
Chapter 61

On the arena.

The battle between the Diamond Ape King and the steel behemoth has become increasingly fierce.

Su Yun and Chu Tianyun continued to issue orders through voice transmission. boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying roaring sound continued to echo in the field.

The fists of the Diamond Ape King and the steel behemoth kept fighting each other, and the surrounding earth began to crack open, and strong winds continued to spread. over time.

The steel behemoth began to gradually gain the upper hand and began to gain the initiative to attack.

"It's a pity that the level of the beast master is a bit too low after all….."

Looking at the battle in the field, Chu Tianyun shook his head slightly.

King Kong Ape King is indeed very strong.

If they are of the same level.

It is very likely that his steel behemoth will not last long in the opponent's hands.

But there are no ifs in the world.

The current level of his steel behemoth is far higher than that of his opponent. This is an insurmountable gap.

It was also the main reason for the opponent's defeat.

"It seems the outcome has been decided…."

"Yes, Su Yun is destined to stop here."

"It's a pity that Su Yun's luck is really bad. He met Chu Tianyun in the ninth game. Otherwise, he might have gone further."

A group of examiners from Fanxing University were also whispering there.

Almost no one thought that

06 Su Yun still had any chance of making a comeback.

But at this moment,

Su Yun's words had already sounded.

"King Kong Ape, use your full strength, use the smashing fist"


The King Kong Ape, who had been feeling unhappy for a long time, let out an excited roar and waved his fist again.


The all-crushing power burst out from the fist of the Diamond Ape King, and the air showed visible fragmentation, already like a river, covering the steel giant beast.


Chu Tianyun had a look of horror on his face. He didn't expect that the Diamond Ape King had such a terrifying trump card.


Seeing that the steel behemoth could not dodge at all, a spiritual technique surged out from Chu Tianyun's hand.


The entire arena shook violently.

Under this punch, the surrounding earth was shattered.

The steel behemoth The beast was also completely enveloped by the terrifying crushing power.

"this…..This punch!"

I don't know how many people in the field saw the crushing punch of the King Kong Ape King for the first time, and they were all shocked by this terrifying power.

"This is a crushing punch, are you kidding me?"

One examiner stood up even more excitedly.

His beast control also has this skill.

But let alone the power is less than one percent of this punch.

Even the crushing power cannot leave the fist an inch away.

"This boy….To what extent has the skill level of this move been improved?"

Xiao Feiyu twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

Even if it is him, this is the first time you have seen someone who can exert the power of the crushing fist to such an exaggerated level.


The steel behemoth let out a pitiful roar and received a punch from the Diamond Ape King head-on. Although it was not killed in one blow due to the double protection of spiritual arts and skills, blood was dripping all over its body.


The Diamond Ape King was a little surprised when he saw that there was no one-hit victory, and he punched again without hesitation. boom!

The terrifying crushing power spread in all directions, as if it was going to destroy everything in the world.

"Get out of the way, steel behemoth."Chu Tianyun spoke hurriedly.

There was fear in the eyes of the steel giant beast, and he barely dodged the punch, but another punch came one after another.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Vajra Ape King kept punching one after another. Sweeping out, the power of crushing everything continued to rage in the field, directly destroying everything around it.

The steel behemoth could only escape in embarrassment, relying on its own defense from time to time to withstand a punch, and a large amount of blood flowed from his body and mouth Continuously flowing down

"Chu Tianyun….There was no way to fight back."

Looking at the astonishing battle in the field, everyone was stunned.

Such a scene.

They could never have imagined it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Seeing the increasingly miserable steel behemoth, Chu Tianyun immediately shouted

"Stop it, King Kong."Su Yun said lightly.

"Whoosh…."After the King Kong Ape King knocked the steel behemoth away with his last punch, he reluctantly withdrew his fist.

Such a heavy punching bag[]

It is also encountered for the first time.

Chu Tianyun looked at the somewhat unsatisfied look in the Diamond Ape King's eyes, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said helplessly:

"I lost, and you passed the ninth exam."

He has already seen it.

The power of the Diamond Ape King's crushing fist is too terrifying.

The steel behemoth is no match at all.

Continuing to fight will only waste time and let the steel behemoth bear more pain. meaning. Everyone was shocked when they heard Chu Tianyun admit defeat. Because they all knew very well. What did this mean? Suddenly, there was an uproar in the field. Everyone began to whisper among themselves. This was the first time. Nine exams. It can be said bluntly. If no accidents happen, the candidates who pass the nine exams will definitely be the top scorer in the hundred cities. In the entire history of Jinfeng City, people who have achieved such an honor are definitely not More than one hand

"it turns out….Has it really reached this point?"

"Su Yun…..The future achievements of this young man are limitless."

The countless strong men in the field looked at Su Yun with completely different eyes.

There were many fourth-level or even fifth-level beast masters among them, and their cultivation level may be far higher than that of Su Yun who is now 810.

But in this world It is true that the strong are respected.

The strength and talent shown by Su Yun are enough for them to take it seriously.

They all look at Su Yun expectantly.

They want to see if Su Yun can pass the tenth exam. , truly making history.

Becoming the first student in the history of Jinfeng City to obtain perfect scores in the college entrance examination of Fanxing University.

Under everyone's gaze,

Su Yun started the tenth exam.

"Su Yun's opponent…..How strong will it be?"

Almost everyone has this thought in their mind.

Chu Tianyun in the ninth game is already a rare master among the fourth-level beast masters.

And in the tenth game, he will undoubtedly be even stronger.

The next moment, the arena will be re-opened. Recovered by the power of the virtual world, a figure also appeared.

This was a middle-aged man.

He looked ordinary.

It seemed that even if he fell into the crowd, he was inconspicuous.

But looking at this person.

Su Yun His expression was extremely solemn.

Even in the virtual world, he could smell the bloody aura coming from the other party.

A powerful enemy. An unprecedentedly powerful enemy.

The person in front of him was much more powerful than he had ever encountered before. All enemies are much stronger.

Not even the same.