

My eyes were closed tightly shut but I felt a rush of energy release from my hand. I could also feel warmth in the air around me. I cracked on eye open and seen an astounding sight. The flames erupting from my hand was like nothing I've ever seen before. Flames were spewing in all directions in front of me like a barrage of flamethrowers. With the power of my flames I could he the sound of melting ice and I just knew the ball of ice was no more. I fully opened my eyes and began to walk forward with my flames going strong to try and push the attackers back. I could hear the other attacker shouting towards the one who shot the ice.

"We gotta get the hell out of here that boy is like us! And strong too!"

I lowered my hands to see what was going on and I seen the two attackers running away like a dog with it's tail tucked between it's legs.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked my friends in a worried tone.

The look on their face was shocking. I couldn't tell if they were amazed or scared. I honestly was convinced I had just lost my friends but by Elises response I knew everything thing was fine.

"Thank you Echo..."