
Level Grinding

Making sure my clone was well hidden, I set out hunting. Due to my current location being close to the inner layer most of the demon beasts I saw where at the third rank. Setting my experience shared to 75% for my clone i started hunting. With my trusty black daggers I efficiently slaughtered them by either slashing their throats, stabbing their head through the eyes or the plain old thousand slash. After almost an hour I returned to my clone.

Checking on it I said "How much longer?" in anticipation to which the system told me three minutes left. During that time I asked "Do i have to always control it or does it move on it's own."

[You don't need to control it. Although it has a soul giving it a personality, it's soul is gotten from you making it absolutely loyal to you and also has your personality.]

"Oh." I said thinking on how to best maximize my remaining time. As I was thinking my clone woke up grabbing my attention. Looking at it I got the feeling of looking at myself. asking the system she replied.

[You are unconsciously using the connection between you to look through his eyes]

"So this is how it works" I said

"Afternoon Boss." my clone said to me. Surprised I said "You can talk." Hearing him his clone said "What did you expect, a puppet?"

"Ok smart-ass you've proved your point. Now let's give you a name, how does Derek sound?" I asked.

"Do i have a choice?" my clone asked, to which I replied "Nope." resigning to fate he accepted"Alright."

"Good. System show me Derek's stats."

[Scanning please wait]

[Clone's Status

Name: Derek

Race: Shadow Mouse (Variant)

Level: 15


Strength- 61

Defense- 66

Speed- 66

Dexterity- 61

Vitality- 66

Intelligence- 66



God's Eye Lv 1;

Iron Body Lv 3;

Claw Growth Lv 2;

Killing intent Lv 1;

Battle instinct Lv 2;

Dark Element manipulation Lv 3;

Metal Element manipulation Lv 2;


Shadow step Lv 3;

Shadow merge Lv 1;

Dark swipe Lv 1;

Slash Lv 2;

Tail Slash Lv 2;

Bite Lv4;

Dark Spear Lv 2;

Shadow Clone Lv 2;

Black Dagger Lv 2;

Elemental Affinity;

Dark Affinity.

Metal Affinity.]

"Wow he really has all my skill." I said happily. Then I noticed something "Why are his skill level lower than mine?"

[So as to match his current rank.] The system replied briefly. Turning to Derek I asked "You know what we are preparing for right?" to which Derek nodded. "Good cause we have a long hunt ahead of us. I will set xp sharing to be 10-90 for you to quickly catch up to me then it will be 60-40 after. Is that clear.

"Yes." said Derek to which Mark turned around and said. "Good, lets begin" And so began our hunt for xp in preparation for the battle in four weeks.

Hi everyone, and thanks for reading. Please leave comments and reviews for me. And please i need your votes. Tomorrow there will be an extra chapter just for you. From now on i will be realizing 7 chapters a week with bonuses depending on both power ranking and events. See ya.

Phantom_Mousecreators' thoughts