
Nyan! Nyan!

"Can you handle the lighting for the concert?"

"No problem the, there won't be any change from the rehearsal right"

Me and Marina talked about the later concert. She already hired a few part timer for the live house which made the job easier.


"Is there something wrong?" I asked her

"No, nothing. Can you also clean the dressing room, I think Roselia will arrive some time later" I nodded at her request and went quickly to the dressing room.

I cleaned the room as instructed for some time and went out.

"Ah Elliot Hello" Lisa greeted me when I was outside. She was wearing her school uniform.

"You are early. You can use the dressing room, please call me when you need something else" I said toward her. She looked curiously at me, then her gaze was locked on my left shoulder.

"Uwaa, so cute, is she yours?" She said looking at the cat on my shoulder with a smile.

"Not really. It just grown attached to me" I said while looking at Kuroka on my right shoulder.

(Something smell good Nya)

Lisa tried to reach her hand and play with Kuroka but she just avoided her hand. She felt disappointed for a bit

I couldn't blame her. Kuroka looked like a high class cat. Her fur looked glossy and her playful expression increase her charm.

She regained her energy after some time and looked at me. I guessed she gave up petting Kuroka.

"Today is our show, so please take care of us" she winked at me while doing a V sign with her right hand

"Don't worry. Just leave it to me" I reassured her

Then she shoved something toward me. It was a plastic bag with a cute ribbon wrapping it. I opened and looked at the content. There were various cookies with a cute shape.

"Is this a bribe?" I tilted my head while smelling the sweet aroma

"Pftt, hahaha. What are you saying? Its just a gift"

She said it was apology for the trouble on the other day. She was thankful for my interference, all of the band members also seemed more motivated in their practice.

"I know Yukina and Sayo can sound a little rude in their words but please don't think bad about them"

" I have seen worse. It take more than that to make me hate someone" I said toward her. It's not like I didn't see where they came from.

They had the right to refuse participating if they felt the others inadequate but they need to learn how to say it without looking like picking a fight.

"That's good then. Please tell me about your impression about the cookie later okay"

She waved at me and entered the dressing room. But after a while she opened the door a little and peek from the gap.

"I will change, so you can't peek okay" She smiled with her mouth in w shape looking at me teasingly.

Before I could respond, she closed the door.

(I can help if you want to peek) Kuroka said telepathically

Why did they think I will peek anyway. I am gentleman. Peeking at a lady changing was only done by a brute

Well, If it was an accident like those harem manga I won't reject it. It was the machination of fate after all.

(You really won't?)

(I follow the gentleman code of conduct)

Her eyes was saying that she didn't believe me, Even though I told the truth.

(What's with that eyes. Just you know nobody knows more about being a gentleman than I do)

She didn't respond and just jump into the vent above. What was she gonna do anyway.

I wonder while thinking that I heard her voice in my head.

(Your friend is really changing inside Nyaa)

I was shocked. Did she look inside from the vent. I tried to stop her but she just ignored me.

(oh, she really has a nice body)

She describe her undressing to me. I felt complicated hearing it. No I am a gentlemen. I tried to cut of Kuroka's voice.

(Oh my that is an impressive underwear)

I stopped momentarily. But even after a few moments no continuation came from her.

(Don't leave me hanging here, Kuroka)

"Hey Elliot!"

"I AM SORRY!" I shouted in reflex from someone calling me

"Sorry for what?" Standing there were Ako and Rinko

"No, don't think too much about it" I shoved my guilt the other way and talked with them to changed the topic.

"Kukuku... The all powerful mage of Darkness stand before you. With the great power of Eternal Shadow that resides within, I shall.... uhm I shall *peek*"

"Make... you tremble.... before me"

"Make you tremble before me!!"

"Fine, fine" I ruffled her hair acknowledging her presence. She really need to improve her vocabulary if she wanted to do something like this.

She puffed her cheek thinking that I was making fun of her.

"I know I still have a long way to go. Someday I will become like you. The dark.... mphm... hmph" I put my hand on top of her mouth in a flash.

"Please I beg you stop" I plead with my eyes, don't remind me of that.

"Ako... I don't think its good.... to mention that... in front of him" Rinko gave me some support from the side. Uhh, wait you mean you talked about it behind my back.

"Fine. But please see Roselia performance Elliot. I will show you the coolest performance ever."

"Like duduru... bang..." She air drummed trying to show her skill

I nodded at her and told them that Lisa was waiting for them in the dressing room. They bid me good bye and went to the dressing room.

Then Kuroka hopped into my shoulder from above. I started to walk to the receptionist to handle something else. But there was something I need to confirm.

I called to her and she looked at me in her cat form.

(Don't misunderstand okay. I am just curious. What kind of underwear did Lisa wore that make you so surprised)

Please don't judge me. I was just curious, for someone like Kuroka to be that surprised. This was an intellectual curiosity and it didn't violate any gentleman conduct, definitely.

(Nyahaha. I am joking. I didn't even see her changing. I was just teasing you)

".... I see"

(Are you okay? Your face doesn't look good)

This was why I sometime had trust issue with woman. They always like to play with innocent man heart. I walked lifelessly toward the reception.

"What happened Artel, you look like seeing the end of the world"

I saw the last two member of Roselia in their school uniform.

I just shake my head mentioning that it was nothing important. We exchanged greeting and I told them that the rest of the member were already in the dressing room.

I expected them to go there directly but they just stood there. Yukina stood there silently staring at Kuroka.



"Do you want to try petting her?" I didn't know what she want so I asked Yukina just in case. I never knew her eyes could sparkle like that. I almost mistook her for someone else.

"W-well if its not too much trouble" She tried to touch Kuroka by slowly reaching her hand but as always Kuroka just avoided it quickly.

She tried it several time even trying using treat but to no avail. Sayo also looked interested but it seem she held herself back.

After some time, she gave up with a devastated look on her face.

(She had the same face with you when I said I was just teasing you Nya)

I didn't want to comment about that.

"Let's go Sayo" Her voice was in low spirit saying that.

They walked pass me while Yukina still glanced at Kuroka occasionally. Kuroka just laughed seeing the attention that she got.


a crashing sound was heard behind me. when I turned around, I saw Yukina holding her head while Sayo looked surprised beside her. Was it that bad.

(How much does she want to pet her?) I thought to myself.

(Hey, can't you let her pet you for a bit) I said telepathically toward Kuroka.

I didn't want it to affect her performance later.

Kuroka contemplated for a bit about my suggestion. Then she jumped from my shoulder and walked toward Sayo and Yukina.

I called them and they looked toward Kuroka. Yukina looked in anticipation toward the cat that approached them.

Kuroka looked back and glanced at me with a glint in her eyes. I tilted my head wondering what she was doing.

*Swoosh* *Flip*

She did something very quickly which made me wide eyed.

Yukina and Sayo panties were in full view from my position. What a gentleman should do in this situation is...




| 1. Look at their panties |




| 2. Look at their panties |




| 3. Look at their panties |


Time slowed down making it possible for me to enjoy the moment. I mean I need to choose quickly. But it was hard with three different choice, so it took some time for me.

I choose the most reasonable choice from those three. What a hard time, It made me remember the view too clearly.

Yukina wore a black underwear with some picture of rose on it, the contrast of her white skin and black underwear looked really alluring to the eyes.

While Sayo wore a simple green colored one the same color with her hair with cute ribbon on the front side. Her thigh looked really firm and healthy showing that she really came from a sport club.

When I analyzed that in my mind, they were holding down their skirt with red face glaring at me.

"Dorime" Maybe I shouldn't had said that in that situation




Roselia performance already started. The audience looked really hyped listening to their song. They swung their glow stick in accordance with the tune. I control the light on the stage from the control room while watching them.

"What happened to your cheek?" Marina who was beside me asking about the red handprint on both of my cheek. I just shrug it off not answering.

Yukina really showed more power than usual. Was it because she had the chance to slap me or because Kuroka let Yukina pet her as an apology.

The culprit just stood on the corner looking at me. I didn't know whether I should be mad or thankful.

(Now that I think about it. What are you doing here Kuroka?)