
Chapter 1

Graylynn's POV:

I am so tired today has been such a long day. Oh sorry I haven't even introduced myself yet my name is Graylynn Hadley Carson I am 18 years old I have brown hair and im 5'1. I have 5 older brothers Dylan Shane Carson who is 28, Cole Taylor Carson who is 26,Wesley Blake Carson who is 24,Jayden Levi Carson who is 22 and Grayson Daniel Carson who is 18 and my twin brother. Me and my brothers are really close each of them have a special nickname that only they call me. Dylan calls me Baby sis,Cole calls me sweetheart ,Wes calls me little one, Jayden calls me Darling ,Grayson calls me Princess. Today was a long day because we had dance practice till 5:30pm. "Baby sis dinner is ready come downstairs"Dylan yells." "Coming" I make my way downstairs and into the dining room. Where my 4 older brothers are and I know your thinking don't you have 5 but no just 4 because Wes is with his baseball team the blue jays. He has not been home for 5 years and honestly I don't care if he's here or not he has his life and we have ours. "So Wes called" Dylan told us. I almost choke on my food "What? When? " "Why did he call? " Grayson and I ask at the same time. "Guys calm do-" I cut him off "Don't you dare tell us to calm down Dyl you know just as good as the rest off that Wesley left when we needed him the most. So no I will not calm down and welcome him with open arms." I yelled ran up the stairs to my room and slamed the door. Why? why come back after 5 years? He doesn't just get come back and to act like he cares just to leave again because I know that he is not going to stay. My thought were interrupted by someone knocking on my door."Sweetheart please open the door" Cole said "Please Cole just leave me alone" I asked "I am not going to leave unless you open this door sweetheart and you know that ". I stood up off my bed and opened the door just as I opened it Cole fell flat on his back seeing as he was leaning against the door. I burst out laughing so hard that I had to lean against the doorframe not to fall onto the ground next to him." Maybe  next time don't lean against the door" I say between laughs"Haha very funny sweetheart had a good laugh did you? " he asked sarcastically. " Yeah I did actually thanks for that Cole." I say after I stopped laughing with an amusing smile on my face."Please come back down the stairs and just hear what Dylan has to say. You know we don't like seeing you upset and you didn't even finish your food. Otherwise I'll just keep on annoying you until you agree to come down stairs." He says with a serious look on his face and I now that he would actually do it. That I have learned from experience. " Okay I'll come downstairs." I followed Cole downstairs and we go back into the dining room where the other are "Alright you have time to explain and say what you want to say until I have finished my food. So you better start talking cause you know I eat fucking fast" I say as I start eating. "Wait how did you get her to come downstairs?" Jay asks surprised because usually when I'm pissed off and go to my room I don't come out until I have calmed down and Grayson is usually that only one that can get me calm down. "A magician never reveals his secrets"Cole said smirking.

Dylan's POV:

"Okay children can you please let me talk now?" I ask my two bickering brothers getting their attention "Look I know some of you may not be over the moon extatic that Wes is coming here but he is still our blood and family so please let us be civil." I say looking at my siblings "Dyl he left us when we needed him the most he didn't even come to mum and dad's funerals he just up and left so why should we just welcome him back with open arms?" Grayson asks me "Because even though we may not be happy with him he is still our family, our blood even if he was a dick to us" Jay interups before I can say anything to our little brother. "Fine but do not expect me to welcome him with open arms cause I can tell you right now that, that is not going to happen. He made his bed now he has to lie in it." Lynn says as she gets up to go put her plate in the sink. "So when is our dear brother coming home?" Gray asks "Well... Um.... Uhh... Tomorrow...?" I say more like a question "How come we're only hearing about it now then? How long have you known that he was coming  tomorrow?" Lynn asks me sounding to calm "He called about a week ago. Oh and there's one more thing... He umm said that he is bring some friends with..." I say. Lynn groans turns around and walks upstairs to her room and slams the door again."Nice going idiot." Gray says running up the stairs to check on his twin. This is going to be a long 2 weeks isn't it.

Graylynn's POV:

Ugh I can't believe this is happening I am so pissed off and irritated. So I decided to take a long hot shower. So I strip of my clothes and get in the shower turning on the hot water and washing myself with my rose and buttercream body wash and shampoo. After I was done I got out of the shower and put on my undergarments and then putting on my pj dress. After I was dressed there was n knock on my door so I went to go see who it was." Hey princess you okay?" Gray asks me. " Yeah I just can't help but wonder why now why after 5 years does he come back and they just let him come back with open arms" I tell him as we take a seat on my bed. " I can't give you an answer to that " he tells me. " I know I just wish that they wouldn't accept him coming back right away and have him work for it a little bit " I say looking down. " I know and they might not make him work for it but I know I'm gonna make him work for my forgiveness and trust and I'm damn sure you will too" he tells me with his signature smirk on his lips. We both laugh " Well I'm going to bed love you princess " he says kissing my forehead and leaving.

I went down stairs got myself a glass of water. Gave each of my brothers a kiss on the cheek and a hug goodnight and went upstairs. When I got upstairs I turned off my light grabbed my phone and texted my best friend group chat. Then I decided to go on wattpad and read a couple of chapters from my favorite book The Perfect Spiral. I love that book it's is so good after I read a couple of chapters. I got a notification that I have a message on my besties group chat my friends telling me a goodnight and that they will see at school tomorrow morning and with that I put my phone on charge and went to sleep.