
Battle of Eden

What if Season 5 was different? What if Jasper made it onto the Ring instead of Echo? What if Clarke fought on the right side of the war? And what if Madi wasn’t the only Nightblood? Another perspective on Season 5.

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Part 1 - Prisoners

POV: Bellamy

"It's been 1,835 days since Praimfaya, and Clarke, I'm so sorry, I don't know if you're alive, O, I don't know if you got out or anything. But we're not dead. I'm talking on borrowed time, I escaped from their prison, but they're coming for me... please... we'll meet again..."

* * *

"Y'know, I'm kinda gonna miss this place," Murphy said as he sat down next to Emori, his arm over her shoulder, he kissed her on the forehead.

I nodded and sat down on the other side of him, "Me too, me too. It's hard to believe that tomorrow it will have been five years since Praimfaya."

"I know," Raven said and then she smiled looking at Murphy, "Hard to believe we've survived five years with him. But I guess if we can survive that we can survive anything."

Murphy laughed, "Wow, Reyes, I thought you were starting to warm to me too."

Raven shook her head, still teasing, "Well, Murphy, I hate to break it to you, but you're still a dick."

Murphy shrugged, "And I thought we had something special."

Emori put her hand on Murphy's cheek, "Well, I don't think you're a dick," she kissed him on the lips and Murphy wrapped his arms around her and locked lips with her.

"Get a room!" Monty exclaimed as he walked in and sat on a seat opposite them.

Murphy raised his eyebrow, breaking away from Emori, "Me get a room? How can you say that when I heard everything last night between you and Harper. Do you guys ever stop? I'll be glad to get home just so I don't have to listen to that every night."

Harper walked in and smirked, "I can't help it if Algae isn't his only talent. Sorry you can't please Emori like that."

Murphy shook his head, "Oh please, I'm way better than Monty will ever be. Once you get a taste of me, you'll never go back."

Emori nodded, "It's true, John can... find his way around..." she blushed at her words, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Murphy also went bright red but then diverted the attention onto my own antics, "Well, I'm not the only one with a magic touch by the sounds of it; Nobody can beat Bellamy here," he looked at Raven, "I'm sure you can vouch for that. Bellamy is just a ladies man, right? Although he's not really committed... See, I'm a gentleman. If I want it, I put a ring on it."

I rolled my eyes, "Me and Raven are just friends-"

"Not what I've been hearing from your room," Murphy stated.

I smirked, "Yeah, well, maybe we get bored of listening to you guys all the time. We want a little fun too."

Raven came walking over with a bottle of booze, "I think we've waited long enough for some of Monty's moonshine, here's to coming home!"

"To coming home!" We all cheered and clunked our glasses.

I looked over to the window, Jasper stood alone, staring out of it. It's been a hard six years for us, him especially. There's been many nights, especially in the first year where we found him with a gun pressed to his head and heard his screams of terror from down the hall. It's been horrific for him and I can sense his fear returning as we near home.

I placed a delicate hand on his shoulder, the others still joking and laughing behind us. "It's going to be okay, Jasper." I soothe him.

He keeps his hands in his pockets and his face to the orange earth below us. I see his gaze trained on the patch of green, "I know, I know." He smiled, "Just hope Octavia doesn't try going swimming again. I don't fancy saving her from a giant sea snake."

I smiled with him, "At least you can swim this time."

His eyes met mine, but the smile faded, "I guess."

Raven ran over to us, putting her arms over Jasper's shoulders, "Come, join us! There's plenty of moonshine and algae to go around."

Jasper looked back out at Earth, "I just want to admire - Hey, what's that?" He pointed at the glass to see something heading towards us, "Right, there! Look, it's coming straight for us!"

Another ship. Our faces dropped.

Raven turned to face us, her eyes wide with fear, "This cant be happening."

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

Raven swallowed, "This ship, the Gagarin, it was one of Ali's. I had a premonition about this. It's filled with people that were put to sleep for a hundred years, they'll be a couple hundred of them. They're heading straight for us."

* * *

It's been 1,835 days, we spent the last month inside the Gargin as prisoners. They chained us up, locked us away in the prison. But things are different. Things are happening today. Today I'm breaking free. I need to get my hands on a radio, Octavia will be wondering where we are. I have to tell her I'm alive, I have to. Murphy sat by the door, ready. Me and Raven sat on the bed facing the locked cell door. Harper was ready. She had a piece of glass in her hand, we heard guards coming. It was feeding time. Here he came. We heard the cell door click and watched it open. Murphy grabbed him and shoved him to the floor. The guard went to grab his electric whip, Emori grabbed it. Harper held the glass in her hand and held it against the guard's throat, keeping him silent. "I'm sorry," I muttered to him as I took off his uniform, putting on me, grabbing his keys. I grabbed the glass from Harper and cut Raven's arm with it. I handcuffed her and out the cell we walked.

We walked down corridor after corridor. I saw other guards walking prisoners, a familiar site to me. One guard looked at me, "She one of them going to the Ground?"

I looked at him, "The Ground?"

The guard nodded, "Yeah, to see if it's safe. A Hundred prisoners and Ward, he's pretty stupid, if you ask me. I still don't think it's safe down there, despite what that Becca bitch preached to us. But better these guys than us. Just don't tell the psychos that we found in that rocket ship. They were full of so much bullshit. Grounders? Something called Prime Fire? They're nuts! Everybody knows there's nothing left on Earth. It's a wasteland."

I nodded, "Yeah, crazy. So, where do I take them?"

The guard scratched his head, "Um, the loading dock is on the bottom floor, better hurry though, it leaves in an hour. Just don't go telling their parents."

I nodded, "I won't."

Me and Raven walked away from him, finding a quiet corridor, I looked at her, "You hear that?"

Raven nodded. "Sounds like Deja Vu - a hundred prisoners? Seriously?" She laughed a little cynical, but then confirmed my wavelength, "That's our ticket home. But how do we do it? It'll be high security."

I nodded, "There'll be a radio on there. We just have to sneak in. I snuck on the dropship, I'll get us in there too. Or maybe we pay this Ward a visit."

* * *

I stood in the radio tower of the Prison deck, with Raven and Murphy and Emori, we made it on. Raven had managed to find the frequency of our radios at home, the problem was if anybody would pick up. "It's been 1,835 days since Praimfaya, and Clarke, I'm so sorry, I don't know if you're alive, O, I don't know if you got out or anything. But we're not dead. I'm talking on borrowed time, I escaped from their prison, but they're coming for me... please... we'll meet again..." I said, praying somebody would pick up.

I heard a crackle, "Bel-a-my," it crackled, "Thi-ss-Oc-via"

"Octavia?" I said, "Octavia? Can you hear me?"

"Bellamy!" Octavia exclaimed, "You're alive?"

I sighed a sigh relief, "I don't have long to talk. I'm alive. I'm not on Earth, but we're coming. Have you seen Clarke?"

"Clarke?" Octavia said perplexed, "Where is she? We're trapped in the bunker. We can't get-"

"There they are!" A guard exclaimed, banging the door.

"O, I've got to go, we will meet again, I promise."

"Bellamy, wait! Wait!"

The guard burst through the door, we stared at it. A man with black hair and brown eyes stared at us, "You're coming with us."