
Whale Island


Meaning very annoyed; angry.

And that, my friends is exactly how Bakugou feels right now. Mabey even worse depending on who he looks at 'if' he looks at anyone to begin with. Because apparently he doesn't like wasting his time looking at 'extras'. Quite the picky teen were dealing with if I say so myself. Oh wait, that's right... he's a preteen now isn't he-


Oh he heard that. Well anyway back to the story.

P.S: ( ) <- That's me talking.


Bakugou made his way down the street of the village he was in. He had already managed to find clothes that fit him the other day and kept his other ones buried underground near the largest tree in the forest he was in. He was wearing a sleeveless skin tight black shirt with a turtle neck and had a sleeveless black jacket that was red on the inside and black cargo pants that ended a couple of inches above his ankle with a chain on his right hip. (All in all, he looked like a delinquent)

He still had the shoes from his other world on. He knew he was on an island called Whale Island from asking other people... or more like demanding but yeah, everyone there was now afraid of him.

'That's right, damn extras' He thought as he took a turn. When he turned he stopped so abruptly that the person behind him bumped into him sending them both to the ground.

"WHO THE HELL!?" Bakugou yelled.

"Ah! Sorry, you alright?" The kid says holding his hand out for Bakugou to grab. Which he didn't.

'It's okay, keep calm. Ask him the question and then leave.' You could see his neck tighten through his shirt from gritting his teeth.

"Hey you." Bakugou says in a normal leveled voice (Wow, congrats Bakugou lol) while giving the guy a strained smile.


"Where is that ship heading?" He asks, pointing to the ship he noticed a couple of seconds ago.

"Oh! That ship is taking people to the hunter exam."

"Hunters exam?" Like U.A.?

"Yeah! You know... they.. uh... umm... hunt I guess."

"No shit" Bakugou mutters under his breath.

"Are you going too?" The guy asks.

Bakugou opened his mouth to say something but then stopped.

'Wait. I can use the ship to get off this island.'

"...Yeah" He says to the random kid in front of him.

"Neat! I'm going to! Actually I was heading there right now. Wanna walk there together?"

"Sure" Bakugou didn't know his way around the village anyway so this was rather convenient for him.


"My names Gon by the way" Gon said looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Bakugou" Bakugou wasn't going to give him his first name yet. He turned back to face the ship.

"Wait" Bakugou says.

"Hmm?" Gon turned around again.

"Its leaving" He pointed at the ship.

"Oh no! We gotta hurry!" Gon started running and Bakugou followed. They weren't that far away so it didn't take them long to reach the ship. Except it had already taken off.

"Tch" Bakugou put his hands behind his back and got ready to activate his quirk but instead Gon grabbed him and made a run for it taking a fishing pole off his back and swinging it towards the ship.

Once it hit the ship the both of them were pulled over and onto the ship. That was it, that was the last straw. Bakugou took Gons collar and pulled him up to his face.

"What the hell was that for?!" Bakugou yelled in a hushed whisper.

"Sorry. I didn't have time to warn you." Gon said and then took off towards where the captain was.

Bakugou gritted his teeth and Tch'ed his way over to a couple of crates. Sitting on one of them and leaning against another, Bakugou crossed his arms and closed his eyes. He wasn't going to sleep- no, that was out of the question. He was in front of too many people and possible enemies. He was just going to think of a nickname to give Gon.

Meanwhile, with Gon.

"Well, look at that. Your friend looks like he's perpetually pissed off at the world even when he's sleeping." Some guy said.

"Nah, that's just his face. He's a pretty nice guy" Gon said. (Acting like you've known him your whole life are you Gon?)

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Bakugou yelled.

"Oops, he heard us. I don't think he likes us giving him compliments." Gon grinned sheepishly.

"Geez, what does he have? Super hearing?" The guy said.

"What do you mean? He's not that far." Gon gave the man a confused look.

"And you too! How were you able to use a fishing pole to pull you all the way here?!" The man asked.

"It wasn't that hard." Gon gave the man another confused look before said man let out sigh in defeat.

"You guys are monsters" He said and then held out a hand in front of Gon.

"The names Leorio by the way." Leorio said.

"My name is Gon." Gon said shaking his hand.

"And the nice guy over there is Bakugou." Gon said pointing to Bakugou.

Bakugou got up from where he was and started running after Gon.




A/N: Give me some ideas for what Gons nickname should be☺