
Chapter 38

Time passes quickly.

Su Yun commanded the Diamond Ape King to fight consecutively, and more and more viewers watched his battles.

"Another instant kill with one punch?"

"What a terrifying power"

"Oh my God, I've watched so many of his battles and I haven't even seen him use his skills. What kind of strength is this?"

"This giant ape probably has extremely rare top-level strength talents, otherwise he would never be able to do this."

"Winning seventy-eight games in a row"

"Is it true that no one can stop him?"

Looking at the invincible Su Yun, countless viewers were communicating with each other in the chat room.

They were deeply shocked by Su Yun's power.

Under their gaze,

Su Yun's opponent in the 79th game appeared on the stage..

This is a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses. The expression on his face is very gentle, but the eyes behind the mirror flash with sharp light from time to time.

"It's him, I know him, his name is Yijian Hanguang, he is a veteran who has been on the beast control platform all year round."

An audience member quickly spoke.

"I wonder if he can end Xiaobai's winning streak."

Everyone stared at the battlefield, watching the next development.

And in the field at this time.

Yi Jian looked at Su Yun with a cold light and said:

"You are that novice, but you have already won 70 consecutive victories in one day. You do have some strength."

"But unfortunately, now that you have met me, your winning streak has ended here."

Su Yun said calmly:


"I hope you have the strength to match this confidence"

"After all, my Diamond Ape King is very boring after the battle so far."

The Diamond Ape King on the side also roared when he heard this, with a provocative look on his face.


Yijian Hanguang snorted coldly:

"I'll let you taste defeat right away"

"Come out, Dokamon."

In an instant, the summoning circle appeared.

A huge figure had already taken steps that shook the earth, and slowly walked out of the summoning circle.

[Name]: Dokamon

[Level]: Commanding the Seventh Level

[Talent]: low-level recovery talent, high-level strength talent

[Attribute]: soil

[Bloodline]: High Lord

[Skills]: Rock Fist, Earth Crash, Rock Skin, Ground Crack

"This is Yi Jian Hanguang's beast-controlling beast, a medium-blooded Doka beast. This is the first time I have seen it."

"What a terrifying momentum. This time the giant ape definitely met his opponent."

All the audience looked at Dokamon with a look of anticipation on their faces.

Although the battle between King Kong and Ape King was exciting to watch, it was not as exciting as the fight between dragon and tiger.

"Dorkar, first with Rockskin, then War Stomp."

Yijian Hanguang immediately issued the order.


Dokamon roared, and his whole body was covered by rocks. He launched a crazy charge, and his whole body was entangled with the energy of the earth. Wherever his figure passed, the battlefield was already cracking open at a speed visible to the naked eye. Come

"King Kong, Hardened, and then Death Crash."

Su Yun had no intention of dodge, and directly planned to confront the opponent head-on.


The King Kong Ape King also sprinted out, his skin and hair glowed with a metallic sheen, and he fiercely faced the opponent.


Along with the huge sound The roar of the King Kong Ape King and the Doka Beast have collided together.

With the two as the center, the earth begins to break apart at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Huge cracks extend in all directions.

Huge air waves It rolled away in all directions.

The next moment, the rocky skin on Dokamon's body shattered, and its entire huge body had retreated several steps. The

Diamond Ape King only staggered and stood firmly on the spot..

Just one blow.

It's clear who wins and who loses.

"Sure enough, your beast-controlling power is indeed as terrifying as the rumors."

Yijian Hanguang's eyes flashed with solemnity, but he still said:

"But the one who wins this battle must be me."

"Spirituality…Hard Technique!"

"Spirituality….Strength increase"

"Spirituality….Weight gain."

As soon as Yi Jian Han Guang's words fell, a series of spiritual techniques surged out and landed on the body of Doka Beast.


Doka Beast's aura became extremely violent, and the mighty momentum rose into the sky. It seemed as if it had doubled in size in an instant, and my whole body was filled with an indescribable sense of oppression.


At this time, the Diamond Ape King also felt the pressure, but he was not afraid at all. Instead, he became more and more excited.

Fight till now.

Finally found an interesting enemy

"Dokamon, Fist of Rock"

"The King of Diamond Apes exploded with strange power and defeated him."

The voices of Su Yun and Su Yun sounded at the same time.

The two behemoths in the field had already made some moves.

Rocks covered the fists of Dokamon.

The muscles all over the body of the Diamond Ape King bulged high.


The air exploded.

In Under everyone's gaze, the fists of the Diamond Ape King and the Doka Beast have collided together.

The air around them was filled with wails. Their eyes were facing each other. They were already fighting together.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Two of them. The fist of a giant beast waved wildly, constantly bombarding the opponent's body.

Every punch fell, as if hitting a copper wall.

The entire battlefield roared.


After all, Dokamon's defense was slightly inferior, and the rock skin shattered, splattering a large amount of blood.


The Diamond Ape King was unyielding when he gained the upper hand. Relying on the full level of hardening, he simply gave up on defense and launched a violent storm-like offensive against Dokamon.

"Damn it….Spiritual magic, madness."Yijian Han Guang gritted his teeth and pointed at Duoka Technique.


Dokamon roared crazily, its eyes full of violence, and its attack power soared again. It actually left blood marks on the steel-like body of the Steel Ape King for the first time.


The Iron Ape King was slightly stunned. There were only a handful of injuries in its memory.

But then a sinister smile appeared on the corner of its mouth, and it showed no sign of weakness.

Two giant beasts.

This moment of fighting.

It perfectly explains what bloody fighting is.

A large amount of blood continued to spill on the battlefield.