
Bakugan: Becoming a Demon

When he was born, he burned his mother. My father just couldn't take it. Grandma has disappeared. The boy grew up in constant bouts of pain and visions, even his name was a mystery to him... Not receiving parental love, Shinji tried to find someone who would be "native" to him, but who knew that it would turn out to be a huge Bakugan monster?

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20 Chs

Chapter 15 Appearance of Skyress!

The next day, everyone at school received the sad news.

Shiori Kazami, Shun's mother, had passed away.

Why were the children told? All obviously so that when he returned to school, they wouldn't touch on a topic that was painful for the boy.

All his friends in class gasped. It was so unexpected for them. A deteriorated condition was one thing, but death was another.

Dan and the others wanted to visit him. Well, I'm out.

I knew it was coming, of course, so I wasn't surprised. Well, I hope he's been happy with her lately.

I took my bakugans today, Vesta was getting impatient.

The only question was who to play with.

I'm getting my mask delivered in a day or two, so I figured I'd punish under an alias.

Uh, yeah. Better wait, then.


Even though I decided so, I didn't expect at all that a completely unexpected person, Shun Kazami, would appear in the top 100 players in those 2 days.

Of course, it wasn't that that surprised me the most, but what people started judging about after that.

It was shocking, of course, but the guy somehow ended up with a rare new Ventus bakugan, Skyress.

I knew from Vesta's words that that one was the oldest among the Ventus bakugans that still lived, but... 360g... and that's just pure power.

If the internet didn't lie, she had 2 abilities: firestorm - adds 100g, which is multiplied by the number of opponents on the gate card and emerald winds of fury - transfers 50g. What and where - I don't know. Quite possibly from all the enemy bakugans on the field to myself.

But it wasn't that important. The point was different. It was a Ventus Bakugan with direct attack power.

As I knew, the only disadvantage of a Ventus elemental is the lack of combat power in direct confrontation. There's the option to change the battlefield, revoke, save, and basically avoid, but there's no special boosts in direct combat if, for example, someone with a Ventus elemental is forced to throw a bakugan onto an enemy battlefield. Yes, there is an option to cancel the gate card, but it is only a certain Bakugan can do that, as for the increase in power, then everything is sad. That is, those who are able to pump their power well, initially have less power in "g" than others, and if the same Bakugan activate the same abilities, the enemy side wins.

And Skyress simply took that disadvantage and broke it down. 360g to start and a potential 200g in terms of acceleration if you take the minimum. 560g, that either needs to be closed with two powerful abilities, or two mediocre ones and one gate card, but using Skyress can also activate something else. In other words, he just has an inherently big advantage.

As I recall, Shun had Raven, Falcon, and Moth. Obviously, he took out Moth. So, playing Raven, Falcon, and Skyress... yeah, he's quite capable of pushing force.

In short, the guy's tactics were no different from those of the others in the top - pure power pressure.

With his bakugans, it's more obvious than ever. Almost 0 ability to manipulate the battlefield and tactics.

Okay, I ended up deciding to wait for the mask as I wanted to use something new on my opponent.


Lo and behold, 2 days later I'm already standing, mask on, outside the park, walking around again looking for my opponent.

After walking for 10 minutes, I noticed that people were giving me strange looks. You bet, the mask cost 100 dollars, very high quality, green color and looked like jade.

Apparently, because of the mass kidnapping of children, but there were almost none of the kids in the park.

It didn't take me long to get there. Soon I found one kid, a very arrogant and seemingly unpleasant type, but... in one way I liked him. Goes to my school, he'd just taken a month or so ago and put Runo in her place. 

The girl was bragging about the power of her Chaos and her cards so much that he couldn't stand it, called her a fool, and challenged her to a duel.

Tatsuya, which was his name, said he could take her out without even breaking a sweat.

Bottom line... well, Runo girl, as it turned out, is a very vulnerable girl, and after winning 3-0, the girl's eyes widened, she cried and shamefully ran away from the common corridor to her class.

Of course, the sight of the beautiful crying girl caused many "knights" to volunteer to take revenge.

Tatsuya, as a bastion of rationality, won over anyone who challenged him. It was amusing to watch his classmates take turns challenging him with confidence, and after the game, with trembling knees, they quietly waddled off to somewhere... far away.....

Of course, any giant can be broken by an army of ants. And so it was with him. After learning all his strategies backwards and forwards, Dan Darkusa challenged Tatsuya Pairusa, and it looked like Tatsuya even had a chance, as he decided to sneak in a fight without engaging in a direct confrontation by force, but "Darkus Sting, on the field" and "activate ability, colorful death" trampled him.

By the way, it was Tatsuya who bought Pyrus Dan's bakugans, and he was the one who was ruthlessly crushed with his power.

This was a major blow to Tatsuya, as he personally saw Dan get rid of all his powerful cards and bakugans, going to Darkus with "nothing".

And he defeated him...

The boy backed down then, but didn't apologize. Good for him! Okay, not about that. He decided to find more powerful Bakugans and cards. Now he's still looking.

I originally wanted to do the dirty and play with the Right of Choice gate card. That is, the idea was to stop the battle right before it was won on the enemy's 3rd Bakugan, sort of pause it, and say something like the typical online game "gg isi" or some other barb, purely for laughs, but if this kid becomes my opponent, I'll show respect.

"Guy!" I call out to him, purposely not saying his name since I'm wearing a mask, "wanna play?" I show him a bakugan card.

Tatsuya turns his gaze around to me.

"Play? I'd love to," he smiled.

It seemed I wasn't the only one who was bored.

"Bakugan, open the field of play!" we said at the same time.

My opponent decided not to mince words and immediately entered the game.

"Cate card, onto the field!"

In fact, I can take any cards into battle but only use a certain amount, so now that I had procured gate cards, I had a lot to choose from.

"Gate card, onto the field!" I decided to throw a Reverse Shift (it cancels the opponent's last action).

"Bakugan to battle, Serpinoid on the field!" he threw it on his gate card.

I see Serpinoid... in general, the move is a standard one, scouting the ground so to speak.

Who to throw...

I had Vesta, Mantris and Bee with me.

No, why? Yeah, Bee's almost out of cards, but I'll make up for it with Ventus' own cards.

Okay, we'll feel the ground too.

"Bakugan to battle, Ventus Bee to the field!"

"Bee?..." I seemed to surprise my opponent. "Are you sure?" he looked at me suspiciously.

Well, of course, his invitation I cowardly avoided and threw a Bakugan on my gate card. I just want to see what he throws out next.

"Okay... gate card, onto the field! Bakugan to battle, Mantris to the field! Activate ability card, puppet!"

Throwing it clearly at his new gate card.

They're not going to wait for me? Attack right away?

A huge mantis-like monster with a pair of slashes and eyes that clearly tracked every action on the battlefield, suddenly put his slashes forward, from them came out fiery strands of energy that quickly bound my Bee and directed it to Serpinoid.

We have to save the situation... or do we? My Bee's power is greater...

"Gate card to the field, Bakugan to battle!" flashing my Mantris to the recharge card. Why this gate card? I probably can't hold this Bakugan, and Tatsuya will definitely spend his cards on it. In short, I'll be able to knock out 1-2 cards.

We simultaneously started to act at the same time.

"Open the gate card, Ring of Fire!"

[Battlefield Power Change: 350g and 320g+80g]

[Battlefield Power  Change: 350g and 400g]

"Activate ability card, reverse thrust!"

Only Serpinoid was embraced by a ring of flame, my Bee shivered, and the red snake lunged to attack, opening its fangs wide as my Bakugan disappeared in a glow and returned to my hand.

"Hey..." - Tatsuya made a grimace.

"Activate the ability card, puppet!" shouted I.

Mantris obeyed and did the same thing as the recent enemy, but only with a green energy color palette.

His target was... Mantris! Naturally, Pyrus' change-capable Bakugan was the biggest threat to me right now. How would I know what he had up his sleeve?

And moved his bakugan to my first gate card with Reverse Change.

"Bakugan to battle, Bee to the field!"

[Battlefield Power  Change: 350g and 330g]

The corners of Tatsuya's mouth twitched. He was a bit confused as to why I didn't throw Mantris to Mantris, since I had a gate card there too.

But even though he didn't want to give up the Bakugan, he understood perfectly well that my gate card was here. In other words, I could counter his card with something, and he could use 2 more.

"Bee, engage!"

The Bakugan obeyed and flew towards the enemy in a flash, pointing a stinger at him.

Mantris wasn't a vegetarian either and crossed his slashes in front of him, waiting for his approach.

So the Bee collided with Mantris's cutters without hindrance. There was a scraping sound, a clash of forces for a while, and then Bee's stinger abruptly slipped and flew straight into the faceted yellow eyes. The Bakugan, naturally, curled up.

My Bee returned to my hand as well.
