
Battle of the Third Reich

Synopsis: A Chinese student died in Europe due to a strange flying accident, and because of that accident, he took up a strange task. Resurrecting back in time, he became involved in the smoke of World War II. This describes his journey as he survives in this world of chaos while maintaining his ideals. **************************************************************** This novel is translated non-professionally, using the free version of Grammarly and the DeepL translator, and edited to the best of my abilities, so the quality is dubious. If any typos, grammar mistakes, and other bullshit pops up, tell me where so I can fix it. V1CH1-V4CH14 can be found here: https://deltatranslations.wordpress.com/battle-of-the-third-reich/ I will be translating the rest as I have not seen anyone else do it. Updates are erratic, so don't expect daily or even weekly uploads. Disclaimer: MC is a part of the Nazi party but does not agree with its practices, saying that, I do not support the ideologies portrayed in this novel, so don't call me a Nazi. As you can expect from a Chinese novel, the MC hates the Japanese. Both the novel's cover and synopsis have been ripped from the novel's novelupdates page word for word. ****************************************************************

Karminica · Peperangan
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27 Chs

V4CH17: Promotion

  When Xu Jun left the building with Hans and the two SS soldiers, the countless Jews who were secretly watching all this behind the thick curtains in the nearby buildings had a feeling of having escaped from a terrible fate.

  When they saw in front of them that inside the car was a German general, it scared their souls out of their hearts. Since the massacre a few days ago, the entire ghetto was in extreme panic, they did not know which neighborhood the next massacre would be in, everyone lost hope of leaving here alive, they do not know what tomorrow will be like, they can only try to live well today, even if it is death these Jews also want to die with dignity.

  And in the eyes of these Jews, a German captain has the right to kill the whole street, and a German general can even burn an entire ghetto zone to the ground would not be a difficult thing to do. But to everyone's surprise, this time there was no mournful gunfire, no screaming, and shouting, and no one was dragged out of the building by German soldiers and thrown on a truck to take away, none of the things they expected to happen happened.

  The Germans rushed into the building in a murderous manner but withdrew quietly, they quickly climbed into their vehicles and drove away as fast as they had came, and when the convoy disappeared from the corner of the street, everyone could not help but let out a long breath.

  "Hans, don't you want to ask me what it is that I burned?" Xu Jun comfortably leaned on the soft cushion in the back seat of the car smiling at Hans, Xu Jun felt that a weight has been lifted off his heart when the beacon was destroyed, his whole body felt indescribably relaxed and comfortable.

  "No, I think the general if wanted to tell me, you would have told me a long time ago. If you do not tell me, it means that this is not something I should know. I will not pry into things I am not supposed to know." Hans also smiled and replied, he found that the general was like a different person after that strange thing was burned, the smile that he hadn't seen for days reappeared on his face, the general who talked and laughed and commanded with vigor and confidence in the Belgian command was back in front of him. Although Hans really wanted to know what it was, seeing the general now, what it really was mattered little to Hans, and he was sincerely happy that his general had recovered.

  "Is that so? Hans, you are indeed my most reliable adjutant, you are an excellent soldier." Xu Jun nodded his head with satisfaction at Hans' answer.

  "Thank you for the compliment, General, shall we return to the command now?" Hans asked with a smile.

  "Yes, I still have a lot of documents that I haven't had time to deal with, besides the latest war report from the Commanding General should be delivered, I am eager to understand what has been happening on the front line now."

  "You can rest assured, the fact that the commander-in-chief hasn't let us return yet means that the battle should be going very well now. It seems that the day is not far off when we will defeat France."

  "That's why I want to know more about the situation there, haha, I want to know when I can go to the streets of Paris for coffee." Xu Jun chuckled and said.

  "Being said by you like this, I also feel curious about the recent situation at the front." Hans also smiled and said.

  With a smile on his face, Xu Jun turned his eyes to the outside of the car.

  "The commander-in-chief has not summoned Mueller and his first-line officers to return to the line, they have no reason to leave such powerful elite troops of the "Cypriot" legion unused. There must be something wrong with this matter." Xu Jun secretly thought in his heart.

  Not long after, a beautiful white building appeared in Xu Jun's field of vision. This is a beautiful French-style building, originally a wealthy Polish nobleman in the fourteenth century ordered its construction, in order to catch up with the fashion from France he hired architects from France who carefully built it. Now this beautiful house has become his new headquarters.

  The original SS headquarters was beaten like a block of cheese during the purge a few days ago, and after two days of official business there, Xu Jun felt that it was too unseemly, so he replaced the building as the new headquarters on the recommendation of several Polish municipal officials.

  Because of the French style, the beautiful main building was surrounded by a large lawn and garden, which was good for the security of the headquarters, no one could cross the 40 or 50 meters of open grass without being detected by the vigilant sentries, and if any bold intruders still wanted to go on after being detected by the sentries, the intruder would find that he would face more than ten muzzles of machine guns with flames, they would have been lucky to have a body intact after such intense gunfire.

  When the convoy pulled into the beautiful gates of the headquarters, Xu Jun saw from a distance through the car window that the open space and steps in front of the beautiful French building were now filled with people.

  "Hans, what's going on here?" Xu Jun looked at Hans in confusion.

  "I don't know, General. But I saw the marching band, so I guess it's some kind of celebration. Is it some kind of anniversary today? It can't be."

  "A celebration, why didn't anyone tell me?"

  As the two men were guessing blindly in the car, the Mercedes had slowly turned a corner and pulled onto the road leading to the main entrance of the building, while the two trucks and the car that had opened the road continued down the original main road toward the back of the command.

  "General... Is it just my eyes or is it really true that I see Colonel Mueller wearing... Oh my God, and Haroon..." By the time the car approached the main building, Hans caught a glimpse of his two fellow officers standing in the crowd on the steps, not because he was particularly familiar with them, but because the two were dressed so conspicuously in the crowd.

  "Hans, I think you are right, that does indeed look like Muller and Haroon, but now I am beginning to wonder if I am wrong. They..."

  The car slowly came to a halt in front of the steps. Two Waffen SS men in full military dress dashed to the door of the car and opened it respectfully.

  "All stand at attention! Play the music."

  With a loud and clear marching order, those military musicians standing aside immediately played rousing military music, and all the soldiers present raised their chests and stood at attention, while those Nazi administrative officials all stood respectfully in place and bowed their heads in salute.

  Xu Jun stepped out of the car, he looked at everything around him blankly, he was completely confused. Almost all of Warsaw's first and second-level administrative officials and all senior officers of the army and Waffen SS stationed in Warsaw were gathered in front of their own headquarters, each with a respectful look on their faces.

  Xu Jun, who had no idea what was going on, walked up the steps, turned to the crowd around him, and nodded in greeting, then he turned to his own men standing on the steps and raised his hand in a salute. The officers hastily returned the standard salute with respect.

  "What's going on here, is there any important activity? Mueller, do you know what is going on here?" After the salute was completed Xu Jun suspiciously asked Mueller who greeted him.

  Mueller walked down the steps with a smile on his face, he was now wearing a brand new general's uniform with gold weaved Army Brigadier General shoulder patch. And Haroon also wore a brand-new army brigadier general's uniform and walked behind Mueller in high spirits.

  Mueller came in front of Xu Jun and waited for him to stand, then put away his smile and replaced it with a serious expression. Mueller said loudly to Xu Jun, "Welcome back, my Lord Marshal."

  Mueller's words took Xu Jun greatly by surprise.

  "Marshal? What marshal?!" Xu Jun exclaimed.

  "It is you, Reinhardt Von Marshal Stade. In recognition of your outstanding service to our great Third Reich, in order to match your honor and your merit, you have been promoted to Field Marshal by the Führer yesterday afternoon. This is your new uniform with the orders of the Führer and the Generalissimo, which was delivered at noon when you were out, and for which the Generalissimo sent a special plane. The Generalissimo did not inform you about it because he wanted to surprise you. And we have been preparing for this ceremony for an afternoon."

  Xu Jun saw an orderly standing at the side carrying a tray with a brand new marshal's uniform and a golden marshal's scepter inside.

  Xu Jun was dumbfounded by this sudden occurrence, he hadn't even thought that such a thing would happen. Is this Hitler's first trump card? It is really out of his own expectations. Xu Jun started to feel a headache approaching when thinking of reasons why this would happen, he knew that at this very occasion now, his every move would affect his image, so he immediately said to Muller with a smile on his face, "So this is how it is, I didn't expect this, I really didn't expect this, this is just like a dream. Haha, Muller, you arranged it very well, good work. It seems that both you and Haroon have also gained promotions, congratulations."

  "All of this is still the result of your cultivation, Marshal, without you, we would still be just a small lieutenant colonel and a lieutenant. Under your command, we were able to achieve what we have today. I never thought that by following you, we would become generals in a month, something that we could not even think of before. Mueller said excitedly.

  "Don't be like that, everything you have now you have gained by your own efforts and blood and sweat, I have not done anything for you. Haha, you are also a general, from now on you have to have a generals appearance." Xu Jun said with a smile while patting Mueller's shoulder affectionately.

  Then he turned to the group of officials and officers at the bottom of the dais and said loudly, "I am really happy today, this will be a day I will never forget. I am very grateful to everyone for coming here to congratulate me on my promotion. I was not prepared at all for this event, and I really did not expect that I would receive such a great honor. There are really no words to express my gratitude and admiration for the Führer right now. I now announce that tonight I am going to hold the biggest party in all of Warsaw here, and everyone who is present is going to come, you can even bring your families with you. We are going to have a great party tonight. But right now I have some important things to take care of, so I can't entertain you all now. When the banquet comes in the evening, I will express my heartfelt thanks to all the guests who came to this ceremony one by one."

  Xu Jun's words disappointed the group of officials who were about to rush up to pat this newly emerged young Marshal and German Vice Führer on the back, but they thought that the evening banquet should be more suitable for them to play than this occasion now, they all nodded their heads and smiled in agreement.

  "Then, everyone go back first, the officers all stay behind." Xu Jun smiled and waved at the crowd, then turned around and walked towards the gate.

  When he looked at Mueller again his face suddenly became as cold as ice, he whispered to Mueller and said, "Gather everyone in the conference room, I will go there later, you have to give me a detailed report, I want to know about this matter from beginning to end."

  Xu Jun's sudden change of countenance took Mueller and several officers by surprise, they did not know what the marshal was so angry about, did he encounter something unpleasant when he went out in the afternoon? It did not look like he was unhappy when he got out of the car just now, ah. But Xu Jun's words were absolute orders to them, so Mueller hurriedly agreed and then immediately ran to the side to whisper to his fellow officers.

  At this time, Hans slowly walked into the building with a puzzled look on his face, holding Xu Jun's marshal's staff and the order in his hand. Seeing Hans, Mueller hurriedly cast a questioning glance, and then glanced at Xu Jun's back with his eyes, he meant to say 'what happened, how could that one be so unhappy?'. Seeing Mueller's eyes, Hans shrugged his shoulders and shook his head with a bitter smile, saying he didn't understand what was going on, then Hans quickened his pace and went after Xu Jun.

  Mueller took off his cap and scratched his head, he was puzzled by the abnormal reaction of Xu Jun. Suddenly Mueller remembered something, he hurriedly went to his side of the officers and spoke a few words, and then also ran in the direction of Xu Jun's office.

  Xu Jun walked quickly to his office while thinking in his head about his strange promotion. This is too much out of his expectation, it is simply illogical. Now Xu Jun feels that his brain has been stirred into a pot of porridge by this unexpected event, there is a very bad feeling around his heart, so much so that he feels his chest tightening, the heart was feeling very irritable.

  He violently pushed open his office door, and then rushed to his desk and sat down, he found that now he had a desire to destroy something. How could he feel this way, why should he be so irritable, Xu Jun fixed his mind and asked himself secretly. There must be something happening and he does not know, this feeling he has now may be an instinctive reaction to the kind of uncertain danger he will face, an instinctive reaction to defend himself before the danger comes.

  What is the matter? What does Hitler really want? What is he playing at? The fact that he promoted himself to the rank of Field Marshal is not in line with Hitler's usual style, someone must be helping him, there must be some huge conspiracy. What exactly is it?

  Xu Jun stood up and turned around in his office, suddenly he found that he was not the only one in his office, there was another person sitting quietly on the sofa on one side of the office watching him. It seems that this person was already in this office before Xu Jun came in, and Xu Jun came in after thinking about what happened in front of him so he didn't notice him.

  When Xu Jun found a person sitting on the sofa, he was shocked, but when he saw the person's appearance, he could not help but shout.

  "It's you, why are you here!"

(TL: oof, you hate to see cliffhangers)

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