
First Stop - Gluttony (2)

Beelzebub wasn't quite prepared to be tackled by Zero in the kitchen. He was trying to sneak another plate of fruits from the counter while the chef busied away and almost succeeded too!


The Demon Lord froze when his chef turned around and growled at him, swatting his outreached hand with a spatula. Zero looked blankly at the angry chef until he was thrown out of the kitchen together with Beelzebub.

"Why did you have to do that?" The Lord of Gluttony hiss. Knowing the stingy chef, his portion of dinner was going to be reduced after that failed attempt.

Zero blinked. "But I was hungry too? I thought we could get early dinner together."

Beel gave Zero the deadest eyes. "Does it look like we're going to get dinner now?"