
Batman : First Hero to Control (A/JL)

This is a Fan Fiction Real Author : Name Taken All Credits goes to him.. I am just Translating it ------------------------------------------------------ An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, as demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There are fully armed Dark Knights, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There are agile and quick-witted individuals in tight suits, roaming between buildings, playing the role of friendly neighbors. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... No one can imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. _________________________________ Show Support on Paypal https://www.paypal.me/mohdrafisyed

Rafi_Mohd · Derivasi dari game
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56 Chs

Chapter 39: Listening Praises..

Seeing his buddy's serious appearance, Chu Cheng found it somewhat amusing.

Perhaps because he didn't get the reaction he expected from Chu Cheng, Wei Fu suddenly became anxious.

"I really encountered Batman, the real deal, not some fake imitation."

The reason for adding this sentence as a supplement is that recently it was exposed that a Batman knockoff appeared in Jiangdu.

Following the principle that everything can be imitated, a zealous citizen was inspired and actually put together a set of Batman gear that looked similar but was not authentic. He went out at night to uphold justice and do heroic deeds, but perhaps due to lack of skill or unfavorable circumstances, he was beaten up by local thugs in his first battle. If it weren't for the nearby security guard arriving quickly, he might have been taken away directly.

"I didn't say I didn't believe you."

Chu Cheng chuckled. Strictly speaking, the one you bumped into was me. How could I not believe it?

So Wei Fu vividly described the heart-stopping scene from yesterday, portraying the bank robbery from the perspective of a hostage, making it thrilling.

Ignoring the discrepancies in many details, the crucial point was that Chu Cheng remembered his buddy being scared out of his wits the entire time, with his head buried and not daring to move. If Chu Cheng hadn't looked up after it was all over, he probably wouldn't have recognized him.

So which eye did his buddy use to observe the situation on the scene?

"Let me tell you, Batman was amazing! I saw him burst out with a bang—so fast. The criminals tried to fight back, but he defended against all of them. Before anyone could even react, the fight was over.

If you had seen it with your own eyes, you would understand. He just appeared out of nowhere like a gust of wind from the entrance. In no time, he knocked down everyone. We could only see a blur. I've never seen anyone move so fast."

As Wei Fu praised him, saying how strong and handsome Batman was, Chu Cheng thought to himself, "I clearly jumped down from the rooftop back then. If I had charged in through the front door like you said, you would have been shot ten times already."

And he suspected that the description might be mixed up. It sounded more like The Flash, who is supposed to be the fastest man in the world, or maybe it was just a fictional character.

The reason for emphasizing that it was just a fictional setting is because of the well-known opening line from The Flash TV series: "My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. But damn, every season there's always someone who runs faster than me. Curse the writers."

Chu Cheng had no interest in his exaggerated storytelling, so he interrupted him and asked, "Speaking of which, you haven't mentioned why you went to the bank yesterday."

"To deposit money," Wei Fu casually replied.

"Oh? You're doing well, huh? You have money to deposit?" Chu Cheng responded.

Wei Fu realized he slipped up again and quickly came up with a clever excuse, "Oh, you know, I've been talking about wanting to set up a virtual store. I tried doing some business, made a little money, haha."

"What kind of business? Selling Happy Balls to rich ladies?" Chu Cheng quipped.

Of course, understanding and considerate Chu Cheng didn't say anything, just gave a casual "Oh." Wei Fu wiped off some cold sweat, realizing that he had said too much and that saying too much could easily lead to trouble, so he kept his mouth shut.

As they approached the teaching building, a striking blue sports car slowly parked by the sidewalk. The scissor-style door slid open, and a tall male student stepped out from the driver's seat.

He had fair skin that made girls feel inferior, and a height of 1.8 meters. Even if he didn't step out of this cool sports car, he would still stand out.

He dressed casually, wearing a white shirt and jeans, simple yet stylish. Although it seemed simple, anyone knowledgeable in fashion passing by would be astonished to recognize that every item of his seemingly casual outfit was actually a valuable luxury brand.

In the current era where even swordsmanship was considered courageous, this kind of pretty boy belonged to the category of "boys need to learn how to protect themselves when they go out." It would be a killing blow if he dressed up in women's clothing, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Chu Cheng recognized the person as well. Felix, a senior in their school and the scion of the wealthy Grover family, was also known as a prominent figure in the college.

As Chu Cheng passed by, he heard some girls behind him chattering and calling out things like "husband, husband," "brother, I can be your XXX, I've changed my mind," and so on.

At first, he wanted to feel disdain for such behavior in his heart, but then he thought about how some of his buddies would react when they came across a girl with a great figure and long legs. They would say things like, "Damn, I'm so excited, wife!" So he retracted his disdainful thoughts.

It is said that everyone has the desire to be beautiful, and attractiveness is the only truth. In the presence of sufficiently high attractiveness, gender can even become inconsequential.

At this moment, some boys were whispering to each other.

"If this senior were a girl, wouldn't that be great? I wouldn't need to work hard anymore."

Someone nearby responded, "Wouldn't it be even better if they were a guy? Tonight, we can crowdfund to get you a whole set of women's clothing."

"Get lost! You're the one who should wear women's clothing."

Upon hearing this, Wei Fu's face turned pale, and he shook his head repeatedly.

There was a time when he naively believed that if someone had a weak stomach, they could choose to eat softer food. But now he knew he was wrong.

You may think that skipping the struggle and reaching the top in one step is ideal, but it could also mean depleting your life force prematurely. Although young people are full of energy, they don't have an unlimited reserve.

After sitting down in the classroom for class, it didn't take long for classmates from the same class to gather around, leaning in and starting to inquire.

The first one to approach was a chubby boy named Xu Bingxiang, who came up and asked in a lowered voice.

"Hey, I heard that you encountered Batman, is that true?"

Later, Chu Cheng learned that this guy seemed to have posted about yesterday's incident on his social media circle. It was only Chu Cheng, who was always immersed in leveling up and rarely checked updates, while other classmates had already heard about it.

No boy can resist the urge to show off. Wei Fu, who became the center of attention, immediately became excited and repeated the story he had just told Chu Cheng.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Chu Cheng noticed that between the two retellings, in just over ten minutes, this story seemed to have received an upgrade patch. It had now reached version 2.0 and even added new plotlines and scenes.

He speculated that at this rate of development, in a few days, when this story reached version 10.0, the plot might have transformed into Wei and Batman fighting side by side, laughing maniacally while decapitating six criminals.

Fast forward to "Me and Batman are so amazing.jpg."

Throughout the morning, people kept coming over here to join in the excitement, all wanting to hear the detailed account of the incident from Wei Fu. He didn't seem to mind the exhaustion and tirelessly recounted his thrilling experience over and over again.

Every man harbors a hero's dream in his heart, especially in such a special time. The presence of Batman has become a symbol of something, and no one is not interested in him.

From the speculations of his classmates around him, Chu Cheng could tell how much Batman has been deified in people's minds. It seems that everyone is more willing to believe that he is an omnipotent being. Armed with darkness, he becomes the most dazzling ray of light in this dark era.

Although Chu Cheng is not interested in the topic, he secretly enjoys listening to them show off.

If there is something more enjoyable than showing off oneself, it is listening to others show off while knowing that they are showing off for oneself.

Chu Cheng listens with delight while absentmindedly opening his phone and checking his messages. To his surprise, there is a friend request.

"Felix Grove requests to add you as a friend."

There is also a note attached.

"If you're available, come to the rooftop of the Bishop Building."

Chu Cheng: "?"