
Battle Royale Streamer in an Apocalyptic World

Okay, before you drop a review before reading this novel, let me just tell you this novel won't be about reading others playing games via a novel nor is it a fan-fic, but rather it's about someone who was known for being a god in PUBG carrying his playstyle and survival instincts into the real world when the apocalypse took place. This book is inspired by Code Geass, Gundam Seed, Gundam 00, and PUBG. Okay, now for the real synopsis, after battle royale games went mainstream and PUBG & Fortnite took it to staggering heights in popularity, streamers of this game were also brought in to share the spotlight. Amongst all PUBG streamers, the group Big D Brings Spring stood at the top, with the squad consisting of Phantom Pen15, Ricedoctor, Dildo Swaggins, and Givemethatchicken. So yeah, these guys were streaming PUBG, making good money, and suddenly sh*t hits the fan and the apocalypse happened. Is Big D gonna bring spring this time? Or is it gonna go limp and flap in the wind? Already familiar with survival, scavenging and battle royale style gameplay, can these ding dongs use what they learned in video games to survive in this new world, not be retarded, farm up, and rise up against the forces behind the apocalypse? Author Note: Yeah it’s a fiction, first time writing, but have been translating for 2 years now on both good and trash novels (one of the best and one of the worst on Webnovel), which taught me what to do and what not to do. Now the first question is, based on the username in the squad Big D Brings Spring, which ethnicity is each from? First 10 people that guesses right gets free boner- I mean bonus chapters and early access for a month. Post your answers in the form of 5-star reviews, and the winner will be announced when the novel reaches 2M views. Cover designed by DylanWE from DeviantArt.

FrostyNight · Perang
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58 Chs

White House Did Not Fall

"Okay, it says there's a ranking ladder for contribution points, and there are rewards of different tiers for top 25%, top 10%, top 5%, and third, second, and first place," Elon slowly said as he read.

"Oh lol, I guess the Game Master at Nirvana is quite nice, giving out so many rewards. Oh, do you want to know what this reminds me of?"


"Those math contests in high school."

The group continued to watch the live stream from ABC news, it was a brutal blood bath, and the troops were too insignificant in front of those monsters.

Although the base was also equipped with anti-air missiles and they attempted to destroy the zombie crates in midair, there were simply too many of them coming at them from all directions.

The muscular mutated zombies also easily destroyed tanks, and those jumping mutants would jump on the soldier on the gunner seat and get into the tank from that opening.

"Do you guys think we can survive against those monsters...?" Alex was quite terrified of seeing this scene.

"We will definitely need better weapons. I have a feeling that the Nirvana app will start displaying stronger weapons soon, maybe after Wave 3 ends. Otherwise, there's just no way we can survive with our current weapon setup once those monsters drop onto us," Elon speculated.

The group kept on watching the live-streaming, trying to see if any mutated zombies were killed, and if so, how they were killed. However, what they wished to see never took place. The zombies quickly ran over the military base, and they proceeded to go towards the refuged citizens on the boats and yachts.

Elon quickly switched the channel, none of them had the hearts to watch what was going to go down with those defenseless citizens when they already knew what would happen.

They quickly switched to another youtube channel reporting the situations around the world. Due to the citizens being densely populated areas, the zombie waves ran rampant as they infected more and more people while the military moved at great difficulty due to traffic congestions. Luckily, the Chinese military could still dispatch armed aircraft to provide aerial support.

As for Japan, many citizens were escorted to underground safe zones or vessels on water while the Self-Defense Forces tried to retake fallen districts.

Elon clicked on a few live-streams that were showing the fierce battle at the White House. Thankfully, the troopers were holding their ground and the ground-to-air missiles successfully took out a few of the cargo planes in the airspace.

"The White House's strong defense had brought hope to the nation, and this just in, the Pentagon had dispatched all combat-type aircraft to intercept Nirvana cargo planes, preventing the zombie crates from landing and causing damage to our nation..." the reporter of CBB News updated the viewers on the situation.

In the video footage, there was an incredible amount of firepower coming from the White House, targeting both the enemies on the ground as well as the incoming crates while they were still in mid-air.

There were mutated zombies as well, but they were quickly taken down before they could even reach the gate.

"Someone updated the Wiki!" Elon exclaimed as he saw the wiki tab refresh. Apparently, the 2-meter tall muscular giant mutant is called an A-Class Giant, tank-type mutant, and the following are the star ratings of its five attributes:

[Size: 2 / Attack: 3 / Defense: 3 / Intelligence: 1 / Mobility: 1]

The zombie that was jumping around and clawing people open once they pounced on a victim is called an A-Class Hunter, assassin-type:

[Size: 1 / Attack: 1 / Defense: 1 / Intelligence: 1 / Mobility: 3]

The zombies that were shooting its extendable tongue were called A-Class Strangler, a ranged-type mutant:

[Size: 1 / Attack: 1 / Defense: 1 / Intelligence: 2 / Mobility: 1]

"Okay, so what I want to know is, how many stars is it out of for each attribute? 3 max, right? It's out of 3, right?" The other three remained silent as Christian prayed as his teeth shivered.

After watching more of the footage, the group noticed that the mutants were only killed after repeatedly taking shots for at least 2 to 3 seconds head, with the bullet holes completely breaking the nerves connecting the brain to the rest of their body, whereas the normal zombies would stop functioning right after one to two shots to the head.

At the White House, perhaps they also purchased the zombie-repellent technology from Nirvana or their ground-to-air missiles and fighter jets took care of the zombies that were dropping directly on top of it. As a result, the zombies were forced to land outside of the gate. The reinforced metal fences provided great defense, which bought time for the troops to concentrate their fire to focus down the mutants.

At last, it seemed like the White House declared victory in this battle against Wave #3.

- Pentagon, Military HQ -

"Are G-7 Ghosts deployed?" an elder in uniform asked.

"Yes Sir, they have located and began their mission on three cargo ships, one going northbound of Washington, one going eastbound of Los Angeles, one going southbound of Dallas."

"Okay, check on the status of our mech project and report back to me. We need those things online as soon as possible. Get me the President on the line."


"Mr. President, I'm glad that you are safe."

"What the hell are you doing? I've given you billions and billions of dollars and a tremendous amount of support for your projects, but why didn't I see any of the big guys I was promised?"

"Mr. President, we don't want to reveal to the world the weapons we possess too early. I promise you the special ops squad I've dispatched to protect you at your office is more than enough."

"Fine, how's the rest of the operation going?"

"We are tailing three enemy aircraft and I believe we will be locating their hideouts soon."

Ayy, Monday, I'm back at it again with my one chapter every day, slow and steady lol.

If you like my novel, don't forget to send me some of those power stones so you can also earn free SS~

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