
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

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The Actual Team

Three days after the meeting with Professor X, Bruce, Damian, and Alfred returned to the X-mansion. Once more, the three men appeared in the Professor's office. 

"Bruce, I wasn't able to get everyone you wanted, and there are a couple of changes that I think will benefit your plan more," the Professor began and handed a list to Bruce. Alfred took the list and presented it to Bruce. 

Grimacing as he looked at the list, Bruce looked at Professor X. 

"This isn't what I asked for," Bruce said.

"I'm sorry, this is the best I can do," Professor X sighed.

"You put the Hulk on here, do you realize what an unstable factor Banner is in anything with a potential for conflict? He could not only attack the FF, which you want to avoid, but he could even attack his teammates!" 

"Then you will need to do your best to keep things calm," the Professor responded.

"You're saying you put a crate of nitroglycerin on my wagon to make sure I drive carefully," Bruce responded.

Professor X grimaced, "Bruce, Dr. Banner has qualifications you have overlooked. I think he will make a strong addition to the team. There are very few in the world who can hold a conversation with Dr. Richards. Bruce is one of them. 

I know there are risks with Dr. Banner, but he is enthusiastic about helping. Forge wasn't available, I needed to replace him with someone and Dr. Banner is the best choice."

"You've added Iceman to the team, but I already have a solution to the Human Torch," Bruce objected.

"I doubt you have a freezing ray as powerful as Iceman. Plus, Bobby has developed his powers to an Omega level his control and experience will serve you better than a fifteen-year-old boy," the Professor argued with Bruce. 

"What about Madison Jeffries?" Bruce asked. 

"Unavailable, possibly dead," the Professor said.

"I'm sure he'll turn up alive and fine not long after we leave for the mission," Bruce grumbled.

"It isn't that bad, I was able to get Cypher, he can aid you with any hacking you might need," the Professor responded. Bruce looked gloomily at the Professor. He sighed, shook his head, and got up.

"Fine, let's go and meet the team," Bruce said. Professor X smiled happily and rolled his chair from his desk taking the lead.

Damian looked at his father dissatisfied, "Father, there's only one female in the team and she's an old lady!"

The Professor stopped his chair and looked at the youth, "I don't think Domino would appreciate being called an old lady. Besides, she's only thirty-two." 

Damian made another disgusted face, "My mother would be thirty-five if she were alive. That's only three years older than this old lady." 

The Professor sighed and continued on.

"Damian, the Professor is right, that's very rude. I don't want to hear you talking like that in front of Domino. You're just a kid, she's actually quite young and from what I hear very beautiful," Bruce said.

"Indeed, Master Damian, a gentleman should never bring up the matter of a woman's age," Alfred added a comment. 

"But Father..." 

"Don't talk back, you should listen to your elders. Do you understand?" Bruce scowled at his son.

"Yes, father," Damian grumbled.

Bruce winked at Damian and then cleared his voice.

"Although, now that Damian raises the point, I meant to inform you I intend to take Mary Jane with us," Bruce said. 

The Professor didn't slow down at all, "Mary Jane? Why her?" 

"She's lacking in a lot of worldly experience and combat experience. I thought I would bring her along to gain some experience. On the plus side she's also a brilliant science student like my other elite students," Bruce said.

"What if there's fighting?" The Professor asked.

"She can watch from the side, she's as weak as Ned and Gwen," Bruce commented.

"You might as well take them, I doubt you or the others will want to fight with so many kids involved. Plus, Reed has a soft spot in his heart for intelligent kids," the Professor added. 

"Fine, Alfred, call those three and tell them to meet us..." Bruce looked toward the Professor.

"Danger Room 4b," the Professor said.

"Very good, sir," Alfred pulled out a phone and called the students to inform them.

A few minutes later three of Bruce's Bat-Spiders ran up to Bruce and the others like they were out of breath. 

"Bruce, we got here as fast as we could!" Gwen shouted. She couldn't help but notice Damian who was standing behind Bruce.

"Who is he?" Gwen asked. 

"Damian," Without looking at her Damian older her his name and then ignored her. She and Mary Jane looked at him with some interest. Ned was oblivious.

"Hi, I'm Ned," he said. 

"What's up, Ned," Damian said as he threw a what's up nod and the human brick. 

"We're here," the Professor said.

Bruce entered the danger room to meet his Fantastic Four team.