
Ingo Brothers

As soon as the sun disappeared, Zero busied himself with an item hunt list. Mii couldn't help but be slightly curious. This was what Zero decided.

Buddha: Lotus Flower

Freya: Fire

Zeus: Lightning Bolt

Hades: Night Shadows

Isis: Mead

Sedna: Huge Fish Scale

En: Feather Pen

Grem Lee: Measuring Rope

Jen: Green Needle

Jeremy Hound: White Glove

Gaia: Green Leaf (found)

While some items were possible to get, others were impossible. Mii wanted to ask how it was possible to collect Night Shadows, Lightning Bolts or Fire. It was quite the list and many of the items could not be found on Endow Hill.

Zero wasn't disheartened. He simply decided to collect whatever caught his interest. For example, the glowing mushrooms were quickly harvested and stored in his void storage. At the same time, Zero was collecting dry sticks. The darkness didn't bother Zero as he was able to make out his surroundings using other senses.

Two hours passed quickly. Zero had absorbed and harvested a great variety of things including poisoned berries of different kinds. There was a strange plant that could move and tried to eat Zero. Luckily, Hades' blessing activated and sent the attack right back at the plant. Zero absorbed that creepy vine without hesitation and gained a skill called "Grapple" with Sedna's blessing.

There were some insects too and Zero wanted to keep the lantern bugs but had no way of trapping them. Reluctantly he moved along and climbed to the top of a tall tree. At the canopy, Zero spied some glowing light from a distance and decided to check it out.

Mii advised him to scan the area with the communicator just in case there were hostile parties involved. Zero did so and on the map, three red dots appeared.

"Does it mean that they are enemies if it is red?"

Mii wasn't too sure but told Zero to approach with caution. Without Truen, she didn't want Zero going anywhere near danger but after that argument, she knew better than to try stopping him. Stubbornness was something that didn't diminish even with the loss of memories.

Zero teleported over to a nearby tree and hid in the leaves. Below him were three horned rabbits. They were eating what looked like a leg of a huge animal. Zero saw that the leg had a hoof at the end and wondered if these new people were potential friends or enemies.

The horned rabbits had three rows of sharp teeth, two on the top and one below. Two of them had two horns each but the fiercest in the group only had one on the left. They had pink fur and red eyes. Zero thought that the tiny fluff of fur they had for tails was cute. Their tails were white and often twitched. It surprised the brunet when the largest of them with one horn spoke.

"Dingo, Mingo! Good job earlier."

The horned rabbit called Dingo had two daggers sheathed at his waist. He grinned and Zero shuddered. Those teeth were scary!

"No problem Jingo! It was easy taking care of those two calves. With their mother dead, we can take our time choosing which one to roast next."

"Don't do that! We should fatten them first," Mingo scolded and tore another huge chunk of flesh off the leg before chewing noisily.

Zero watch the three horned rabbits eat and discuss the fate of the two captured calves with disgust. He decided to change his initial plan of scavenging. After all, there were two motherless calves he had to save!

Who'd have thought that pink could be the colour of evil?

#pink horny rabbits

#not a rip-off from three little pigs

#I bought epic coffee wholesale :D

Destiny_Aitsujicreators' thoughts