
Batman : First Hero to Control (A/JL)

This is a Fan Fiction Real Author : Name Taken All Credits goes to him.. I am just Translating it ------------------------------------------------------ An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, as demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There are fully armed Dark Knights, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There are agile and quick-witted individuals in tight suits, roaming between buildings, playing the role of friendly neighbors. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... No one can imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. _________________________________ Show Support on Paypal https://www.paypal.me/mohdrafisyed

Rafi_Mohd · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
56 Chs

Chapter 3: This Tutorial Is Outrageous

When the bold red words appeared in the center of the screen once again, Chu Cheng raised his arm, almost preparing to strike the keyboard with his fist. However, in the blink of an eye, he quickly thought about the price of this keyboard and forcefully held back his punch.

Poverty keeps one calm.

He increasingly felt that this game was completely off the charts. Chu, having played numerous games before, even those hardcore games that players often cursed as "not meant for humans," had managed to achieve flawless victories through skill and perseverance.

He had never encountered a situation where even the beginner's tutorial was so difficult.

This game differed from all the games Chu Cheng had played before in many realistic details, to the extent that it even affected the gaming experience.

Take, for example, Chu Cheng's first humiliating defeat. After dying multiple times, he realized that the reason he failed was not because the lackeys all had a vision score of 5.0 and night vision ability, but rather because they heard a sound.

That's right, if Batman descended from a great height, the sound of the wind rustling through his cape as it increased air resistance and slowed his descent could attract the attention of the henchmen.

Furthermore, one must also pay attention to the ground beneath their feet. Although Batman, after undergoing special training, would normally walk silently, there were certain materials on which he could still produce noise.

For example, walking on wooden surfaces could easily create loud sounds. Loose connections in some metal plates could cause them to move and produce noise when stepped on, attracting attention as well.

When moving forward while crouching, it was even more effective. Due to the slow movement, crouching and advancing slowly on most surfaces would produce almost no sound, avoiding unnecessary attention.

After failing the mission multiple times due to repeatedly alerting the enemies, Chu Cheng completely abandoned his disdainful attitude towards the enemies. The Batman he controlled entered full stealth mode, immediately switching to a crouching position whenever his boots touched the ground, moving on his knees throughout, resembling an old silver coin in a shooting game.

By employing this technique, Chu Cheng successfully maneuvered Batman silently, approaching the first armed thug from behind. As he pressed the right mouse button, Batman swiftly covered the thug's mouth and nose, pulling him into his cape and choking him unconscious.

He replicated the same tactic and swiftly dealt with two more enemies, silently moving on his knees towards the third one.

Batman swiftly approached, ready to succeed, but unexpectedly, the thug suddenly turned his head without any warning.

Chu Cheng, controlling Batman, froze in an instant. Their gazes met, creating an awkward scene.


The thug exclaimed, and at the same time, Chu Cheng controlled Batman to charge forward, confronting him head-on. With a series of punches and kicks, he quickly subdued him, but the other thugs had already gathered around.

The thugs unleashed a barrage of gunfire, "tutututu TMD." Although Chu Cheng managed to temporarily evade the battle and hide Batman, he had already been hit and injured. In addition, the remaining thugs were alerted and began searching, significantly increasing the difficulty.

After a struggle, he ended up getting killed again.

He had initially planned to analyze the positioning and patrol routes of these lackeys, as he would in other games, but quickly realized that there was no pattern at all.

Every time he simulated the positioning of these lackeys, it was completely random, and their patrol routes were unreliable. They basically wandered aimlessly, sometimes even going to chat and goof off with their buddies at neighboring posts.

There's a saying that goes, "Since ancient times, Counter-Terrorists (CT) never look up." Later, although game NPCs weren't CT, most of them still inherited this fine tradition.

But the NPCs in this game were absolutely absurd. They would randomly look up and glance around after taking a few steps. Several times, when Chu Cheng controlled Batman and crouched in a high place to observe the positioning and devise tactics, suddenly some lackey would look up and start shouting, followed by a barrage of gunfire, "tutututu TMD."

Their turnaround behavior also had no pattern whatsoever. There was no way to know when they would suddenly turn their heads and look backward. When controlling Batman to approach silently from behind with a knee-walking technique, if the distance was too far, there was a chance that they would suddenly turn around and catch him in the act.

There was another instance when Batman was observing from a high place, and Chu Cheng used the grappling gun to move to a different position. Batman shot the grappling hook, and even though the sound was suppressed after being silencer, the lackey beneath him still looked up upon hearing the noise, exclaiming, "Batman!" followed by a barrage of gunfire, "tutututu TMD."

When the word "Death" appeared on the screen once again, Chu Cheng felt like he had been shattered, and it was by the grunts in the beginner tutorial.

This beginner tutorial was absolutely absurd. The sensory perception of those grunts was as if they were possessed by Daredevil himself, making it impossible to play.

Chu Cheng let out a sigh of relief, only to see the word "Death" written crookedly on the screen again. After careful examination, he noticed a hidden message spelled out across the entire screen--


It reminded him of the days when "Sekiro" was all the rage. It was the same game, but some people played it like a true shinobi while others played it like a lost puppy.

His current situation was similar. The character on the screen was clearly the crime-fighting Batman, but this tutorial made him feel like he was playing as a Hello Kitty with black fur.

This wouldn't do.

Determined to uphold his reputation as the king of single-player games, he was determined to conquer this game!

Soon enough, Chu Cheng realized that it wasn't as difficult as he initially thought. His previous string of failures wasn't so much due to clumsiness but rather a lack of familiarity with the game mechanics compared to his previous gaming experiences.

Once he calmed down, Chu Cheng became more cautious in his actions.

After all, Chu Cheng was a seasoned gamer, and his fundamentals were solid. As long as he paid attention to the important aspects of the game mechanics, he could figure out a strategy.

Firstly, he couldn't rashly charge in. Chu Cheng had the Batman character observe the enemies and the surrounding environment from a high vantage point before taking action.

Furthermore, when observing from a high position, he had to hide in the shadows to camouflage himself. Otherwise, the random grunts below might look up and expose him suddenly.

He also had to be careful when there were enemies nearby on the ground. He couldn't simply use the grappling gun for movement, even with the suppressed sound, as it might still alert the enemies.

When moving on the ground, he had to stay concealed in the dark shadows as much as possible. If he had to act outside of the shadows, he had to ensure that there was no direct line of sight towards his position—his detective vision's ability to see through walls would come in handy at such times.

The order in which Chu Cheng takes out the enemies and their patrol routes also requires careful consideration. Once a thug discovers that their comrade has been taken down, they immediately raise the alarm, prompting all the thugs to start searching in all directions.

Furthermore, he can't move for a prolonged period in an area without shadows or cover behind enemies because there's always a risk of them turning around. Chu Cheng tries to ensure that Batman's movement behind enemies without cover doesn't exceed two seconds.

This also relates to the texture of the ground beneath his feet. He can stand up and move faster on soundless cement surfaces, but if it's wooden or metallic surfaces with loose joints, he has to proceed slowly in stealth mode.

There are many other details to consider. To avoid overlooking anything during the action, Chu Cheng even brought out pen and paper and listed all the things he needs to pay attention to during the mission.

Before each simulation, he goes through his notes from start to finish, ensuring that nothing is missed.

In the end, although it took a bit more time, he successfully took down all the enemies one by one.

The simulation is not over yet. After taking down the seven armed thugs, the warehouse door suddenly opens, and a muscular man rushes in.

The screen prompts that the next program is the combat training. The muscular man is a martial arts expert, and the player needs to control Batman to engage in a face-to-face fistfight.

The combat system is not much different from the Batman series that Chu Cheng is familiar with. It mainly requires using the attack and defense buttons.

Chu Cheng clicks the left mouse button, and Batman automatically selects the most suitable offensive moves to launch an attack. Batman is a master of all martial arts styles on Earth, capable of identifying weaknesses in the opponent's movements and using techniques from various styles to attack.

When the opponent intends to counterattack, a blue warning sign appears above their head. At this point, Chu Cheng only needs to click the right mouse button, and Batman will automatically use the most appropriate moves to parry and counter the opponent's attack.

When the opponent is preparing an attack that Batman finds difficult to defend against, a red warning sign appears above their head. At this point, it is impossible to defend and counterattack. The player needs to maneuver Batman to perform evasive maneuvers such as sidestepping or rolling to avoid the attack.

The controls in many action games are generally similar, and for Chu Cheng, who has undergone years of intensive training, this combat system feels like it's ingrained in his DNA.

Although he could feel that the difficulty of the controls was higher than in traditional Batman games, for a player like him who had completed the hardest challenges flawlessly, it was a walk in the park.

He easily mastered the controls and defeated the muscular man without taking any damage.

He thought that would be the end of it, but it turned out there was more. Several sword-wielding and gun-wielding ninjas jumped out, and the system prompted him to control Batman to fight against them simultaneously.

And then there was a tutorial involving the use of various high-tech gadgets and equipment in combination with Batman's abilities.

To his surprise, Chu Cheng spent almost an entire day just on the tutorial. Apart from eating, drinking, and using the restroom, he devoted his entire weekend to it.

He swore that this was by far the most outrageous beginner tutorial he had ever encountered in any game. Not only was it challenging, but it was also incredibly lengthy. Even for someone like him with solid gaming skills, it would take at least a day or two for others to get through this tutorial.

"Mission complete. All simulations have ended."

The long-awaited notification finally sounded, and the warehouse scene returned to the Batcave.

Chu Cheng let out a sigh of relief.

Finally, he should be able to engage in real combat now, right?