
BanG Dream: The Unexpected Part-Timer

A male part-timer suddenly appeared in a girl's band studio!? Meet Nakasone Kyo, a part-timer of CirCLE Studio. A high school student devotes his life to music. (I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg) Art: BanG Dream 2nd Season (I'll find a better cover book soon)

Yamiru · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

Happy Lucky Smile!

I opened my eyes, still groggy from the abrupt wake-up call. Before me, a familiar group, each one greeting me in their own way.

"Hey there, Kyo-kun! Rise and shine!" A cheerful voice greeted me, accompanied by a bright smile.

"Aha! Look who's up! Our sleeping beauty is finally awake," chimed in the flamboyant one, a playful glint in their eye.

"How was your sleep? All cozy and restful?" asked the lively girl, her excitement contagious.

"Oh dear, is this all okay? Are we sure about this suddenness?" The concerned one voiced her worry, her expression filled with apprehension.

"Um, Kanon-chan, I think this is quite normal," interjected the one wearing glasses, attempting to reassure her.

Wait, why am I in a limousine? 

 I blinked, thoroughly confused by the situation.

**A Few Hours Ago**

I'd been occupied at CirCLE, handling various tasks such as tidying up outside and overseeing the cafeteria, when suddenly, Tsurumaki-san and the other members of Hello, Happy World showed up.

"Hey there, Kyo! Merry Christmas!" greeted the energetic one, waving enthusiastically as she approached me.

Her smile was radiant as always, and I dubbed it the "Radiant Smile Beam" because of its overwhelming brightness.

"Good afternoon, little puppy~ It seems you've been working hard in this cold weather. If you don't mind, I can warm you up," Kaoru said, attempting to pull me into a hug.

Oh great... Just great...

My immediate response was a firm "No thanks!" shutting down the idea before it even got close.

"Merry Christmas, Kyo-kun! We've got croquette discounts for Christmas!" Kitazawa announced cheerfully.

Kitazawa-san's energy was infectious, and her meat store was my go-to spot for fresh and reasonably priced groceries, especially their delicious croquettes.

"Oh really? Thanks! I'll definitely buy some," I responded with a smile.

"G-Good afternoon, Nakasone-kun... a-and Merry Christmas," Matsubara greeted me with a slight bow, her tone a touch timid.

Returning the greeting, I offered a polite bow in return.

"By the way, Nakasone-kun, was it you who led the Pastel*Palettes' last live performance?" Okusawa inquired.

"Y-Yeah, I was a part-time producer for that event, but it was just a one-time thing."

Kokoro immediately joined the conversation. "A producer? That means you make songs too?!"

"That's right."

"That's incredible, Kyo!" Kokoro exclaimed, gripping both my hands, her eyes filled with admiration.

"Haha... Thanks. More importantly, are you guys here to rehearse? I heard you're having a live performance in mid-December."

It's currently December 20, just five days away from Christmas. For those who might be a bit lost, Pastel*Palettes had their live concert on December 14.

"Yeah! We have to spread smiles, especially during Christmas!" Kokoro beamed at me with her infectious smile.

"I see. Then I'll definitely support it."

"Really!? That's great!"

"Now then, I don't want to get in your way, so how about you guys go on ahead inside."

"Right~ Let's go, everyone!~" Kokoro enthusiastically led the others into CirCLE.

"Have a good noon, my little puppy," Kaoru bowed at me and then winked.

"Bye~ Bye~" Kitazawa chimed in.

Kanon followed suit, offering a bow as I reciprocated with a slight nod.

"Anyway, take care of yourself," the one who resembled Michelle said, trailing behind the others.

Huh? Michelle? Oh, right... That's probably Misaki-san... Huh? She's fast at changing.

And so, I continued my duties around CirCLE. The lively encounter with Hello Happy World left me in good spirits, and I couldn't help but smile as I went about my tasks.

~Switching POV to HHW~

The vibrant atmosphere of the rehearsal room buzzed with energy as Hello, Happy World practiced for their upcoming performance. However, something seemed amiss, particularly with Kokoro's demeanor.

"Kokoro, Are you okay?" Hagumi's worry was evident in her voice.

"Hmmm, I'm fine, but it's just this feeling like we're missing something."

"Missing?" Kaoru echoed, exchanging a concerned glance with Michelle (Misaki)

"I wonder what it could be though?" Kokoro furrowed her brow, lost in thought.

Hagumi, known for her cheerful disposition, stepped closer, her eyes full of concern. "Is there anything we can do to help, Kokoro-chan?"

"Yeah! If something's missing, we should find it together!" Kanon added, a determined glint in her eyes.

"Maybe it's a new element for our performance!"

Kokoro's eyes lit up with realization. "Ohhh! That's right! That's probably it!" Her infectious smile returned. "Alright, everyone! Let's give people some smiles!"

"YEAH!" The members of Hello Happy World echoed in unison, and their enthusiasm reignited.

They continued their rehearsal, pouring their energy into every note and every move. Kokoro, usually the source of boundless energy, seemed to regain her vibrant spirit.

Hagumi's nimble fingers danced across the strings of her bass, Kanon's steady rhythm on the drums provided a strong foundation, and Kaoru's guitar riffs added a touch of flair.

Michelle when DJing, anchored the group's sound with her synthesized beats and electronic melodies, adding a unique dimension to their music.

The group's friendship was clear to see as they played. Every now and then, Kokoro's laughter reverberated throughout the space, while the others grinned and nourished each other's cheerful vibes.

The door to the staff room creaked open, and Michelle turned to find Kyo entering with a tray of treats.

"Nakasone-san? What's wrong?" she inquired.

"Oh, Uhhh I came here for some treats. It must be cold after all. I know this is not much, but here you go." Kyo arranged the tray on the table in front of the mirrors, presenting five chocolate milks and an assortment of sweets.

"Woah!~ Thank you, Kyo-kun!" Kokoro exclaimed with her trademark smile.

"No problem. Well, then, that's all. See ya later." Kyo swiftly headed out of the staff room, closing the door behind him.

Curiosity piqued, Kaoru spotted a note lying beside the sweets. "Oh? It seems the little puppy left us a note?" Kaoru remarked, picking up the piece of paper, and the others gathered around to read.

"Keep smiling and let everyone know you shine," with a smiley face.

"That's right! I see that Kyo-kun must've wanted us to spread more smiles!" Kokoro declared, her eyes sparkling with understanding.

"Hmmm... Now that I think about it, while we were rehearsing, I slightly saw a silhouette figure that was peeking through the door... Could it be...?" Michelle hesitated, her eyes narrowing in thought.

"Hm? What's wrong, Michelle?" Hagumi asked, concerned for her bandmate.

"A-Ah! Nothing! Ahahaha."

"Oh! I have an idea! Maybe after our live performance! We should celebrate... and invite Kyo!" Kokoro suggested, standing up with enthusiasm.

"Ohh! Nice idea!" Kaoru chimed in.

"I'm sure he would be thrilled!" Hagumi added.

Kanon nodded in agreement.

"Then! Let's go ask him!" Kokoro exclaimed.

"Yeah!" The rest of the group echoed in unison as they exited the staff room, determined to find Kyo.

And there he is sitting in the lounge, focused on the laptop.

Kokoro and the rest of HelloHappyWorld found Kyo sitting in the lounge, engrossed in his laptop. He seemed deeply focused on something, oblivious to their presence as they discreetly peeked at what he was doing.

"Arghh... No can't do," Kyo groaned, his frustration evident as he scrolled through his music files.

The members exchanged glances, sensing that perhaps this wasn't the best time to interrupt. However, Kokoro being Kokoro, couldn't resist spreading a little cheer.

"Hello, Kyo-kun!" she greeted with her usual exuberance, drawing Kyo's attention away from the laptop.

"Oh, Kokoro? Everyone!? What's wrong?"

"We were wondering if you'd like to join us for a little celebration after our live performance!" Kokoro exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yeah! It's our way of saying thank you for the treats and the note plus you can celebrate Christmas with us!!" Hagumi added with a wide grin.

Kyo glanced at them, a mixture of surprise and reluctance on his face. "Oh, that's really nice of you all, but I have some work to finish up here." 

"Aw, come on, Kyo-kun! You've been working so hard. A little break won't hurt!" Kokoro insisted, attempting to persuade him.

"I appreciate the offer, really, but I have some deadlines to meet." Such as my teachers suddenly giving out modules from g-class!!! 

HelloHappyWorld members exchanged disappointed glances but respected Kyo's decision.

"Sure thing, Kyo-kun! Let us know when you're free, okay?" Kokoro said, still smiling despite the slight disappointment.

"Definitely! We'll be looking forward to it!" Hagumi added cheerfully.

With that, Kyo returned to his laptop, and the members of Hello Happy World left the lounge.

**Switching back to Kyo's POV**

 I'm sorry but my school modules will be my priority... After all, I don't want to fail and get scolded by my parents.

I scrambled to complete my school modules, prioritizing the impending workload over any social engagement. "Maybe one or two more hours, then I'll be out," I murmured, absorbed in my laptop.

Two and a half hours flew by, and with a sense of accomplishment, I finally wrapped up the tasks my teacher assigned.

I didn't anticipate the surprise the others might have when they saw their G-class burdened with sudden work during the Christmas holidays.

Just then Marina approached me with a glass of juice and some sweets. "Looks like you've finished your schoolwork."

"Marina-san, thank you."

"No worries. You can head home now and take a rest."

Realization hit me as I checked the time on the wall clock—it was already 6:51 PM.

"Eh!? It's 6 PM? I have to make dinner quickly!" I hurriedly packed my belongings and apologized, flustered. "Sorry, Marina-san! I should be changing my uniform, but—"

Marina stopped me with a gentle hush. "It's alright, Nakasone-kun. You can leave, leave it to Senpai!"

"Thank you so much! Marina-san!" I rushed out of the livehouse, full of apologies and a frantic pace.

"Take care on your way!" Marina called after me, though I had already dashed out. "Boys are always in a hurry... I hope those two guys in black suits aren't waiting for Nakasone-kun," she muttered to herself. I'm sure right?

As I reached the bus stop, relief washed over me when I realized it was 7:30 PM—the bus was due to arrive soon. "Holy crap, I never ran that fast in my entire life!!"

 Settling onto the bench, I opened my phone to pass the time. Abruptly, two men in suits approached me. "Are you Nakasone Kyo?" one of them asked in a menacing tone.

Suspicion flickered in me. "Who are you?" I inquired, eyeing them warily.

Huh? Is this a prank television? I'm sure not right? How did they know my name anyway?

The men exchanged glances, and before I could react, one of them struck me, sending me into unconsciousness.

And that's when everything went dark.

I gradually opened my eyes, disoriented by the sudden change of surroundings. The interior of the limousine looked unfamiliar, and I found myself wearing a different outfit than before.

"Hey there, Kyo-kun! Rise and shine!" a voice chirped, bursting with cheer. Kokoro's radiant smile greeted me, making the situation a tad less bewildering.

"Aha! Look who's up! Our sleeping beauty is finally awake," added Kaoru, a playful sparkle in her eyes as she teased.

"How was your sleep? All cozy and restful?" Hagumi asked, her bubbly enthusiasm palpable.

The concerned expressions of Kanon caught my attention. "Oh dear, is this all okay? Are we sure about this suddenness?" Her worry resonated in her voice.

"Um, Kanon-chan, I think this is quite normal," Misaki tried to reassure her, her calm demeanor providing a hint of reassurance.

Kokoro, brimming with excitement, interrupted the conversation. "By the way, everyone! We'll be sleeping in a mountain! But don't worry! There's a huge cottage there!" Her grin was infectious.

Their words didn't quite make sense to me, but their energy was infectious.