
Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

That feeling of ripping through your enemies and the feel of their hot blood washing over your body. What better way to relax the body after a glorious victory than indulging in the carnal pleasure from conquered women. All Evary Seth desires is supreme power, carnal pleasure, to screw his wife whenever he can and of course, to conquer his ridiculously powerful mother-in-law. Seth wants to be the strongest, but who is stronger? A primordial fiend? Or its creator, a God? What do Gods do when their biggest attack dog turns on them. ****** This book screams smut but please don't forget the first word in its title, do expect smut, but also expect a superb plot with character development and a touch of romance all the way to the end. The book cover isn't mine, if you're the artist behind this masterpiece, and you want me to take it down! I would gladly do it, just inform me in the comments! Cover illustration credit: Unknown

Bad_Bishop · Fantasi
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The sight of Seth froze the soldiers who all went silent as they stared at him.

Whether they were in shock or having some silent mind conversation, Seth didn't know as he silently strolled passed them, his eyes curiously observing their uniform iron armor, the bird insignia which it bore on its chest plate lightly drawing his interest.

"Umgeben ihn " someone shouted, this voice seeming to break the soldiers out of their trance as they all moved and surrounded Seth the next second, their weapons drawn and their aura on full blast.

"There goes my plans of a peaceful stroll " Seth murmured as he stopped and stared at the soldiers around him.

"Nichts wie Geschenke zu Ostern "one of the men screamed as he slowly drew closer to Seth.