
Leaving Half Moon Village

Camie was both nervous and sad about leaving the village that had taken her in for years. Zenobia stood in front of everyone else and as the Chieftess, she was in charge of giving them a speech to wish them well on their journey.

"To Camie who has been a big sister to Half Moon village, we will miss you dearly. There's no need for tears and goodbye. Family don't say such things to each other. Just know that should you wish to return home one day, we will always welcome you back with open arms. As proof that you are irreplaceable to us all, this is a village token that the lab rats made. An obsidian tag specially enchanted with protection spells by our village head to be worn at all times. With that, have a safe journey, Camie, Zero and Truen."

The three of them set off on foot and the warriors escorted them as far as the bridge at the entrance before stopping.

"This is goodbye but not farewell," the centaur smiled and gave the giantess a hug.