
Professional Excavator

Thrilled but nervous about her first day at work, Jermine squeaked when Raj called out her name. The blind mole beast girl scurried over and almost tripped on her claws running on the uneven ground. The half-djinn had just finished inspecting the marked out new village territory and wanted a second opinion.

Pepper and Monoman crowded around Raj's sketch and waited for Jermine to come over.

"How does the soil structure feel?" the cartographer asked. After slacking and being dragged around by various people to see various places, Pepper was happy to finally be assigned his first real job ever since joining half Moon Village. Space planning and developing the first village outside of Half Moon Structure was an exciting project, especially when they had nothing.

Jermine nodded. "It's hard on the first few layers but deeper down it is soft. I think there is a possibility of finding underground water around here that we can pipe out or create a well."