
Battle of the Ancients

Though this world may seem the same as the world you were born it's not In a world where a boy has to face a destiny he knows nothing about, for a change certain decisions must be made... Ayo born in a parallel world where the gods are not just myths, orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage just to be hunted down, for who he is..... A great evil lurks in the shadows from a prophecy once told but can he fight against this evil "I may be born half mortal but i shall ascend the Realm above and slay all those responsible for this chaos and all Ancients shall kneel before me"

Hila · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs

Dream & Problems

It was Saturday and I just woke up and took a lap around the neighborhood before returning back home and went upstairs to take a quick shower.

While underneath the shower I couldn't stop thinking about the dream I had last night it was one of the major reasons I woke up earlier than usual as I thought about under the cold spray of the shower I couldn't help but recall everything that happened.

Within the Dream

"Ahh it's still after us, can't we find a way to kill it?" asked a girl whose face was blurred to me.

"I don't know, it's the first time I've fought something like this" I replied

The creature after us was a demon made entirely of smoke it had the head of a bull and where ever it passed destruction followed in its wake.

"Let's go there's no time" she said. "The Haven of godlings is the only safe place for us Calvin"

I suddenly saw myself running forward leaving me behind but it wasn't me it was someone else this guy she called Calvin.

I kept on thinking about what this so-called Haven of godlings place was that made them feel they would only be safe there. It was a short but very mind wrecking dream it felt like I was the guy I felt and saw what he saw how he saw it and when he did. For some reason I thought it most definitely was no dream so I pushed the thought to the back of my head.

I finish taking my shower and head downstairs while putting on my shirt when I suddenly bumped into Mrs. Carira who just glanced at me before hurrying off to the kitchen. It seemed as if she had been awake all-night working, Mr. Carira had not been home all week so I guessed she was also slightly worried no matter how much she acted like she didn't care I know she did because I saw her walk around the house a couple of times looking at the door expecting someone to suddenly walk in.

I walked into the kitchen to handle my morning chores when I saw her about to brew another pot of coffee so I smartly took the pot out of her hands before going over and started to brew tea for her instead.

"they say too much coffee is bad for the health you know" I said

She just stared off into the horizon hidden behind the fog not even paying attention.

"Are you okay" I asked since this was the first time I saw her that way.

"Am okay" she said snapping out from whatever thought that were running through her mind.

"You were saying something about coffee, right?" she said.

"Yes, they say it's bad for your health" I answered.

"It's not all that bad am okay aren't I" she said as she tried to smile.

"Even if you say you're okay you don't look the part" I said

"it's okay we both know you aren't okay, I can tell you know" I said trying to comfort her.

She suddenly avoids my gaze before saying she was fine once more, even though I knew she wasn't okay there was nothing I could do to comfort her so I just watched the kettle while it boiled before I prepared the tea for her.

Serving the tea to her "Thank you" she said before drinking her tea. Although all she said was a Thank you it took everything she had just to tell me that.

I went back to work on my chores, when I was almost done Spencer and Connor came downstairs obviously Connor woke up Spencer because knowing Spencer her would sleep till late in the almost noon. They both walked into the kitchen not knowing Mrs. Carira was there with me so they were loud and usually she gives them a good smack on their head for being loud but the moment they saw her their faces froze.

"I'll be in my study" said Olivia

"Okay" I answered. "I almost forgot to ask if it's okay for me to go out for a while later today"

"Sure, just don't come home late" she said before walking off.

Connor and Spencer were speechless as usually she would ask a thousand questions before still saying No.

"You guys better start working on your chores"

They both looked at each other before shuddering and rushing off to do their chores afraid it was some new move of hers. When I finished my work, I decided to speak to Connor

"Um Connor can you please not do anything that disturbs Olivia today and try to control Spencer, she's not exactly feeling okay since Mr. Cariras sudden disappearance" I said

"Yeah I saw her always looking at the door waiting for him" said Connor.

"But where are you going to later" He asked.

"I don't know yet but I really need to clear my mind" I said.

I head upstairs to get started on my assignments which I was able to finish before eleven that morning and took a quick nap before waking up by past twelve and I hurriedly had my lunch, before telling Connor I was about to go out.

Although I said I was going out to clear my head my other reason was none other than finding traces of the Soul devourer and if possible also kill it.