
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasi
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45 Chs

Andri The Obnoxious Sea Beastman

He put the unconscious beastman on his bed before going back to what he was doing, he recalled how scared the beastman was when the other two beast men were fighting {it wasn't a fight it was a one-sided beat down} and thought that the beastman was scared of either blood or violence, so he decided to create an ice wall to obstruct his sight.

He did that to the other room too just to make the beastman think that there was just one room.

He was just half way done with fixing up his food supply when he felt movements in his cave, so he stopped again and went to check out his new visitor.

He saw what his visitor was doing and thought 'maybe his not too scared of the sea, or maybe his trying to kill himself by popping that bubble'. He decided to interrupt him even if he knew that their was no way a weakling would pop his bubble.

He was surprised that the beastman was surprised he was behind him 'even if you are a strange male then surely your hearing shouldn't have gone bad too, I wasn't even trying to hide my presence' the stranger this beastman got the more it drew Andri's interest.


Hao Shen was shocked at the appearance of a stranger, it was only when he saw his face that he calmed down, this was the first time he was clearly seeing this beastman, but he recognize his features.

This beastman looked very much like a westerner and even his accent and the way his spoke was different from mandarin. Now that he thought about it, it seems this whole time he hadn't even been speaking mandarin, infact he didn't know what language this was, but he seems to be able to understand it and even speak in their language fluently.

"How are you here" he asked as he had walked down the hall way and didn't see any one their, but Hao Shen was completely ignored.

"Are you hungry", Andri repeated his question, this time around Hao Shen replied to his question, "no I'm not hun.. growl.. gry" his answer was so absurd that his stomach growled feeling frustrated.

"Really I'm not hungry at all" Hao Shen stubbornly stood at what he said earlier but Andri chose to ignore him yet again "there is no need for you to go hunting for food, I have enough prey to last us at least seven days, so just tell me what kind of prey you'd like to eat and I'll get it for you".

Andri said this knowing full well that a beastman like this couldn't possibly be able to hunt for his own preys, but not to be mean he decided to put it this way as if he was the one not letting him hunt.

Hao Shen thought about this beastman's words carefully 'hunt, prey, could it be that beast men still hunt other animals to eat' he clearly remembered that Kevin gave him some black substance to eat, 'was that also a prey' anyways he didn't know what kind of preys this beastman had and he was not interested to eat something that was not properly prepared so he decided to ask him if he had any fruits.

But when he opened his mouth to speak, the beastman interrupted him, "by the way I don't know what to call you, do you have a name?" Hao Shen replied quickly this time as it seems this beastman was a little impatient and his mind would wonder elsewhere if his questions are not answered.

"My name is Hao Shen, what is yours?" "Howshen.. what a strange name, do you mind changing your name, it sounds so awful, what is the meaning of your name any way, I know land beast men are use to giving themselves names but picking a name based on sound is a bit... hmmm absurd don't you think... If you really can't think of any good names I have some really nice names that I think with suit you perfectly... In fact"

Before he could continue with his rant, Hao Shen cut him off rudely.

At first Hao Shen thought that this beastman had a cold and unfeeling character, later on he felt that he was also a bit impatient, but now all his previous misconceptions of the beastman had been destroyed, it turned out that no matter how strong a beastman might be, it doesn't stop them from being obnoxious and rude.

He simply didn't care if his words was hurting the person listening.

"Stop it, that's enough, first of all My name isn't Howshen but Hao Shen. and secondly, my name has a meaning, I did not just pick it up from any where, Hão means good or kind and Shén meaning deity, it is a very special name, who gave you the right to insult it like that, if you don't understand something just say that you don't understand it don't just criticize people like that, and like I said I'm not hungry"

He angrily walked pass the beastman who he still didn't know the name of and went back to the room, if the room had a door he would have banged the door to show how angry he was at the moment.

Andri was surprised by Hao Shen's words, how was he supposed to know that the name Hao Shen had that kind of meaning, and that his words would offend the little beastman. He thought about what he said, and even if he didn't mean anything by it he realized how awful he sounded, it was almost like he was looking down on the beastman.

Andri was glad that this beastman was weak if not they might have fought over something stupid. 'Should I apologize now that I've already offended him?', he decided that apologizing was a good idea and went to apologize, he didn't go empty handed and took a frozen fox with him, this was because foxes were his favorite prey and to show his sincerity he had to take his personal favourite to apologize.

To be honest Andri was a bit excited at the thought of not having to live alone anymore, and it had been a while since he communicated with other beast men so he just spoke without thinking of the repercussions, which led to Hao Shen misunderstanding his intentions.

After grabbing his apology offering, Andri walked to the room and saw that Hao Shen was laying down on the bed while facing the wall, not wanting to look at him. "kind deity you don't need to be angry anymore I've understood my mistake and wouldn't make the same mistake again but if I may ask, why didn't you tell me your name was kind deity instead of Hao Shen, I wouldn't have said what I said earlier because kind deity is a nice name although it's a bit presumptuous, but it was still a nice name. Also I'm curious, are you really a kind deity, is that why you don't like beast men hurting each other and is that also why you are so different from us? Then as a deity shouldn't you be all powerful, I mean that is what your name imply isn't it?...

Hao Shen that was initially raging now felt speechless, how could this guy be so dumb, was it even legal to be so strong and yet at the same time be so stupid.

Hao Shen felt like he had just figured out something, this beastman wasn't rude, infact apart from being a bit stupid, he was a little bit like him, he just didn't know how to communicate with others properly, just saying what was in his mind, and this can be easily misunderstood for being rude and uncaring.

Hao Shen now understood what those people felt when ever he spoke what was in his mind. That was one of the reason he preferred to be silent.

He could only be this talkative in his mind, unlike this beastman that spoke freely without holding himself back, to be honest it was cute.

Hao Shen was a bit envious of this beastman who never had to hold himself back. He silently watched as Andri was fidgeting and holding himself back from saying anything else that would offend him.