
Battle through an all-encompassing universe

I died in my first life on my wedding night, and he died in my second life because of the greed of my ex-lover, and this was not the end of my life, as I woke up like Shiso, Jasmine’s brother. I woke up after he died. With the memories of my first and second life and Xisu's memories, I vowed revenge and the first person I would take revenge on was Qianye Ying'er.

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Death and order: Chapter 5

{Chapter 5}

The terrorists stopped shooting as soon as they realized that instead of hurting me, they had wounded, or perhaps killed, their comrade. But they realized it was too late, their friend had died.

The terrorist leader was completely surprised. One of the reasons was that he did not expect me to make such a bold move. The other reason was that he did not think that I was trained to kill life and death and was extremely strong.

Forcefully pulling the terrorist's body towards mine meant that my strength had exceeded that of a fully trained terrorist. Surprise may have played a key role in this. However, they realized that I had at least received training in killing in life and death situations.

Before the leader of the terrorists could give instructions to the terrorists, I suddenly shouted in a loud voice, everyone, let us attack these terrorists. If we attack them now, we can escape our death and may have a chance to survive.

With our numbers, we can eliminate them. These terrorists are the smallest in number. We have the upper hand over them.

My voice was followed by my quick movements of raising the machine gun and pointing it at the terrorists before I pulled the trigger.

Grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…grrrr. Grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…Grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…grrrr. Grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…Grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…grrrr. Grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…Grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…grrrr. Grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…grrrr…

The sound began to echo in the heads of all the passengers when they saw 3 of the terrorists die before they could escape the rapid bullets from the machine gun, and the rest were lightly injured.

"Everyone, move quickly we can save ourselves," she shouted again in a loud voice

The first to move were my friends. They immediately moved towards one of the terrorists. However, the three of them were barely able to take down a single terrorist.

But those behind them were somewhat shocked. When they saw this scene. They felt hope rising in their hearts, that they could win, they could survive at this point.

There was hope for them to survive

Just as this little spark of hope was about to turn into a completely destructive fire, another gunshot rang out and pierced my body.

It was from someone hiding in the group on the plane

I saw and heard everything that happened after my injury. Well it looks like this is the last moment of my life.

Everyone unconsciously turned their heads towards the person who shot me and saw that this person was a woman dressed in black standing with a hint of arrogance on her face, a gun in her hands.

A bullet hit me in the heart. Oh, so there really was someone who infiltrated the group before we got on the plane, right?

My body slowly fell to the ground, and the machine gun fell to the ground as well. Yet I still hear and see everything that happens.

The terrorist leader said: "It seems like it was a really good idea that my little lady allowed you to infiltrate the group and keep an eye on things."

Their little lady let him sneak into the group? Does this mean that they are receiving orders from Mi Shin? I think I understand everything.

"I can't believe that four of you were killed by a child," the woman in black said as she walked towards the group of terrorists with a hint of disdain on her face. "Even if that child was the king of the largest company on the two continents.

But as soon as she passed the seat where I was initially sitting, she was suddenly shocked when Qiu Shan suddenly attacked her body.

And he gave her a series of punches. He quickly grabbed the gun in her hand.

He was very nervous while holding a real gun in his hand.

The woman said: What are you doing, you little brat!

 At this moment, not only the woman, the leader of the terrorists was shocked and angry as well.

Before they could do anything, Qiu Shan pulled the trigger and shot the woman in the head! Blood splattered on his face, and his shirt was covered in blood because he was close enough.

The backlash of pulling the trigger was so intense that the gun practically fell out of his hands.

Just as the terrorists were about to shoot Qiu Shan. People who had been paralyzed by fear for a long time suddenly rushed towards this small group of remaining terrorists at the same time.

They subconsciously realized that this was the only time they could regain their freedom and save themselves from a fate far worse than that of animals.

For me, the last thing I saw and heard was Qiu Shan's crying face.…

After an unknown time

The void

All that can be seen in this place is the huge, dark void. There is no form of life. Just keep the terrifying silence, but at this moment, a ghostly form can be seen floating in this dark void...

Who am I? How did I get here? I cannot remember anything, but I know that I was something called human before I came here. What I was or was not. I do not know, but I know that if I continue to exist in this place, I will disappear forever.

Everyone I met in this void said that they could not last in this place for a long time and quickly disappeared. The last person who was here said that she was human and I was as well and that we were dead, but she quickly scattered and disappeared.

And I was left alone again in this dark and empty place, why I did not disappear like them.

The last person I spoke to told me that anyone who finds themselves in this place is supposed to cease to exist and never be born again.

I forgot all the people I found here before him, but I forgot them like I forgot who I am

I don't know what it means that he's not born again or what humans are, but I know that it's better than staying here in this void.

[Ding the system wants to link to you. Do you agree]

System? Are you another human?

[Deng, the system is not human, the system is the system]

Well, I don't understand what you mean by that, but what do you want from me?

[Dang I need your consent to associate with you]

Why do you want to associate with me? Do you know who I am?

[Ding I can make you reminisce about your life before you were here. Do you agree to link to the system?]

Well, I agree to associate with the regime

[ Deng. Linking a system to the host]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 1%]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 5%]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 10%]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 15%]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 20%]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 30%]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 40%]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 50%]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 66%]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 77%]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 99%]

[DING The system has been linked to the host by 100%]

[Deng. The system is linked to the host]


^~^The number of words in this chapter is 1267 😘

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