
Battle With Another World

One day the school where his sister was attending got attack by a four people who were being control by the people call Other worlder who were from another world. But before they died they got summoned. And in order to save his sister he join the battle with other worlder.

RH_Bajong_890 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

1.Where Are They



Wake up...

Mile wake up....

"The teacher is calling you." A student call the other student who was sleeping peacefully beside him.


"Good morning, you're finally awake Mile."



"Have you got a nice sleep?" As the teacher spoke in an angry voice.

But before he could reply.

The student around him began to laugh.


The hold class got silent.

"I will start the class again be careful and pay attention."

All the students kept silent and started paying attention to the class as they didn't want to make the teacher angry again.


after some time the class was over and all the students gathered around to talk about there upcoming exam.

"The class is about to start again in 10 minutes so we have some time discuss about our exam" a girl student spoke. Her name was Alice and she was 18 years old with short light blue hair and eyes.

All the students agree. There was not so many students only about 10 of them.

Then another girl spoke up.

" Ahh exam I hate exams, why there's an exam." She had had the same hair and eyes colour as Alice but her hairs was longer as it reaches up to her waist and her name was Vena and she is the twins sister of Alice and she was shorter than Alice.

A boy spoke up.

"I agree with you,Vena." His name was Mile the person who was sleeping during the class he had Black hair and eyes.

" Come on exams is not that bad, we could learn so much from it." Then a boy spoke up he was the one who was trying to wake up Mile his name was zeft with black hair and black and shorter than Mile.

Others students didn't says anything

One of them being a girl with long Black hair reaching down to her Ass. She had red eyes and her name was Camille. She was the tallest in the hold classroom.

another girl was standing beside her she had red hair reaching to her shoulder and black eyes. Her name was Silsy and she was the sister of Camille.

And another girl join there conversation saying that they should stop talking about it as the class Is about to begin. She had white colour hair and black eyes. Her name was Lilia.

And another 3 boys who were just sitting in the chair they have short black hairs.

At that moment


The sound a bomb being blast could be heard.

" T-that sound, What is it?"

At that moment the students didn't expect a granade would roll inside the class room.



But before the bomb blasts a magic circle appears below there feet and they all disappear.


Then the classroom become silent..

And 4 people came inside the room cover with black clothes only there eyes could be seen.

But the black clothes were covered in blood and as each of them were holding a gun.

"Huh.. it's weird, we clearly heard there voice."

They were shock because there was not a single drop of blood on the blasted class room.

But they didn't get the time to find the reason as the sound of the police car could be heard.

When they heard the police car siren one of them come infront of the three and spoke.

" Our mission is completed here we were ordered to kill as many students as possible."

And another one Spoke.

" So it is time..?"

The one who was standing infront didn't say anything.

The the third person spoke.

" So it is huh?"

The last person didn't say anything and just sigh.

And at that moment the four of them began to point there gun to each other and shot each other.

When the police reach the school they were shock because all the see was dead bodies of the students and blood were all over.

" Who could do something like this."

At that moment one the police officer call them .

"Sir look here."

They saw the four dead bodies and they were very angry.

"So they were the one who did this "

The four dead bodies had a magic circle with x in the middle appears in there forehead.

"So... It them again huh."

One of the police spoke

"Other worlder....."

But before they leave the room they saw a mobile phone with recorded video. It was hidden in the teacher table that was fallen during the blast.

They started to cheak the video and they were shock because they something that was hard to believe.

They saw a magic circle appears below the students before the bomb blasts and they disappear.

"Huh where did they disappear..?"

"We should inform the commander who fight the other worlder about this."

The officers decide to inform the commander.

But before doing that they need to inform the parents of those students who died in this incident.

All the officers stay silent for the students who died in this incident and pray for them to have a better life in next world.

Confused huh?

Same here me too I don't know what I am writing.

RH_Bajong_890creators' thoughts