
Banished & Forgotten

The useless hero who was summoned along with his classmates Once treated like a shield until he became unnecessary, which turn him useless He was banished for being useless but killed for amusement He who was cursed, sealed and forsaken will rise again from the deeps of the Abyss But will he get revenge on those who cursed, sealed, used and killed him or will he do as he please in this new world of magic Only time will tell Let the once useless hero decide their fates

Negate_DY · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Disguised Demons

For the next few weeks, Qendrim has been studying and researching this world as he didn't get any time when he was a shield pack for the heroes. They only let him learn the bare minimum as he was treated like an extra that was only useful for a short time even then it was just for formality sake. He heard about the other continents from Ria and a few other things from the ones who stood up for him.

Even then it was little since they were busy the majority of the time. It was good enough that he wasn't all that clueless and now he has gotten all the information he needed from here.

Right now they were in the Southern Empire called the Galas Empire within the coastal city of Maye on the Human Continent. There are five empires on the human continent: the Southern, Western, Eastern Northern and Central. The Central Empire is a neutral empire where all emperors gather to watch events and other important things. 

There are six more continents which are; Demon, Elven, Beastmen, Dwarven, Dragon, and Phoenix. The demons and humans have been at odds for centuries. The other races don't intervene much and just let the two races fight as much as they want. The only time they would get involved if it'll affect the world negatively.

That has only happened three times so far. With the first, tenth, and especially the 16th Demon King known as the Demon King who ruled most of the world until the first hero summoning happened.

But that was over three hundred years ago now and a Demon King as powerful and ruthless as that hasn't been born again yet. 

They called him the Demon God of Death, the greatest Demon to ever live; his name was Lucis O'Kruel the 16th Demon King. 

"This is what I expected of a sword and magic world" mumbled Qendrim in the city's library within a corner by himself as no one was around 

'I'm intrigued by the information that says Demon Kings appear every fifty years' said Split in Qendrim's head

"When we first got here that idiot King said in about five years a new Demon King will be born and bring forth world domination and destruction… It seems one of them was extremely close to completing it if not for some summoned heroes… but as of now it's been four years with no signs of the Demon King being born yet as the Demon Lords haven't done anything that indicates his birth" said Qendrim 

'It's not like they'll make sudden movements if he was, that'll just make it easier to know' replied Split

"That's plausible but one shouldn't be born for another twenty-three years now so something is going on why they summoned us with false information which those "gods" let happened" said Qendrim

"Who knows, we just have to beat it out of them whenever they cross our path" spoke Split as he smiled with Qendrim's face 

"I still find it weird that we're separated but still the same entity with us being able to switch and all… Especially how my face switches from expressionless and psychotic when it's you or me" said Qendrim suddenly as he gathered all the books and was about to put them back

"We're one of the same just separated slightly because of circumstances… One day we'll be complete again" said Split but that complete part seemed to mean something more than what he said

"I see… it's late we'll head back to the inn for dinner then take a shower before going to bed…Seems something might happen sooner or later here" replied Qendrim as he left after putting the books back

The sun was setting as clouds were beginning to gather which indicated it'll rain soon. Passing the stalls and stores that were closing or were still open, he waved and spoke back to the people that knew and talked to him. They got used to his expressionless face but they got to know he wasn't some bad guy or anything, so it didn't bother them.

Arriving in front of the inn, he walked inside and  was greeted by the sound of people chatting and laughing in the dining, sitting and bar areas. Going to an open table he sat as it was dinner time now as other tables with people were enjoying their meals. In the next few seconds a little girl came over to him.

The little girl had a menu in her hand as she got to him, she was Nalia, Nadine and Fergus' daughter as well as Lukas' little sister. She was a cheerful, bright little girl that helped in the kitchen as well as taking orders. She looks just like her mother with the same color hair and eyes. 

"Big brother here's the menu" said Nalia with a sweet smile that causes someone to smile back instinctively 

"Is there a special today Lia" spoke Qendrim with the same expressionless face 

"Hmm... yes, is that what you would like big brother" she replied back with the same smile even though she knows he'll remain expressionless no matter what

"Then I'll have that with a glass of ice water please" he said as gave her the menu back 

"Okay big brother" she said going back to the kitchen while receiving greetings and a few more orders

'She's became more comfortable around us' said Split in his head

'Yeah when we first met she was shy but after getting to know them as well as the people in the city we've become closer' replied Qendrim

'What happened to that loner mentality you had' asked Split sarcastically

'It's still there… I'm the type who would rather be alone but it doesn't mean I won't go to a public place with lots of people… It's just less likely I will go and less likely I'll start a conversation at all' he said

'It's that right' said Split

'I'm not an introvert just a loner by choice.. only a couple classmates know I'm just someone who likes to be alone even when most think I'm an introvert' 

'It doesn't really matter so is things going to start tomorrow officially' said Split with a serious tone

'It's looking that way from the mana sources I feel' replied Qendrim

'They must have an item that let's them disguise their mana sources as well as a high ranking helper to be able to slip in so easily' spoke Split

'That's how it looks and it seems they are going to start off with something big' said Qendrim

'They're going "that" route huh' said Split

'Yes what better way to get rid of threats then targeting the inns that they're staying in' replied Qendrim

'The adventurers huh, starting a surprise attack while they're in an inn with less awareness is pretty good idea but it could also backfire if not down right or unforeseen circumstances like us' said a grinning Split

'That's precisely why they'll isolate each inn with items and mostly likely cancel out the use of mana.. That's how I would go about it if I need to get rid of a large group of adventurers quietly and easy in order to take over his city without a fight so information about what's happening couldn't get to the Kingdom or Emperor' said Qendrim

'Some people are bound to find out and send a message but with them lying in wait from both the sea and land, it'll make it difficult for that possibility' said Split

'That would've been if we weren't here' said Qendrim as his food was ready and was being delivered by Nadine, Nalia and Lukas 

They presented his food and choice of beverage, talked a little to him then left to get others orders and check people into rooms. Thirty minutes later it was night now and soon the dining area was about to close but the bar was still open for a couple more hours. A couple minutes later a group of four came inside the Inn wearing black robes.

People took quick notice of them but also quickly forgot about them too as they seem to be only at the level of a D rank adventurer. There was one person who could tell they weren't low level or adventurers but demons in disguise. That person was Qendrim who was about to get up to go to his room. He looked at them expressionless as always as he started walking towards the stairs as they were checking in to their rooms.

He could hear the voices of men coming from the group but he didn't care much. As he walked by one of the disguised demons looked towards him as he was a couple feet away from them. The guy/demon in disguise stared at him as he was a little cautious since they are about to start their plans tomorrow and want to be sure they're demon mana sources were undetected as planned.

The demon who was staring felt like something was weird about Qendrim but he couldn't figure out what as he only seem like an ordinary person. He was about to turn his head back to the others when he thought for a moment he saw a grin on Qendrim's face that was expressionless at first. But it was a quick grin that went away as fast as he blinked which made him think he was just seeing wrong.

Turning his head to talk to Nadine about his getting his own room, but for an instant the four felt killing intent directed at them as it was only for a second then vanished. This caused them to be alerted as they thought their cover was blown somehow. But seeing as no one was paying any attention to them or the fact that they couldn't find where it came from made them more guarded.

They calmed down after a while since nothing happened but remained on guard just in case they were found out. As they got their room key cards they headed up to the two rooms they will be using that's on the third floor beside each other. As it so happens they ended up on the same floor as Qendrim but down the right hallway instead.

They first check both rooms to make sure nothing out of the ordinary then proceed to gather in the one closest to the window. One of them set up a two layer noise cancellation barrier or sound barrier that covers ten meters. While also putting a detection barrier over it that covers twenty meters in diameter. Since they're wearing items that disguise their mana source, they can use their mana as they normally do.

After doing all of that the four finally took off their robes as their race as demons showed. The robe is an item that makes the user who wears it appear as the race they want to be seen as. They chose to be seen as humans. The robe is called the Illusion Magic Robe which was a B rank item that lasted for half a day.

"Finally I can take off this robe, I hate disguising myself as those weak humans" said one of the demons with a disgusted face

"It was the best and most efficient way to infiltrate here" said another demon

"We won't have to do it after tomorrow so relax because things are going to change soon" said the third demon

"Things seem to be going according to the plan" said the last demon

"But what was that early" 

"For a split second I felt killing intent directed towards us" 

"So it wasn't my imagination but it happened so fast that I couldn't find where it came from"

"Do you think they saw through our disguises"

"I doubt it seeing as nothing happened"

"Yeah it might have been misplaced intent"

"For now let's get things ready for tomorrow's plan" 


"Whatever you say"


They started to prepare things for tomorrow while down the hall in Qendrim's room, he was laying in bed with a sadistic smile on his face as it was Split. 

"I wonder when I should step in and have some fun"

"You have your fun but it'll be a while before that happens, for now let's let them carry out their plans" said Qendrim

"Are you going to have fun too?" asked Split

"Who knows, the main event is what I'm intrigued about, so we'll see" replied Qendrim

"But did you let out killing intent just to spook them, it even made the others in the seven other inns to react in such a way" asked Qendrim to Split

With a smile Split replied to him by saying

"I just wanted to see them scared a little, that's all" 

"It seems to work as they become more cautious now hence the barriers" 

"Doesn't matter we can see and hear everything so it's pointless" said Split

"That only applies to us but they are quiet high rank demons huh"said Qendrim

"Just Greater Demons that's only as strong as B rank adventurers but considering there demons they're stronger in the same rank as human, elves, and dwarves" replied Split 

"Oh did he notice something… well I'm not really hiding it so I expected one of them to notice, it just took too long" said Qendrim

The demons were almost finished preparing when the one that stared at him in the lobby felt like someone was watching and listening to them.

'What was that.. It felt like we were being watched but I can't feel it anymore…. Must have been my imagination since no one said anything if they did' 

"A toy" said Split smirking