
Rules of Jia Nan Academy

Lu Yunxiao had striking sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, possessing an impeccable appearance. Especially his scholarly grace exuding from his free and easy demeanor caught the attention of the female teacher before him.

"Wow, handsome!" The teacher's eyes sparkled, involuntarily murmuring to herself, feeling a surge of energy just by witnessing him.

Men like beautiful women, and naturally, women like handsome men. Lu Yunxiao's exceptional appearance pleasantly surprised the teacher, instantly improving her attitude.

"Excuse me, are you Lu Yunxiao?" The teacher looked directly at him, asking softly.

"Yes, I am," Lu Yunxiao replied, noticing the teacher's persistent gaze and couldn't help but ask, "Teacher, may I continue registering?"

"Of course," the teacher came back to her senses, nodded, and inquired, "How old are you?"

"I'm fourteen," Lu Yunxiao answered.

"Fourteen? So young." The teacher was somewhat surprised; among the registrants, Lu Yunxiao was the youngest she had encountered.

Most were eighteen or nineteen years old, making Lu Yunxiao, at fourteen, a rare case.

"Student, have you reached the eighth stage of Dou Zhi Qi?" the teacher curiously asked.

Although many had applied, not many met the requirements. If Lu Yunxiao, at fourteen, had reached the eighth stage of Dou Zhi Qi, his talent would indeed be remarkable.

"Of course!" Lu Yunxiao nodded and affirmed.

"I see. Then, please try this." The teacher took out a transparent crystal ball, saying, "As long as you reach the eighth stage of Dou Zhi Qi, this crystal ball will light up. That means you've passed the test, and passing the test means you become a member of Jia Nan Academy."

"Great!" Lu Yunxiao nodded slightly, raised his right hand, gently placed it on the crystal ball, and instantly, the crystal emitted a dazzling red light.

"Congratulations, you've passed the test. Now you may enter. Inside, there will be mentors specifically evaluating your potential. The higher your potential, the more the academy will value you. With your talent, your potential value should be high."

"Oh, by the way, be careful. To humble the new students and ease management, Jia Nan Academy has some special rules for newcomers. Don't resist, just follow along. Otherwise, you'll have a hard time."

At first, the teacher's eyes showed a hint of surprise, then as if recalling something, she looked at Lu Yunxiao, lowered her voice, and said softly.

"Thank you for the reminder, but I'm someone who enjoys facing challenges."

Lu Yunxiao smiled faintly at the teacher, exuding confidence and enthusiasm, then strode forward.

Watching Lu Yunxiao's figure, the teacher was slightly stunned, her eyes gleaming. This student, Lu Yunxiao, was incredibly handsome when he smiled.


After advancing a few steps, Lu Yunxiao glanced around for a moment, then headed straight in one direction.

"Host, quite charming, huh? Even the admissions teacher was impressed. Special reminder, other students don't get this treatment." As Lu Yunxiao walked, the system teased in his mind.

"Well, it's a world where appearances matter. Especially when a handsome guy like me has a remarkable talent, it's normal to attract female attention." Lu Yunxiao said calmly, without changing his expression.

"Host, your confidence is growing. Do you always praise yourself like this? Isn't it embarrassing?" The system said disdainfully.

"I'm stating a fact. Why should I be embarrassed?" Lu Yunxiao replied calmly, looking ahead at a hall. He walked straight in, observing many new students standing outside, looking weary and dispirited.

"This must be the so-called special rule, right? Just a show of power, seniors bullying newcomers, testing their mettle?" Lu Yunxiao shook his head with a smile, then walked into the hall.

Compared to the heat outside, the hall was considerably cooler, providing comfort.

Several people stood in the hall, young both in age and spirit. According to Lu Yunxiao's speculation, they were the seniors of Jia Nan Academy.

As for the mentors, scanning the area, Lu Yunxiao didn't spot any resemblances. They were probably hiding, waiting for the newcomers' spirits to be dampened before showing up, making it easier for management.

Heh, such old tactics!

While observing the hall, those inside were also gazing at him since he had just entered.

"Wow, such a handsome junior brother. His looks are extraordinary."

"Not only good-looking, but his demeanor is also exceptional. It's making my heart flutter."

"Moreover, this junior brother seems quite young, maybe fourteen or fifteen? And he's already surpassed the eighth stage of Dou Zhi Qi? Such immense talent!"

"What an adorable little puppy. I love him!"

Seeing Lu Yunxiao's appearance, a few girls couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

Lu Yunxiao's mouth twitched. Were these really Jia Nan Academy students? They seemed a bit rowdy.

Several male students beside him also felt twitchy. When women get excited, men usually don't matter much.

A few male students exchanged glances, and then a slightly burly, square-faced student stepped forward, approaching Lu Yunxiao.

"Newcomer, do you know the rules?" the male student asked in a calm tone.

"I'm not sure. Could you enlighten me, senior?" Lu Yunxiao looked at the burly student with a calm tone.

"If you don't know, let me tell you. After successful registration, newcomers must stand outside for an hour. So, you should go out," the burly student pointed outside, stating.

"Is that so? But I'd rather stay inside, senior. It's cooler in here than outside," Lu Yunxiao said with a smile.

"These are the rules," the burly student said sternly.

"But rules are meant to be broken, aren't they?" Lu Yunxiao continued smiling.

"Hey, junior, you're very confident. But those people earlier were also confident like you, yet they obediently went outside in the end."

The burly student wasn't surprised by Lu Yunxiao's response. Anyone passing Jia Nan Academy's test was considered a genius in their own right, and geniuses usually held some arrogance.

Their job was to break that arrogance and make these geniuses realize their true capabilities for better management.

He himself had gone through this process; he had been taught by his seniors during his time here.

In his view, Lu Yunxiao was no different from himself back then.