
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasi
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45 Chs

Andri Learnt Something New

Andri thought that Hao Shen didn't understand what he meant so he explained himself more clearly, "you're looking for clear water, I can help with that. As a level 3 sea beastman it would be easier for me to help you get clear water. However I would need a vessel to put the clear water in".

Listening to Andri's explanation, Kevin understood what Andri was implying, but he had not brought any vessels with him, aside from Hao Shen's strange vessels that he didn't know how to use.

Regardless of what Kevin thought, he kept silent and simply turned to Hao Shen, waiting for his decision.

Hao Shen on the other hand had absolutely no idea what Andri was talking about, he didn't even understand the concept of leveling in the beast world so how could he know anything about abilities and what not. He simply put what he couldn't understand to the back of his mind.

The only thing he could understand from what Andri said was that he had an efficient way to help them get clean water, and seeing that Andri was eager to help he decided to trust him.

"Actually I don't need that much water, I just need enough to fill my empty plastic bottles", as he said that he opened his backpack and brought out the plastic bottles in his backpack.

On receiving the plastic bottles, Andri was surprised to see such a thing, he immediately started scrutinizing it, like it was some sort of rare specimen.

Andri was amazed, but was even more baffled as to how he was supposed to fill this up. He had scrutinized it from top to bottom and couldn't find a single opening on it 'how am I supposed to put water in this, should I just force it open?'.

Seeing Andri's baffled expression, Hao Shen realized his mistake and  beckoned at him to give him a plastic bottle, after collecting it, he slowly twisted the cap as he spoke, "here let me show you how to open it all you have to do is to twist the cap gently, that's it, if you want to seal it up then just twist it the opposite way and it would get sealed".

While saying that Hao Shen showed Andri how to both seal and unseal the plastic bottle before gesturing at Andri to give it a try.

Andri made a mistake at the first try, he twisted it the wrong way and he almost wanted to use force in other to not embarrass himself in front of Hao Shen, but Hao Shen saw through him and immediately stopped him.

"Stop you're going to brake it", hearing this, Andri immediately stopped his actions and looked at Hao Shen looking more ashamed than he was before.

"I already told you to be gentle while twisting it, if you use any sort of force you might end up just destroying it" Hao Shen had stayed with Kevin and he understood the strength of beast men compared to humans, that was why he got agitated when  he saw that Andri was about to apply force.

If he was still on earth it would be no big deal to destroy a plastic bottle he could simply just buy another if he needed to but in the beast world things was not as convenient as that.

Hao Shen let out a sigh 'this was my fault, I hadn't explained things clearly', "actually you should have tried twisting it the other way, you should know that if the cap refuses to unseal then that means you are twisting it the wrong way. Try it, try twisting it again but twist it at the opposite direction this time" Hao Shen hoped this was enough for Andri to understand how to do it.

Andri did as told and the plastic bottle was unsealed, seeing that Andri did it right this time Hao Shen encourage him to try sealing it back and Andri complied.

Soon it got easy for Andri to open and close the plastic bottle, Hao Shen could see how excited Andri was at learning something new, it felt like he was looking at a child who just learnt something new on his first day of school.

Hao Shen watched as Andri excitedly opened and closed the plastic bottle, and even if he didn't want to stop him, he had to, "i know that it's interesting, but you should help us with the water, when I get back tomorrow, I'll let you play with it as much as you want".

Realizing that he had forgotten to do what he promised Andri stopped playing with the plastic bottles and started controlling the water in the lake, a large body of water separated it self from the lake and was now floating on mid air.

Andri was concentrating in what he was doing that he didn't realize that Hao Shen was looking at him with shock, when Andri saw his shocked face, he didn't say anything and continued controlling that water body and then slowly, right in front of Hao Shen another body of water was separating itself from the floating water.

This second water body was very murky, no it wasn't just murky it was dirty.

Hao Shen couldn't believe the amount of dirt coming out of the seemingly clear water. After Andri was done removing all the impurities in the water, he controlled the dirty water and put it on the floor.

Once it touched the ground, it lost form and splashed on the floor creating a wet patch on that side of the ground. Hao Shen watch everything in awe and amazement.

Kevin on the other hand was soaked in vinegar, not only had he watched Hao Shen compliment other beast men in front of him but Hao Shen also taught Andri things that he hadn't taught him and now Hao Shen was looking at Andri with an admiring gaze.

He felt really uncomfortable watching this the worst part was that Andri had noticed Hao Shen's gaze and was now taking the process of making the clear water really slowly, just so Hao Shen would keep looking at him like that.

Although Andri felt really happy about it, he was still curious about the strange vessels and so  he took the opportunity to examine the strange vessels a little more. After he filled up one of those vessels and sealed it up just like he had done before, he slowly turned the vessel upsidedown and to his surprised not a single drop of clear water leaked out.

Andri was amazed at both Hao Shen and the strange vessels he wanted to know how this vessel was made. While Andri was busy Kevin had had about enough mostly because Hao Shen had started pulling him.

This was Hao Shen's first time seeing the beast men's abilities and his amazement could no longer be held back so he started pulling at Kevin "Kevin, Kevin did you see that, isn't it just amazing, it so miraculous".

Veins could be seen throbbing on Kevin's head as Hao Shen spoke, he grind his teeth as he spoke "yes I saw it" unwilling to lose to Andri he decided to show off just a little bit, "actually, it's nothing amazing".

Hao Shen finally looked at Kevin to know why he said that and saw that in Kevin's right palm there was a ball of blue flame dancing above it.

Hao Shen was surprised and was looking at Kevin with amazement, finally that uncomfortable feeling in Kevin's heart went away, he secretly looked at Andri scornfully 'as if such a puny trick would work on my Shen Sheng hmph'.

Andri was ignorant of Kevin's scorn but he felt that Hao Shen was no longer looking at him so he turned around to know why Hao Shen stopped looking at him and he caught Kevin showing off to Hao Shen and Hao Shen looking at him with sparkling eyes.

He felt annoyed, but what made him even angrier was what Kevin said "what do you think, this is much more amazing than what that sea beastman can do right" and Hao Shen's reply "yes, yes, amazing, amazing", although it was clear that Hao Shen was dazed at the moment and mostly was unaware of what he said it still irked him to no end.