

In a dark bedroom with a dim light, a person whose face is hidden in the darkness sits in the middle of the room casually tapping it's fingers on the lap. Meanwhile, a large picture frame hung on the wall _ The picture of a handsome white-haired young man smiling. A half-bitten apple in a ceramic plate is placed on a table stationed a few steps away from the bed. The person takes a deep breath while tapping, and staring intensely at the picture.

Outside a creepy hall with flickering glowing liquid flames stationed at strategic corners, two men stood discussing on the edge of a cliff while looking at a map placed on a large brick that serves as a table _ the map of Florida, United States of America.

One of them is super tall, has an intimidating figure, wearing a black leather Coat. His name; Drex Ambrose. Drex is a werewolf with the ability to revert to its human form, a leader of the werewolf Ambrose clan. He preserves a position of authority that is notable across the werewolf clans. He is known for his diplomacy prowess and keen mind in solving problems involving the night creatures.

He has a dark skin tone and rocks long chest-length dreadlocks which gives him an outstanding appearance. He has a deep commanding tone and a unique accent that complements his character. A bold man who knows when to sit still and when to lash out.

The other is Flames Curry, a man of European descent. He has a slim figure, looks quite attractive and articulated. He rocks a black curly hair with strands of white hair falling on his face which blends perfectly with his green eyes. Despite Flame's reserved nature, he remains unpredictable, he is cunning and does a good job hiding his true intentions. He popularly referred to as an outlaw.

Drex Ambrose: "I received a message from Shulan before dawn."

Flames Curry: "Hmm"

Drex: "All lycanthrope packs, as foretold, are coming together. Clans, aligning with the other, the hand of time has forced their hands."

(Flames staring into the thin air, momentarily lost in thought. He suddenly jerks out of his thoughts.)

Flames, chuckles: "Since the dawn of time till the present, wars and rumors of war have always forced families, packs, and clans into alliances. Sure, we need allies, but leading them is what concerns me."

Drex: "What do you mean?"

Flames: "They lack loyalty toward each other. How can we tell that they would be loyal to us?"

Drex: "Not for long, the stubbornness of werewolves is known. However, they would all seek support to protect their packs in these trying times."

Flames: "OK then, but what guarantee do you have that these werewolf families would seek refuge under the protection of the Ambrose pack. Keeping me alive has already marked you unworthy."

Drex, assertive: "I am not concerned about their opinions!"

(Drex takes a deep breath.)

Drex, continues: "Perhaps you were right. We need unwavering loyalty from these packs in other to face our common enemy."

Flames, intoned with a wide smile: "Unwavering."

Drex, nodding: "Yes, Unwavering.....We will inspire that level of loyalty by providing a figure head_ a Lunar Sovereign."

Flames, scoffs: "Lunar Sovereign? I don't even think this creature exists."

Drex, staring into the flickering fire: "Yes, it has eluded us for a time, but it has finally revealed itself. Shulan's message carries information about her."

Flames, smiling surprised: "Her? It's a girl?"

(Suddenly, they felt the presence of someone lingering in the dark hall. They stopped talking, looking around to see who it was. Flames, through his gut feeling, could tell what it was.)

Flames, calls out: "Lancel!"

(Suddenly, a man reveals himself from the shadows. He has a straight, long, sleek, black hair and a distinct triangular-shaped face. He smiled while approaching them.)

Flames, smiling back: "Lancel Payne! Always lurking in the dark."

Lancel Payne, smiles back: "Years come and go but we are still here, Wolves will always be wolves"

Flames, smiles harder: "You never change."

Lancel: "We never really do. I have missed you."

Flames: "Me too, I wonder why you never show up."

Lancel: "I have been too busy strolling around the world"

Flames: "In solitude?"

Lancel: "Trust me, wild and alone is the best way to live."

(They both gave each other a huge hug, teasing themselves. After releasing each other, they stood head to head. Drex paid no attention to them.)

Flames: "So why are you here?"

(Lancel, dramatically runs his fingers across an open flame)

Flames, curious: "What t is your brother's take on this? Should we be expecting another Payne?"

Lancel, smirks: "By all means...expect at your own risk"

(Both of them bursts into laughter. However, Drex carried on the previous discussion. He brings out a picture of a girl and places it on the brick.)

Lancel, joins the conversation: "Who is she?"

Drex: "She is Sasha Giggs, the lunar sovereign. The one through which the lycans of this generation will wield power that surpasses any adversary. Securing her allegiance to our course is paramount."

Lancel: "Ahh, Yes, you are right, until someone steals her away from under us."

(Drex slowly glancing at Lancel)

Drex: "It's no secret that there are groups set out to capture her, we will get her first."

Lancel, warns: "I am not talking about a bloody group! My brother swears he would burn the entire country if it stood between him and the sovereign."

(Drex silently listens to Lancel, while Flames watched him intently.)

Lancel enunciates: "He.... meant....every....word."

Drex, in a determined manner: "If Cedric wants the girl, he would have to go through me."

Sasha Giggs is a 23-years-old female of European descent. She has a vibrant red hair and brownish-red eyes which complements her personality. She is connected to one of the most powerful werewolf families in the United States. Sasha exudes strength and fearlessness. She maintains a reserved attitude, and has immense belief in herself. Unbeknownst to Sasha, she was marked as a lunar sovereign _ a creature which possesses an exceptional moon magic deposited within to do extraordinary things. Rumour has it that the power bestowed upon this creature could dissolve a long-aged curse or ancestral spell on a werewolf, vampire or other dark creatures, and also, rebuild the greatest kingdoms where werewolves and vampires live in harmony.