
Battle Master Online (The Tales Of The Shield Knight)

Have you ever wondered in games, "Why are the characters doing all of this?" Most games tell you this straight forwardly, but what about games that are elusive about their stories? In the year 2XXX, a new game, known as Battle Master Online, is out and the whole world is playing it.... well all except for 9 year old Nynn Denson who had lost his father 1 year prior to the release of the game, leaving his mother in almost irreversible depression. As such Nynn sought out to find a way to lift back her spirit, only to stumble upon BMO a pc Battle Simulation Adventure Game. Upon finding, it and looking into it, he found a group called the Lore Hunters and got drawn to the idea of a hidden ending to "the game with no end". Seven years later and Nynn through many hardships had finally gotten the game, only now it's a VMMORPG and with more lore than ever. With thoughts of adventuring with his mother and hunting for lore at the forefront of his mind, he was ready for his adventure. But problems started to arise as a mass hacking in the background thwarts all of his plans by sub-controlling his actions and getting him and some random players roped up in a tech uprising... with nothing but a shield??!!! Will he be be able to see the ending, or will the trials ahead be too much for our young Battle Master! | Note:cover is not mine. Should any problems arise I would like to ask the owner(s) of said picture to send me information on how to compensate for breaching the copy write laws. Thanks and enjoy reading |

Bexonwx · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
74 Chs

8***The Gremlin Hoard

This is really bad! No, this is really really bad!

Gremlins! Of all of the mobs in the game to attack us, it just has to be Gremlins!

Those pesky little monsters are the weaker cousins of Goblins. Weaker meaning that their Strength and Toughness are considerably lower than a normal Goblin. Don't be fooled though, cause that's individual and raw stats.

In fact, gremlins are stronger than goblins by far!

And why, you might ask? Because in order to compensate for their weakness they are twice as fast and three times as agile as their cousins. This in itself wouldn't normally pose as a big problem, it would only make them harder to catch. What takes the cake is is that their IQ rivals man themselves! They can create and effectively use a wide variety of weapons and armor, and some can even use e-attacks! At this point, they are already stronger than goblins!

And as if that isn't enough, they are never alone! You will never see any without at least two others at its side! Plus, they work well within groups, to a point were its scary!

Are you getting the picture now? Good. Now multiply this information by twenty-five, and the answer you get is our current problem!

As a matter of fact, their not even suppose to be in this area!

"Damn! And I was looking forward to a relaxing day today!", Angus said with annoyance stitched evidently in her face, though she looked ready and eager for a fight! She even had one of her daggers out already!

"Wait, Angus! Don't you think that this is too much....for.....us...." She was gone before I even started talking. By the looks of things she could very well be planning on taking on all seventy eight (count provide by a scout system used by one of the NPCs) of them by herself! She's going to get killed!

"All adventurers under lvl15, it is advised that you evacuate immediately! Everyone else, prepare to attack!!!" Yelled an authoritative voice. Sounds like he's the big cheese here.

"You got it Macabee! You heard the man! Now move!!!" there was a resounding din as players rushed to get their task done.

"Robert! Get the Alpha Bow ready!" Mr. Macabee barked out. Moments later, the craftsman, or Robert as his name seems to be, came rolling out with a massive cross bow-looking contraption!

This is getting serious! I need to get Angus and leave! Now!

"Angus! Where are you!" I yelled out through the confusion. I soon spotted her about to fully engage in a fight with a team of 8 Gremlins!

"Wait!" I made to run, but it was too late!

"CHARGE!!!!!" A war cry irrupted from the small team of 24, minus me and Angus, and everyone went full speed ahead!

Angus readied her dagger as the first assailant came after her. This gremlin had a blade that looked to be longer than a dagger, but much shorter than a short sword, and it seemed to be made out of flint! Most of his other friends had the same thing, except 3 of them. Two of which held spears and one that was unarmed for some reason.

She slashed after the mob, aiming low as the thing barely past her waist in height.

Angus has no heavy objects on her person and her speed and agility got a big increase thanks to last night, so that slash should have gotten it by surprise, but it dived over the blade, effectively dodging the attack!

She seemed stunned for a moment, but only for a moment. Sadly, that was all the time the other 7 needed to storm her!

At those developments I broke into a sprint, my still badly beaten shield out ready to block and crush all in my way!

My speed and agility were being hindered by this shield, but not so much so that I couldn't handle their speed, and I found myself slowly gaining ground.

As I was finishing of my third kill, with others still storming me, I looked up to see that Angus was doing just fine! In fact, quite well if I do say so myself! She was a graceful fighter, evading attacks in such a way that it looked like a performance.

Her blade work was also something to be amassed at. The calculated strikes she throws could almost be compared to a chest master! But what really makes me gawk at her is the fact that she is interchanging through all ten (yes TEN) of her bone daggers! She didn't show THIS Mastery while we were fighting off two spawn nests!!!

'Then again, she never had more than one daggers at that time did she?' I asked myself

Earlier today she asked Robert to make as many bone daggers as possible from her loot. That ended up being 14 daggers but her belt could only have ten at the ready, so she took the first ten and decided to upgrade her belt when we get the rest of our loot, along with more daggers.

I didn't know why she did that until now.

"Ahhhhh!!!!",*CLANK*,*CRACK*, Eh?! A Spear Gremlin tried to attack me from behind but got meet with a nasty surprise... a shield!!!

When Angus was done with her purchase, I bought a bone shield that was designed for defense this time (turns out that the bone shield can block more damage than my attaching shield! *sigh*). Out of surprise, I swung a essence loaded arm behind me, which hit the gremlin squarely on the arm....and it killed him to my utter disbelief!

Mastery Unlocked!: Unarmed Combat!

Neat! I unlocked the Unharmed Combat Mastery! I never got the chance to last time because of the sudden rush and the life and death situation. This will be useful while I'm fighting with this shield.

Everyone was doing a good job so far. The masses were dwindling at a slow but sure pace. Since I was a shield user, I ended up falling into the category of Defense in the line-up. This placed me at the front of the formation that they made (don't ask how I got there, cause I don't know either). In any case, this placed me in a good position to kill a lot of them!

We were down to a handful of spear gremlins and 4 or 5 unarmed gremlins in short order, when the worst case scenario happened!


Eh?! One of the spear gremlins just blew a horn! Not long after that field of green appeared and started moving! They had back up all along!

This is bad! Many of the fighters here were showing off their abilities today and wasted their essence! Also, their Conservation was low so most of their e-attacks took up a lot of essence to execute. Even their stamina and fatigue were at danger levels!

"Okay Robert! Lets end this once and for all! Fire!!!" Macabee ordered.

"Right away sir!", came a reply. Not 2 seconds later, a barrage of wising sounds sounded of on all sides of me! It was the Alpha Bow! It was shooting out arrows at sub-machine gun speeds, mowing down a ton of gremlins!

"Aha!!! We've got them now everyone!" Macabee shouted, sounding like he made a clean victory. "I designed this contraption to deal out a max of 150 arrows at a rate of 3 arrows a second! Those pests may be fast but they are no match for this level of artillery!" A cheer rose at that. Even I joined in! With something like this with us there is no way we can lose this now.

"Look! The gremlins stopped falling!!!" someone shouted all of a sudden! And it was true! The numbers stopped decreasing, because the arrows weren't hitting any more of them! This was because a certain monster was blocking them... an X-Gremlin!!!

"Watch out from above!!!" a next player shouted. As everyone's heads turn upwards we were met by another surprise! A shower of arrows and E-orbs (<a n essence orbs: the simplest form of e-attacks and can be learned by anyone! Though weak underused players They deal a load damage in large quantities>) came raining down on us!

Looks like were between a rock and a hard place....

...and a barrage of projectiles!

Please, someone help us!

^all monsters are ranked as, in ascending order: Common, Rare, Super Rare, Epic, Legendary, Ultra; based on the area they're found in and how often you see them, so with that in mind....^

Kangarat: A1

Class: C Agi: 6

Average Area Level: 1 Tgh: 6

Str: 2 Iq: 3

Spd: 5 Crit: 1

Wild Cat: A2

Class: C Agi: 9

Average Area Level: 3 Tgh: 6

Str: 5 Iq: 3

Spd: 6 Crit: 2

Wolf: A2

Class: C Agi: 7

Average Area Level: 4 Tgh: 9

Str: 7 Iq: 5

Spd: 8 Crit: 2

Gremlins(unarmed): A4(normally)

Class: C Agi: 18

AAL: 13 Tgh: 2

Str: 4 Iq: 10

Spd: 20 Crit: 5

X-Gremlin: A4

Class: R Agi: 9

AAL: 28 Tgh: 35

Str: 23 Iq: 7

Spd: 11 Crit: 10

Don't forget to click the heart, express your thoughts, and enjoy!

see yall tommorow! O(∩_∩)O

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