
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasi
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45 Chs

A Misunderstanding

Feng Qi was actually innocent. when he went home the other day, he met his uncle who had always travelled around the world on business trips.

And his uncle bought him so much chocolate.

He always ask his uncle to buy chocolate when ever he traveled. the chocolate wasn't for him but for Hao Shen.

Hao Shen really liked chocolates and other sweet things.

But in other to show his uncle that he loved the chocolate he ate a few of them, then kept the rest saying he would love to share it with his classmates.

After his uncle left, he felt his stomach grumble he was having stomachache, he took some drugs hoping it would stop by tomorrow but when he woke up he still had it.

He decided to check the school forum to post that he was unwell and would not be going to school.

But what he saw shocked him, it was a picture of a love letter and it was addressed to him.

It wouldn't have mattered much if it was from some girls in school, but it was from Hao Shen.

Feng Qi would have said it was made up but it was clearly Hao Shen's hand writing and with how awkward Hao Shen was, he also added his signature. And with the way he wrote it, it was definitely Hao Shen's style.

I have never written something like this before neither have I ever received such letters so I don't know how to start so I'll just tell you what needs to be told.

I like you I've always liked you not as a friend but as a lover so would you like to have a relationship with me.

If you don't fill the same it's fine just let me know and we could still be friends.

Your friend

Hao Shen


The letter was so straight forward and what was with that awkward heart sign.

It was now that Feng Qi knew why Hao Shen was running, he must have been shy back then and put it in his bag. He noticed his bag open when he went home, but back then he didn't know it was Hao Shen who opened it.

The letter must have slipped out when he was running after Hao Shen. and now someone saw it and posted it, he know that Hao Shen would not find out until he got to school, because Hao Shen didn't have a mobile phone and won't be able to check the school forum.

It wasn't that Hao Shen couldn't afford a phone but because he didn't want it.

Feng Qi remembered asking him why he didn't own a phone, his reply then was "if the only person I communicate with is you and I stay at home all day studying what's the use of a cell phone".

Hao Shen had deemed mobile phones that everyone had to be unnecessary, and he won't waste his mother's hard earned money for a useless tool.

'remembering the kind of face he made back then he smiled, but Hao Shen wouldn't be Hao Shen if he bought a phone', which was why Feng Qi decided to personally buy Hao Shen his first phone.

Feng Qi had save enough money to buy Hao Shen the phone as a birthday present, but unfortunately he was unable to give it to Hao Shen on his birthday.

Feng Qi stopped thinking too much about the past and wanted to see the comments to know how Hao Shen will be treated when he gets to school.

The comments were really bad, although the guys were a little passive and said stuff like "should've known he was gay with that small body of his hehe".

But for the girls it was pretty horrible it felt like they just kept a new born baby for a bunch of blood sucking mosquitoes to feed on.

Some girls were like "this bitch is trying to steal our darling Feng Qi away from us", while others were like "I've always known that he was a slut now his finally showing his true slutty nature".

Feng Qi felt like he should beat some sense into those girl's.

Firstly he belonged to Hao Shen and only Hao Shen. And second his Hao Shen wasn't a slut.

After all Hao Shen will never purposely open up his top button and flaunt his cleavages.

And it's not because he didn't have cleavages to flaunt but because he just don't have such a shameless personality like most of the girls in school.

And they did flaunt thier cleavages most of the time, and sometimes if it's not enough they'd even rub it against anyone just to get what they want.

Plus he was the one who had always wanted Hao Shen to like him that way, Feng Qi had been in love with Hao Shen for a very long time.

And he knew if he had told Hao Shen from the start Hao Shen will unconsciously put a distance between them, and he would be unable to seduce Hao Shen.

Yes he was the one doing all the seducing so why would every one just blame Hao Shen. Feng Qi was formally nice to Hao Shen as a friend, but when he discovered he had romantic feelings for Hao Shen, he became much more clingy and possessive.

He knew if he commented to clear Hao Shen's name, everyone would think he was just being an overprotective big brother again, then they would scold Hao Shen even more, achieving the exact opposite of what he wanted.

deciding not to let Hao Shen go to school, Feng Qi checked the time seeing he still have time to stop Hao Shen from going to school so he ran downstairs.

His mom heard the commotion and went to see what was happening and found her son trying to leave the house, she quickly stopped him telling him he still had a bad stomachache and shouldn't leave the house.

He was able to rush to the door but when he tried to open it he found that it was lock, then he looked at his mom with a pleading gaze.

"mom please I have to go", his mom looked unaffected and said "you're not leaving until I know you are better and by the looks of it you're not".

"But mom it's really, really important I have to go" he tried to plead again but his mom replied him with a scolding tone "if it's that important call your friends and ask them to help you with it".

Feng Qi still wanted to retort when he felt his stomach grumble as if to prove his mom right.

Having no straight to say anything anymore he found himself looking for the restroom again.

By the time he was done and came back down, he saw a piece of paper on the kitchen counter. "I'm going shopping with a group of friends and I'm not with the key so watch the house love ♡ mom".

He saw the house key on the counter were the paper once was, he scrunched up the paper and threw it in the bin.

His mom didn't return until after 9 hole hour's had gone by and by then his tummy ache had long subsided.

He wondered how people would go shopping for 9 complete hour's without getting tired, but that was non of his business as he had to get to school real quick.

School had closed a while ago, he just hoped he would meet Hao Shen when he gets their.

He got on the bike that he hardly use and rode it to the school, he parked close to the gate and wanted to go search for Hao Shen, but he didn't need to search for him.

He saw Hao Shen coming out of the school all alone, apart from Hao Shen their was no other students around.

When he saw that lonely figure walking with his head down, he could only imagine what he had been through to make him still be in school.

He felt a boiling rage built up inside him. All that was in his mind was how he would destroy the bastards that made his Hao Shen sad.

Hao Shen still hadn't noticed Feng Qi and kept walking until he bumped his head on Feng Qi's chest.

he looked up, Feng Qi couldn't help but noticed a tear drop rolling down Hao Shen's cheek the moment their eye met.

He felt his heart clenched. he wanted to let Hao Shen know that he was here now, and he would protect him. But at the moment he couldn't speak.

Subconsciously he reached his hand out and tried to wipe the tears that was on Hao Shen's cheek.

But the moment he touched Hao Shen his hand was slapped away and then he heard the most painful words from his Hao Shen "don't ever come close to me".