
Repairing Titan Cliff

Zero didn't know why every time he saved someone or something everyone would take turns scolding him. It's almost like a ritual at this point and the teen was very glad for the discovery of noise isolation magic. The one who chewed Zero out the most was without doubt Hua Tuo. The physician was frustrated at his graduated disciple for treating his vessel so lightly.

The teen knew that his shifu was worried but listening to the Medicine God recite the book of rules for two hours really tested Zero's patience. He didn't want to be rude to his shifu but he really had pressing matters to attend to. After much deliberation, Zero raised his hand and caught Hua Tuo off guard.

"Sorry shifu, I'll listen to your lecture another time but for now, won't you let me off? I have something urgent that has to be done now that both Trees are in top condition."