
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasi
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45 Chs

Hao Shen Is Acting Cute

This made it hard for Hao Shen to continue with his plan, but he didn't give up so easily. He kept walking forward until he was right in front of Kevin that had stop moving backwards.

It was only when he got to Kevin that he realized their height difference, he was a bit envious and wished that he could be a bit taller. But he quickly snapped himself out of his thoughts, as he still needed to concentrate on his current task.

Kevin was still avoiding to make eye contact with him and for his plan to work he needed to maintain eye contact with Kevin. So he stretched out his hands and wrapped it around Kevin's neck.

But when he tried to pull Kevin down to force him to make eye contact, Hao Shen realize how sturdy he was, but Kevin soon relented and looked down.

Kevin noticed Hao Shen's actions and although he really wanted to avoid to make eye contact, he still didn't want to hurt Hao Shen so he finally relented and looked down.

But the second they both made eye contact, they both felt their hearts skip a beat but for two different reasons.

While Kevin was mesmerized by Hao Shen, Hao Shen on the other hand was feeling scared. He had gotten to this point but he was afraid that he would make a mistake and fail his mission.

This self doubt had always been their ever since he was asked to save an entire world, he just didn't listen to it as it would lessen the chance of completing his mission.

But keeping all those voices of doubt at bay hadn't helped him either, it only made their voices louder so much so that he couldn't complete such a simple task.

Hao Shen knew that if he was able to silence them just this once and complete his little mission, it would increase his self confidence even by the slightest bit.

Hao Shen faced Kevin as if he was a great obstacle which he had to surpass in other to move forward.

It only took a moment for Hao Shen to get his thoughts straight as he strangled his fears back to the hole they crawled out from.

Still maintaining eye contact with Kevin, Hao Shen forced every single cell in his body to pull out all the cuteness he had just to say "I forgot to bring my clothes could you help me get it~" his was voice coquettish and his face was completely red out of embarrassment of what he was doing.

Here was someone who was determined to prove he was a man, but he was now acting coquettish in front of Kevin, of course he felt embarrassed by it, but to his defense he wasn't the only guy who used such moves to get what they want.

Kevin who had never seen any female act like this was completely taken aback, Hao Shen's voice was so seductive and coupled with the actions Hao Shen just did, all he felt was the heat rising at his lower body, even his animal skin skirt couldn't hide it.

Hao Shen moved backwards out of shame from what he was doing, but he didn't stop his act, his eyes was still trained on Kevin's face. His action was able to help him avoid the awkwardness he would have felt if he saw Kevin's reaction.

Not getting any response from Kevin, Hao Shen decided to take the last step to his plan which was 'guilt tripping'.

He put on a disappointed face, turned away from Kevin and faced the hot spring, "I knew you wouldn't help, I would have done it myself if only I was as fast as you but sigh, let's just go back there's no need to be here".

As if looking at the hot spring for the last time, Hao Shen acted like he was giving up on something he really wanted, but as soon as he wanted to turn back to Kevin to show his extreme reluctance to part with it, Kevin stopped him by holding both his shoulders "I'll get it for you just don't go anywhere".

Before Hao Shen could react, Kevin already left not letting Hao Shen see his current condition.

Kevin quickly ran away as if his tale was on fire, but he didn't forget to release his presence to avoid any low level beastman or beast to come close to Hao Shen.

Hao Shen didn't know why Kevin ran that fast, he smiled because he hadn't failed his mission.

The stress he felt earlier had completely disappeared, he took a long breath to settle his emotions.

To be honest the person that taught him this skill was non other than Feng Qi, and when he asked him where he learnt it from Feng Qi told him that he learnt it from some girls, he found it embarrassing but Feng Qi didn't think it was embarrassing at all as he was just using it for fun.

But Hao Shen knew that this was totally a girls way of getting what they wanted from their boyfriend, and he knew that doing this would make it a little difficult to convince Kevin that he was male.

Although he could have not done that and just asked directly, he was afraid of being rejected, because he wasn't use to begging for something, it would fill like he was being a bothersome person.

And now his little misunderstanding with Kevin had just gotten harder to settle because of what he did, but he believed that he would eventually find the right time to tell Kevin the truth, he just hopes that Kevin would believe him.

He was thinking this when he heard a familiar voice from behind and it was not Kevin's voice, shocked, he turned to see who it was and he saw the pervert who tried to strip him.


Beast men are able to heal really quickly because of their special body, and because Kevin didn't want to leave the only witch doctor in the tribe bedridden, he only hit him enough to draw blood but didn't leave him any lasting injuries.

Kevin understood that Vince had not had any bad intentions but he was angry that Vince hadn't spoken to him first before trying to do what he did. Because of this he let Vince off with just a warning, Vince got lucky because if not for Kevin's understanding he would have been in a worster shape.

Vince had just heal from his injuries and decided to go herb hunting in the forest, as a witch doctor, he needed to have the appropriate herbs with him at all times, and  his herb collection was almost finished.

He was in the flower field looking for herbs when he felt Kevin's aura.

But he was quite far from where the aura was released and he was curious as to why Kevin would release his aura so he walk towards where he could fill the aura coming from.

Kevin on the other hand hadn't sensed Vince at all and he had ran towards a completely opposite direction from where Vince was coming from so he was unable to cross parts with him.

Vince was a little worried. beast men could sense danger normally, but higher level beast men like Kevin were able to sense dangerous beasts that where approaching. Vince thought that Kevin had sensed something strange and was releasing his aura to try and intimidate the beast.

Vince was not sure if it was a dangerous beast or a beastman but he was worried that his tribes men would be in danger so he needed to ask Kevin what the situation was.

But approaching Kevin head on while his aura was being released in full force was not a good idea, the pressure from Kevin's level 3 aura would suppress any weaker beastman that tried to come near him.

But Vince had no choice, he just hope that Kevin would sense him approaching and would lessen the aura suppressing him.

It was a struggle for Vince to move his legs forward, he was already quite close to where he thought Kevin was, he just didn't know why Kevin was not suppressing the pressure that was on him.

He kept struggling forward, he was unwilling to give up.