
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasi
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45 Chs

'It's My Power Why Can't I Control It'

When Andri mentioned shearing the bed, Hao Shen couldn't help recalling how Kevin had left him alone in the cave for an entire night, although Hao Shen didn't act like he cared, mostly because back then he was still thinking of ways to convince Kevin that he was also male.

But Kevin's thoughtfulness had really touched him, he was actually worried that Kevin would continue sleeping outside if he remained oblivious to the truth.

This sudden recollection made Hao Shen feel an intense sadness that couldn't be hidden gushing through him, and this caught Andri by surprise 'why did he get sad all of a sudden, is it because I lied to him or was it because of something I did' he looked at Hao Shen worriedly "are you ok".

Hao Shen instinctively nodded his head as if wanting to say he was fine but shook his head right after. "yes... Actually I've been wanting to ask you something, why did you bring me here?".

Andri thought about it and just replied honestly "I was actually just curious and wanted to know what kind of beastman you were, and why you were so different from the rest of us." Hao Shen was surprised at the simple answer but then again this beastman had been rather straight forward the whole time, asking him all sorts of questions with out hiding his curiosity.

"If I told you what you want to know will you let me go back?" Hao Shen decided to see if he had a chance of ever going back. Of course he wasn't planning on revealing the truth to a beastman he didn't know the name of.

Andri hesitated quite a bit before replying, "it depends on whether what you say interests me or not" to be honest even if Hao Shen loses his appeal, Andri doesn't think he would be able to let him go. But he didn't want to tell Hao Shen that.

Hao Shen saw a glimpse of hope from what Andri said and understood that the more he remains a mystery, the more curious this beastman would get.

So in other to quench this beastman's thirst for knowledge, he had to make himself seem as normal as he could. "So what else do you want to know about me?" He was prepared for the bombardment of questions this time and was looking forward to it eagerly.

But instead of asking the questions that was bugging him, Andri chose to brush it off "I've already asked what I can as for the rest I would have to think them over".

Andri knew that he was just giving excuses, and even Hao Shen could easily see that.

Andri felt sad and afraid, he was because he could see how badly Hao Shen wanted to leave him, it was as if Hao Shen didn't count him as a friend at all. The only thing that he didn't understand was why he felt fear towards Hao Shen leaving him.

It was a kind of fear he had never felt before, it wasn't the fear of being in danger or something like that, it was different and he didn't know how or why he felt this way.

Andri was yet to discover that it was the fear of being left alone again, he had been in this lake for god knows how long, and he was instinctively afraid of going back to his lonely lifestyle.

"Why?, aren't you very curious, I really need to go back, so please don't hold back and ask what's on your mind" Hao Shen really wanted to go back and apologize to Kevin, his guilt was eating him up from the inside and he couldn't take it anymore 'why can't this beastman see that I really need to leave'.

"I said I'll think about it" Andri raised his voice and release his aura with anger, afraid that Hao Shen wouldn't stop, he left the cave entirely. Hao Shen was confused 'why did he get angry all of a sudden' although Hao Shen did not fill the pressure of Andri's aura, he felt cold all of a sudden and hugged his knee to warm himself up.

Andri swam into the lake and went closer to an area were heat from the lava was fully concentrated to warm himself up, he felt he would lose control again and needed to heat up his body to calm down.

Andri close his eyes and concentrated on the heat surrounding him, after he had calmed down a little, he thought about what had just happened now and understood where his fears came from.

Back then when he was sent to live hear, he hadn't faced loneliness before so he just went with it, he thought it would be hard to live here mostly because of the lava as all sea beast men were afraid of it.

But as time flew by, he realized that the hardest part was to endure loneliness for an unknown amount of time. And after he managed to snatch a beastman from the surface, he felt that this loneliness would be easier to endure if he had someone by his side.

He was very enthusiastic in having his first friend in years that he didn't dear think if he would want to go back. But after Hao Shen mentioned going back to the surface, he felt fear and didn't want to let go.

He remembered that Hao Shen still had a partner up their and he knew that every beastman would get attached to their partners, whether their partner was male or female.

He knew this but he wanted to keep him away from his partner 'what was I thinking', he let out a bitter laugh. He decided to send Hao Shen back regardless of whether he would have to endure this loneliness by himself forever.

After warming up a little bit more, Andri went back to the cave "I've decided to send you back" he was no longer interested in Hao Shen's origins and just wanted him to remember him.

But when he entered the room, he was shocked at Hao Shen's appearance. Hao Shen's face had turned blue and he was shivering, the cold from earlier had gradually increased by a lot and even the walls of the room had began to show signs of crystalization.

Andri quickly with drew the cold air back to his body but it was too late, Hao Shen was still shivering and he was unconscious.

'no this can't be happening, not again' Andri picked up Hao Shen from the bed and took him to the same spot he stood to warm up just now, he controlled the bubble that was wrapping Hao Shen up and protecting him from the lake water to let in the heat coming from the lava.

There were no results so he went deeper into the lake where it was warmer, this time, there were results, Hao Shen's body gradually relaxed and his face turned normal again.

Andri stayed their a little longer just so that the warmth would seep deep into Hao Shen's body before bringing him back to the cave and laying him on the bed. He brought and animal skin blanket that was laying around in the other room and used it to wrap Hao Shen's body.

This incident gave Andri a bigger reason to send Hao Shen away, 'turns out that even after all this year's of seclusion, I still can't control it, I'm truly useless'

'It's my power, my strength, why can't I control it' he was filled with anger and disappointment towards no one but himself, he was at fault then and even now he blamed himself. One would think that as time passed, he would be able to control it by now with just a thought yet with just a slight burst of anger he lost control again.

After he was done tucking in Hao Shen, Andri closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, and decided to send Hao Shen away while he was still unconscious.

He had thought it through and he couldn't bare to face Hao Shen after what he did, he was afraid of seeing the look of fear, disgust, and disappointment on Hao Shen's face as those were the exact looks his family gave him when they were sending him away.