea beastman was giving Hao Shen a chance to refuse him, Kevin felt relieved, he was glad.

He remembered how arrogant Sea beast men were, they really would not go out of their way, just to snatch female's from other  beast men. matter of fact some of them think that female's from other beast tribes are not as beautiful as theirs.

Kevin was confident, he felt that giving Hao Shen the chance to decide was equal to not saying anything.

All that confidence came from the fact that, given his relationship with Hao Shen even if it was very short, if compared to the fact that Hao Shen didn't even know this beastman, it was quite obvious what her decision would be.

With all his confidence, he wasn't ready for what Hao Shen said next

"Yes I'll go with you". These words coming out of Hao Shen's mouth was like thunder in Kevin's ear, he looked at Hao Shen with confusion, wanting to know why she made that decision, but Hao Shen's explanation made him blank out for a few seconds.

"You... Why will I pick you, at least he gave me a choice, you never asked me anything it was almost like you didn't care about my thoughts, you kept insisting I was female even when you knew I wasn't, making me scared of what you'd do if you found out, will I live or die if my secrets were found out, turns out you were just toying with my emotions. Was it amusing seeing me act like a female. To be honest it doesn't really matter if I stayed with you or him I'm just weak and can't fight back, what choice do I really have, but never the less I'll still choose to go with him so bye".

Kevin was completely frozen, but after comprehending what Hao Shen said he got furious, he knew that Hao Shen wasn't female neither was he male, all Kevin knew was that he wanted Hao Shen to be his female. It didn't matter what kind of beast man he/she was, he liked Hao Shen that was all he thought that mattered. The only reason he never asked her about her past was because he was afraid that she would be sad, so he took it upon himself to keep assuming every thing, it wasn't like he didn't want to ask questions, his mind was filled with a lot of questions but because he put her feelings first and didn't want to hurt her, he kept his curiosity at bay.

Ever since he met her everything he did was in consideration of how she would feel about it, he never considered himself and now he was being told that she was leaving him because he cared too much of how she felt and so he didn't understand how she truly felt?? How does this make sense.

Kevin was angry but not at Hao Shen but at himself for not just asking a simple question, at least this would not be happening, he still wanted to explain himself to Hao Shen but it was too late, by the time he snapped out of his thoughts Hao Shen and the sea beastman were already gone.

Kevin knelt on the ground feeling weak and for the first time in his life, he cried.


Hao Shen turned around and walked towards the sea beastman with a straight back not looking back at all. To be honest he was exhausted and when the sea beastman covered him with an air bubble and brought him inside the lake, Hao Shen fell unconscious. He had almost drowned to death and also almost died from a heart attack.

It was obvious that he was in a really bad shape. He could have fainted the minute he saw all that blood but fear wouldn't let him, plus he had a really weak body and could not handle all that excitement.

The sea beastman took him dip into the apparently small lake and the more they went down the bigger it got. There was a part of this lake that was connected to the sea.

It was completely different from this lake there were fish's swimming around and even wilder sea creatures like sharks there but they didn't go there.

Instead, the sea beastman brought Hao Shen to a cave hidden deep inside the lake that was surrounded by a huge air bubble. The sea beastman brought Hao Shen there and.

The instant they both passed that huge air bubble that felt like a barrier, the bubble covering Hao Shen's body popped and the sea beastman's large tail transformed into legs.