
Be A Good King

After Truen received Zero's reply about King Brice's request, Truen decided to give the king a formal reply in person.

It was the dead of night when Truen left the hideout, the temperature was chilly but it didn't bother Truen. In fact, the archer preferred it this way. Fewer people would be prowling about at such hours and it made things easier for him.

The palace's security was a joke. If there was a highly secured place in this kingdom, it wasn't the palace where the king slept but a duke who had control over the magicians from U.N.U. How ludicrous!

With a small illusion spell, Truen waltz past the guards on duty and into the palace. Unlike Mitchnew who was a regular here, he had only been here a handful of times. The palace was needlessly huge and Truen didn't know all the secret passages that existed. He only knew where the king's chamber was and that was exactly where he was headed.